Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

“I – You – We: Tapping into Creative Partnership through I-TAP-PD”

“I – You – We: Tapping into Creative Partnership through I-TAP-PD”

Athens, 1/7/2023, workshop, ITAP Conference, Caroline Conway, Bríd Ní Raghallaigh, Jenny Buggie,Tralee Catherine Sheridan, Vera McGrath,

Ημ/νίες Εκδήλωσης: 1/7/2023 3:30 μμ - 5:30 μμ Export event


Conference: Sustainable models of Teacher - Artist Partnerships (TAP) in 21st century Education:
communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity

Athens, Greece, Friday 30th June, Saturday 1st July and Sunday 2nd July 2023 (site specific event)



Saturday 1st July 2023 at Serafio City of Athens

“I – You – We: Tapping into Creative Partnership through I-TAP-PD”

Caroline Conway, Visual Artist, Arts Worker,
Bríd Ní Raghallaigh, 
TAP facilitator, Galway Education Centre,
Jenny Buggie, 
Advisor for Arts and Creativity in Education-Department of Education,  The Education Centre, Tralee 
Catherine Sheridan 
drama lecturer, facilitator, director, playwright, actor, producer, project manager, arts consultant, 
Vera McGrath, visual artist, freelance researcher and former primary teacher

Where am I in this and where are you? How do we create a “we”? Join the Irish Teacher Artist Partnership+ team of artists and educators as they explore relationship building through creative engagement in I-TAP-PD. The workshop will explore the initiatives methodologies, findings and outcomes through visual art, drama, social play and fun. Workshop activities are useful for creative practitioners and educators who work with children, young people and adults. Join us, you know you want to!


Caroline Conway is a Visual Artist and Arts Worker she has many years’ experience in primary and post primary schools as part of the Artist in Schools Scheme and with Creative Engagements. As well as being a lead tutor with the Artist Teacher Partnership, Caroline is an Arts Council Creative Associate for Creative Schools. As a visual arts maker she has an interest in creating and showing work outside the traditional gallery, with a particular focus on work in the public realm.

Bríd Ní Raghallaigh is a graduate of St. Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin (B.Ed.) and University of Galway ( formally N.U.I.G.)(LLB and LLM in Public Law.) Bríd has facilitated at Galway Education centre since the inception of Teacher Artist Partnership CPD there in 2015 and on the development of I-TAP, the international model. She represented teachers in Connacht/Ulster on the Teaching Council. As a native Irish speaker, songwriter and children’s drama enthusiast, her passions lie in the development of the Irish language and the integration of the Arts in Education.

Jenny Buggie works with the Department of Education & The Education Centre, Tralee as an advisor for Arts and Creativity in Education and is seconded from Holy Family Junior School, Portlaoise. She is a member of the Teacher Artist Partnership Design Team and I-TAP-PD Erasmus+ initiative. Her Masters thesis explored teacher identity in practice during change. Jenny is passionate about supporting teachers, artists, and children in working together in partnership and relationship to create arts rich learning in arts rich spaces.

Catherine Sheridan is a drama lecturer, facilitator, director, playwright, actor, producer, project manager, arts consultant, and mentor. For over two decades Catherine has created, designed, and implemented a wide range of Arts in Education programmes for both primary and secondary schools as well as private facilitation work. Catherine is the National Trainer for Creative Clusters, Tutor & Facilitator of TAP, Creative Associate with Creative Schools works in various capacities for a number of national organisations and government agencies.

Vera McGrath is a qualified a primary teacher who attended the National College of Art and Design NCAD, Dublin, part-time.  In 2001, she left teaching to work full time as an artist. In 2006, she undertook a half-time teaching post in Special Education while continuing in art. Returning to NCAD, she was awarded an MA in Visual Art Education (2011). Vera has been active in teacher Professional Development (PD) for 15 years and she was one of the original cohort who piloted TAP in Ireland in 2014. She remains a core member of the TAP development team. In 2018, she wrote a research report for Dublin City Arts Office on the impact of artist-in-residence practices on Early Childhood education and trained as a Visual Thinking Strategies facilitator. Retired from teaching, she has returned to her art practice and works as a TAP artist in schools.


Κατηγορία Δράσης
  • Επιμορφωτικά Σεμινάρια - Εργαστήρια
  • I-TAP
  • 2023 γ΄τρίμηνο
  • Αθήνα
  • Ομάδα Συντονιστικού ΟΠΙ

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