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Creativity and Metamorphosis

Creativity and Metamorphosis

Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education: Creativity and Metamorphosis.
Proceedings of the 4th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Education Conference 2004.
Athens: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network.
Govas, N. (ed.). (2004).
ISBN 960-87317-6-3



Conference 2004 Organisation…

Nikos Govas: Creativity and Metamorphosis in Conference 2004…

PART A: Keynote Speeches

Jonothan Neelands: Drama and Transformation: how drama can help us see who we are and who we are becoming.

Shifra Schonmann: Constructing an Image in Our Head- Can Theatre Transform Reality?.

David Pammenter & Alex Mavrocordatos: On being and becoming in someone else’s world. Who calls the shots? 

Antonis Vaos: Looking for an “art education”: the involvement in the art attempt as a pedagogical act. 

Alkistis Kontoyanni: Dreams from life material to material of drama

Filia Dendrinou: Metamorphosis of mythical “Eleni”


PART B: Papers – Announcements

Anders Bäckström, Eva Stockas: Teater/Scenkonst: about the theatre orientation and new visions of the Swedish upper secondary theatre education. 

David J. Carey: Sustaining Partnership in an Arts Intervention Project for Socially Disadvantaged Children in Irish Primary Schools

Andrea Copeliovitch: Grotowski and the theatre – encounter, language and questions. 

Shu-hwa Jung: The Paradigm of Learning Community: The Reflection and Application of Theatre in Education. 

Martha Katsaridou: Teaching literature through drama.

Antonis Lenakakis: Teacher’s Drama-and-Theatre-in-Education further study and metamorphosis: A challenge of creativity in education.

Calliope Liosatou: The relation of Professional Theatre for children with primary school education: the Dutch practice in comparison to the activity of the Greek MELINA project in that field

Maria Virgílio Cambraia Lopes: On the trail of Theatre and Caricature: Metamorphosis and Creativity.

Christiane Page: Collective Creative Activities Leading To Renewed Relationships Between Pupils. 

Ekaterini Paplomata: Creative teaching and drama in the Early Years Education: the case of a nursery class

Stella Retsiou: Aesthetic cultivation as a motive power for Education and social reform. 

Helena Maria da Silva Santana, Maria do Rosário da Silva Santana: Metamorphosing art  - multimedia spectacles as new forms of art and education. 

Persephone Sextou: Theatre and social learning in schools: Preparing active citizens

Maha Shihadeh: ASHTAR - A New Perspective to Education in Palestine. 

Helen Spathari-Begliti: Traveler of life and foreign language: a play which transforms

Hellen Tsefalas: English speaking theatre in EFL– knowledge without boundaries.

Other Papers presented (no synopsis available):

Maria Frangi: Theatre in education by a project for the education.Melina project for Education and Culture: The research for a teachers’ theatre training course.

Georgina Kakoudaki: Transforming the identical look. The metamorphoses of the spitting image or why Hamlet is not always blond in the movies?  

Eleni Mellou: Creativity and dramatic play.

Simos Papadopoulos: Drama: a creative and reflective view of literature.


PART C: The Workshops / Seminars

Anna Alifraghi: Goddess’s Descend to the Underworld. 

Avra Avdi, Melina Hadjigeorgiou: Alice in the wonder-ful world of adolescence. 

Lilo Baur: "Le Jeu": Playfulness, Theatre and Movement.

Giorgos Biniaris, Smaro Grigoriadou: Choral odes from Aristophanes’ “birds” and their dramatic approach through the method of “theatrical synthesis” - Examining drama’s identity in Greek contemporary schools.

Spyros Boudouris: Nature from a theatrical point of view.

Andrea Copeliovitch: Meeting remarkable selves. 

Marta Cotrim: Capoeira as Mirror: The reflection of one’s point of view in the study and/or practice of Capoeira, a Brazilian Art Form. 

Marta Cotrim: TOPENG: Balinese traditional masked dance. 

Filia Dendrinou: A Theatrical Approach of Non-Theatrical Texts. 

