Ένα πρόγραμμα ευαισθητοποίησης στα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και σε θέματα προσφύγων 
με βιωματικές δραστηριότητες, τεχνικές θεάτρου και εκπαιδευτικού δράματος


η επιμόρφωση 2024-2025

Εκπαίδευση εμψυχωτών, επιμορφωτών,συντονιστών
 σεμινάρια στελεχών

Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος "κι αν ήσουν εσύ;" και της συνεχούς επιμόρφωσης των στελεχών, εμψυχωτών και επιμορφωτών του προγράμματος, το Πανελλήνιο Δίκτυο για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση οργανώνει σειρά Σεμιναρίων - Εργαστηρίων στελεχών σε θέματα διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης, εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων, θέματα που αφορούν τη προσφυγική κρίση, τεχνικές αξιοποίησης του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού του Προγράμματος, ανατροφοδότησης κ.ά. ​Παράλληλα οργανώνει σε διάφορες πόλεις σειρά "παιδαγωγικών-συντονιστικών" συναντήσεων με τοπικούς συντονιστές, εκπαιδευτικούς και στελέχη τοπικής κοινωνίας, για την οργάνωση και συντονισμό των εκπαιδευτικών δράσεων του προγράμματος στη περιοχής τους.

Εκπαίδευση στελεχών - Κι αν ήσουν εσύ;

Ημ/νίες Εκδήλωσης: 22/3/2025 9:30 πμ - 12:00 μμ Export event
Oratio Mix, intercultural dialog at school

Oratio Mix, intercultural dialog at school

Αθήνα, 22/03/2025, εργαστήριο για εκπαιδευτικούς, Noémie Besace, Bruno Freyssinet

Oratio Mix, intercultural dialog at school


Noémie Besace, artist, pedagogue, France

Bruno Freyssinet, artistic director Transplanisphère, France




At the Athens 2025 International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education"

March 21-23, 2025

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)


Language: English

Short description

Oratio Mix” is an Erasmus+ programme (KA2 School Education) that ran from 2021 to 2023 in France, Germany, Italy and Portugal, associating theatre companies and schools from these countries. For more information, visit https://www.oratiomix.com/.


Oratio mix” initiative addresses interculturality by developing a shared narrative. Through expression, storytelling and theatre it fosters dialogue and creates a collaborative creative space among students from diverse backgrounds. Along with their teachers and artist-pedagogues, students may experiment with intercultural dialogue through artistic writing and performance. This experience encourages them to tap into their creativity, appreciate the perspectives of others, and enjoy the shared creation of a story. Additionally, participants practice public speaking to convey their narratives and contribute to building a more a more inclusive, democratic and respectful society.


Workshop Structure


  • Welcome and Introduction: An Ice-breaking activity to help participants connect and feel comfortable. Presentation of the Oratio Mix approach, applicable from Kindergarten to High School, including a special focus on multi-origin refugee workshops using non-verbal methods. Participants will express their interests and expectations for the workshop

  • Typical warm-up exercises: Grounding techniques to energise participants and enhance synchronization

  • Creative Writing Exercises: Practical examples of image theatre and an introduction to the “heroes’ journey” within the methodology

  • -Creation of Subgroups: Participants choose a method to explore and engage in a creative process within different groups

  • Group Work: Under the guidance of facilitators, participants will follow a step-by-step process from a brainstorming to a staging. , with intermediate sharing to track various pathways

  • Sharing and Reflection: Participants are invited to share their feelings about the method and how it connects to their own practices

  • Group Reflection: A collaborative discussion on the overall experience


Everybody is welcome to join this workshop, regardless of theatre background.
Please note that the workshop includes exercises that may involve physical contact.




Noémie Besace is an artist and pedagogue and lead designer of the Oratio Mix method. She has been associated with Transplanisphère France since 2017 and has contributed to many European projects addressed to youth and teachers. She is also stage director for the international youth project Europefiction (europefiction.org).


Bruno Freyssinet is the artistic director of La Transplanisphere, an art company based in Paris. Since 2010, the company has designed and managed international cooperation projects supported by the European Commission focusing on theatre, intercultural dialogue, international mobility, and education. Over the past few years, the company developed five cooperation projects with Greek organizations.





