Όλα τα εργαστήρια/σεμινάρια επιμόρφωσης

YouthDOCs - Documentary Theatre & Video οn Youth Culture, Personal Identity and Contemporary Reality. A Handbook for Practitioners & Teachers. [EasyDNNnews:IfExists:GalleryBackLink] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:ViewInGallery] [EasyDNNnews:EndIf:GalleryBackLink]

YouthDOCs - Documentary Theatre & Video οn Youth Culture, Personal Identity and Contemporary Reality. A Handbook for Practitioners & Teachers.

Zoniou, C. (ed.). (2016). YouthDOCs - Documentary Theatre & Video οn Youth Culture, Personal Identity and Contemporary Reality. A Handbook for Practitioners & Teachers. Athens: Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica, Greece
ISBN 978-960-86680-8
(partner: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network)


YouthDOCs - Documentary Theatre & Video οn Youth Culture, Personal Identity and Contemporary Reality.
A Handbook for Practitioners & Teachers. 

Zoniou, C. (ed.). (2016).

Athens: Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica, Greece
ISBN 978-960-86680-8
(partner: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network)



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