Kostas Filippoglou: Physical Theatre and Improvisation. 

Eduard Georgiou & “Pandoum”: The magical “Here and now”! 

Nikos Kalogerakis: Elements on  choreographical synthesis

Kostis Kapelonis: Simple acting approaches. 

Athena Kefala: Commedia dell’ Arte: Renaissance Transformations. 

Alkistis Kondoyanni: Dream X Dream = Life. 

Vassilis Kosmopoulos, George Zafeiriou: Audio-visual workshop – Project MELINA. 

Yiannis Kourkoumelis, Emilia Papadakou: Transcribing a narration. 

Andonis Koutroumbis: MIME: from the neutral mask to the theatre of objects. 

Eleni Lampronikou: We are creatively transformed. 

Anna Lazou, Sophia Manti, Thodoris Zioutos: Archetypal Metamorphosis Play

Myrsini Lenoudia-Sakellaridi:  “Sterna” by G. Seferis in the “Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot: Word secrets – Transformations. Drama through Creative Writing

Stathis Livathinos: Elements of Acting.

Konstantina Mara, Ifigeneia Tsichla: Principles and techniques of puppetry.

Stathis Markopoulos: Shadow Theatre Workshop

Marcos Martinez: A workshop and a seminar in the Suzuki Actor Training Method.

Alex Mavrocordatos: Freedom for a change

Helen Mintsi: Searching the river of knowledge: How literature and dramatic art transform the Modern Greek language of 2nd year high school. 

Helen Moraiti: ‘Labyrinth’ – A Visual Art Activity, MELINA Project. 

Helen Moraiti: ‘Traveling Paintings’, A Visual Art Activity, MELINA project.

Kostas Moschos: The musical education through MELINA project. 

Telemachos Moudatsakis: Speech as aerodynamic phenomenon: in the light of school drama activities. 

Jonothan Neelands: Antigone. 

Jonothan Neelands: Metamorphosis and Culture.

Triantafillia (Fillio) Nikoloudi: “May I feel, as you feel?” 

David Pammenter: Devising for Transformation.

David Pammenter, Alex Mavrocordatos: Theatre for Development: Values and Transformation.

Maria Panagiotopoulou: From text to stage. 

Evangelia Papathanassiou: The Theatrical Play within a Language and a Mathematics Lesson in the Elementary School. 

Yannis Poutachidis, Catherine Poutachidou: Theatre by Children – Comprehension of characters  and concepts: Development of children and young persons’ hypocritical skills.

Korina Prevedouraki, Christine Lanara: Scenic objects and pictorial persons: Metamorphoses  of Ideas from Renaissance to contemporary world. 

Shifra Schonmann: From Human Beings to Rhinoceroses- Is there a way back? A case of transformation via theatre. 

Dimitris Sotoriou: Dance Workshop. 

Peggy Stefanidou: Pileas towards the transformations of Thetis: When the myth becomes “contemporary”

Fabio Roberto Tolledi: Theatre: craft and art.

Fabio Roberto Tolledi: The secret of Commedia del' Arte. 

Anna Tsichli: Introduction to “devised theatre”.

Takis Tzamargias: “Drama encouragement” and school’s cultural activities.

Takis Tzamargias, Nikos Govas: Drama and Myths

Stelios Vgages, Panagiotis Kyritsis: “Playing Through Theatre” in Learning Process

Yiannis Yiaples: Space, time, place:  movement and dance workshop -Project MELINA


PART D: Poster-presentations

Cross-Cultural School of Salonica/Pavlina Grekou, Maria Keramyda, Aikaterini Kouliakioti: towards a visual lingua franca at the cross-cultural high school of Thessalonica.

Environmental Education Centre of Kalamata Hellas: Drama expression as a tool of learning at the Environmental Education Centre. 

Radka Mackova, Eva Brhelova: Drama in education department at Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts Brno in connection with the present state of drama and theatre in education in schooling system in the Czech Republic. 

