Theatre in Mathematics ^2 (TiM^2)
Teaching mathematics using drama

An Erasmus+ project (KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education)

DURATION: 1/9/2023-31/8/2026

OBJECTIVES : TIM^2 project's purpose is to overcome the obstacles in the way of teaching and learning mathematics at EU level. The main objective is to design a teaching methodology and evaluation tools to be used by teachers and educators. The methodological focus is on the enhancement of mathematical skills of the students of primary and lower secondary schools through the combination of drama based methodologies such as Social Community Theatre and Process Drama
ACTIVITIES: The main activity is the implementation of TIM^2 methodology, tools and exercises and the design of a set of evaluation tools allowing to evaluate to what extent the methodology is useful to favour the acquisition of maths skills and to increase students and teachers wellbeing. In Italy, Norway, Greece and Portugal the methodology is spread through training for trainers and training for teachers. In the four countries a theatrical conference about gender gap and maths learning is staged.
RESULTS: A methodology handbook with theory and activities and the evaluation system. An e-learning platform with a repository of materials and tools and a virtual space for teachers to confront and share lessons and good practices. The TIM^2 ontology: a digital tool to create customised sets of activities to empower specific mathematical skills. 5 scientific articles. Six national dissemination seminars. At least 600 teachers are trained, about 9000 students reached by TIM^2 activities

Consorzio per la ricerca e l educazione permanente Torino (COREP) Italy (Co-ordinator)
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR) (Italy) 
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences  (HVL), Norway
Technical University of Crete, Dep. of Electronics and Computer Engineering, (TUC) Greece
The Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), Greece
Albi Asta (ASTA), Portugal

The Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) TiM^2  Team
Coordination: Dimitris Konetas (Local Project Coordinator), Vassia Kossiva (Local Project Manager)
Consultans: Nikos Govas, Giorgos Bekiaris / ++306541600



SCT Centre | COREP (Italy) (Co-ordinator Partner)

HVL (Norway)
DoRS (Ιταλία)
ASTA (Πορτογαλία)
TUC (Greece)


EU Programme: Erasmus+

Year: 2023-2026





Actions (in Greece)

Το «Πρόγραμμα TIM2 (Θέατρο και Μαθηματικά): Αξιοποιώντας τεχνικές του θεάτρου για τη διδασκαλία των μαθηματικών»

Χιλιομόδι Κορινθίας, 24/8/2024, εργαστήριο για εκπαιδευτικούς, Θοδωρής Παράσχου, Γιώργος Μπεκιάρης, Δημήτρης Κονετάς

TiM2-Theatre in Mathematics2

Patras Greece, 1/6/2024 students workshop at 36th Primary School Patras

TiM2-Theatre in Mathematics2

Patras Greece, 25/5/2024 students workshop at 36th Primary School Patras

TiM2-Theatre in Mathematics2

Patras Greece, 18/5/2024 students workshop at 36th Primary School Patras

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) students' workshop

Chania Greece 14/5/2024 students' workshop 1st Experimental Gymnasio of Chania Crete Greece

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) students' workshop

Chania Greece 26/4/2024 students' workshop 1st Experimental Gymnasio of Chania Crete Greece

TiM2-Theatre in Mathematics2

Patras Greece, 26/4/2024 students workshop at 36th Primary School Patras

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) students' workshop

Chania Greece 22/4/2024 students' workshop 1st Experimental Gymnasio of Chania Crete Greece

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) students' workshop

Chania Greece 19/4/2024 students' workshop 1st Experimental Gymnasio of Chania Crete Greece

TiM2-Theatre in Mathematics2

Patras Greece, 19/4/2024 students workshop at 36th Primary School Patras

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) students' workshop

Chania Greece 15/4/2024 students' workshop 1st Experimental Gymnasio of Chania Crete Greece

TheatreInMathematics2 (TiM^2) students' workshop

Chania Greece 12/4/2024 students' workshop 1st Experimental Gymnasio of Chania Crete Greece

TiM2-Theatre in Mathematics2

Patras Greece, 12/4/2024 students workshop at 36th Primary School Patras