Marianna Maneta: Creativity and adolescence through artistic expression in secondary education.

Triantafillia (Fillio) Nikoloudi: The elaboration of the meaning of ‘empathy’ (basic principal of intercultural education) through the drama. 

Ilias Maroudas: Dramatic play- a brief guide for school teachers and animators: software.

Helena Santana, Rosário Santana: B2C (BACH2CAGE) – an art process, an educational skill. 

Kiriaki Tatidou, John Skarakis: Theatrical education and multi-cultural society- theater as factor of socialization of individuals.

Alexandra Veltsou, Yiannis Tsilafakis, Urania Zakopoulou: The school opens up to society and art: a project on European multicultural reality.

«POUPOULO»Theatrical Fine Arts Center: The voyager: Theatre education - building bridges.

Ioannis Vlachos, Konstantina Papasotiropoulou, Pinelopi Sakoveli, Eleni Zodiatou: The dramatic education as a way and a tool for the environmental education. 


PART E: Performances and Films

Takis Sarris and his Puppet:  «The road cleaner»  

Baruti Theatre Puppets:  «Love moments»   

Kerasia Samara:  «Bicycle license» musical performance.  

PANTOUM Theatre Company:  «Come…».   

Quasi Stellar/Apostolia Papadamaki Dance Company:  «Icon Skin» (work in progress). 

 Filia Dendrinou: «The Swan and the Beauty», a folk tale.  

PLEFSIS Street Theatre Company: «Nomads»



Conference 2004 Contributors’ Short Profiles.


 «Creativity and Metamorphosis»

12-13-14 March 2004 Athens, Greece

ORGANISATION:  Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network

With the collaboration of: University of Thessaly, Attica District Education Directorate, General Secretariat of Youth, MELINA Project, Filekpaideftiki Etairia/Arsakeia Schools, PanHellenic Theatre Studies Association, UNIMA Puppet Association

ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Marigold Ashwell University of Reading, Arts Council UK, Dimos Avdeliodis, film director, Giorgos Biniaris actor, theatre teacher, Filia Dendrinou, actress, theatre teacher, Kostas Filippoglou actor Theatre de Complicite teacher, Giorgos Gavalas set designer, Katia Gerou, actress, Smaro Gregoriadou music teacher, composer, Dr. Georgia Kakourou-Chroni National Gallery curator, Dr. Alkistis Kondoyanni University of Thessaly, Nikos Paizis “MELINA” project, Apostolia Papadamaki, choreographer, Takis Sarris puppeteer, John Somers University of Exeter, UK, Takis Tzamargias director, University of Athens, Dr. Antonis Vaos painter, University of Patras

ORGANISATION COMMITTEE: Dina Aidona language teacher, Filia Dendrinou theatre education project Arsakeio Schools Betty Giannouli sociology teacher, Georgina Kakoudaki theatrologist, Μary Kaldi teacher of Greek Literature, Lilian Karamitsopoulou Public Relations' Officer of the Panhellenic Theatre Studies Association, Dimitris Lampaditis ICT teacher, Christiana Lanara teacher, Theatre Education Network Executive, Jenny Karaviti secondary teacher MA Performing Arts, Sofia Kolokitha-Mazi secondary teacher, Georgia Loukopoulou secondary teacher, film director Stathis Markopoulos “Unima” Puppet Association, Anastasia Merkouri secondary teacher, Christina Ntaflou theatrologist, Adam Papaspyrou music teacher Theatre Education Network Executive, Eleftheria Pissanou secondary teacher, Yannis Sideris secondary teacher, Dr. Angeliki Syrkou cultural programmes coordinator Western Attica, Rika Vlachou General Secretariat for Youth/Education Department, Yiota Zografou secondary teacher

CONFERENCE COORDINATOR: Nikos Govas, Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network

Acknowledgements to: University of Athens, OLME Teachers Unions, Megara Municipality, METAIXMIO Editions, Arsakeio Schools, our volunteers.

Έτος Έκδοσης2004

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