International Conference 2006

Theatre/Drama and Education: Creating New Roles for the 21st century

The 5th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Performing Arts Education Conference is organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre Education Association-IDEA and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions.


Names of all Conference 2006 contributors

Names and Cv’s of Keynote Speakers, Presenters, Workshop Facilitators, Academic Committee, Organisation Committee

(in alphabetical order)

• Heleni Achilleos, story teller, educator, The Fabulists Company of storytellers, UK/Hellas

• Jaffar Sidek bin Ahmad, musical director, Arts Atria, Singapore

• Ilianna Antoniou, musician, music teacher, Hellas

• David Antzel, actor, MA in applied drama, Hellas

• Iman Aoun, artistic director, actress, drama trainer, ASHTAR Theater, Palestine

• Patricia Apergi, drama teacher, choreographer, Hellas

• Maria G. Argiriou, teacher of Musical Education, Hellas

• Marigold Ashwell, Arts Consultant (Drama) Director of Hands On CPDA, UK

• Nick Ashwell, Lecturer, University of Reading, UK

• Dimos Avdeliodis, film director, Hellas

• Chara Bakonikola, Professor, Theatre Studies Department, University of Athens, Hellas

• Noraini Bakri, Language & Literature teacher, St. Margaret’s Secondary school, Singapore

• Julia Balaska, political scientist, social psychologist (D.E.A.), dramaturgy method expert, Hellas

• Vaso Barboussi, Professor, Theatre Studies Department, University of Peloponnesus, Hellas

• Dan Baron-Cohen, Arts educator, writer, President of IDEA, Wales/Brasil

• Lilo Baur, actress, Théâtre de Complicité teacher, Switzerland /UK

• Augustine Bazaale, Lecturer, Makerere University, Uganda

• Yorgos P. Biniaris, director, Hellas

• David Carrey, Coordinator of special education and programme development, Froebel College of Education, Dublin, Ireland

• Carol Carter, Qualification Coordinator, Lecturer, University of Fort Hare, South Africa

• Aurelija Ceredaite, actress, theatre director, play writer, Theatre “Zalia varna” Lithuania

• Ava Chalkiadaki,  Language teacher, Hellas

• Pavlos Charamis, teacher, KEMETE Centre for Research and Documentation of the Federation of Secondary School Teachers of Greece

• Nassia Choleva, theatrologist, Applied Drama facilitator, Hellas

• Vassilis Cosmopoulos, film director, Hellas

• Sead Djulic, theatre director, Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia i Herzegovina

• Kriszta  Doczy, director, Australia

• Kyriaki Doxara, actress, puppeteer, Hellas

• Clio Fanouraki, theatre teacher, actress, Hellas

• Kostas Filippoglou, actor, Théâtre de Complicité teacher, Hellas

• Mario Gallo, theatre director, educator, author, Teatro Ricerche, Italy

• Edward Georgiou, set designer, Cyprus

• Kostas Georgousopoulos, theatre critic, filologist, Hellas

• Argyro Gialamprinou, President of Panhellenic Scientific Association of Theatrologists, Hellas

• Betty Giannouli, sociologist, Hellenic Theatre/ Drama & Education Network Executive, Hellas

• Nikos Govas, President of Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network

• Theodore Grammatas, Prof. Education Department University of Athens, Hellas

• Smaro C. Grigoriadou, musician, Hellas

• Antigone Gyra, choreographer, Hellas

• Armin Joha Hadzimusic actor, Drama pedagogue, Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia i Herzegovina

• Patrick Horsley, facilitator, musician, poet, Founder OrgoMovement, UK

• Georgina Kakoudaki, theatrologist, Visiting Professor in University of Patras, Hellas

• Georgia Kakourou-Chroni, National Gallery Curator, Hellas

• Μary Kaldi, teacher, Hellenic Theatre/ Drama & Education Network Executive, Hellas

• Xenia Kalogeropoulpou, actress, Hellas

• Panagiotis  G. Kampylis, educator, Finland/Hellas

• Jenny Karaviti, teacher, Hellenic Theatre/ Drama & Education Network Executive, Hellas

• Marilena Kavada, dance instructor, choreographer, Hellas

• Hui-Ling Koh, associate artistic director, NeNeMas/Education Arm of Drama Box, Singapore

• Heng-Leun Kok, artistic director, Drama Box, Singapore

• Alkistis Kontoyanni, Associate Professor, Preschool Education, University of Thessaly, Hellas

• Eva Konstantaraki, MA Theatre for Development, Hellas

• Georgios Kormanos, actor, director, Hellas

• Manto Kouretzi, kindergarden teacher, Playing Through Theatre animator, Hellas

• Thanassis Koutsogiannis, Language teacher, Hellas

• Stelios Krasanakis, psychotherapist, dramatherapist, Dramatherapy Institute “Aeon”, Hellas

• Marie Kruger,  Senior Lecturer, Department of Drama, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

• Wasim Y.M. al-Kurdi, acting director, Qattan Centre for Educational Research and Development, Palestine

• Sofia Lampridou, theatrologist, MA in Applied Drama, Hellas

• Christina Lanara, teacher of French Language, Hellas

• Efrossini Lazou, Drama teacher, member of the Board of the Panhellenic Association of Educational Drama, Hellas

• MinEr Lee, Drama and English Language teacher, Anderson Secondary School, Singapore

• MayYee Lee (Sally Tong), Drama and English Language teacher, Anderson Secondary School, Singapore

• Maria Leonida, film director, Hellas

• Maro Liatsou, Drama teacher, Hellas

• Stathis Livathinos, director, National Theatre, Hellas

• Georgia Loukopoulou, teacher, film director, Hellas

• Maria Lourou, secondary school teacher, educational theatre practitioner, Hellas

• Valia Loutrianaki, teacher of rhetoric in Arsakeio School, Hellas

• Kok Wai Low, creative director, Arts Atria, Singapore

• Ioanna Mamakouka, theatrologist, Hellas

• Margarita Μandaka, choreographer, dance teacher, Hellas

• Maria Manthela, actress, theatre researcher, philologist, Hellas

• Stathis Markopoulos, puppeteer, Ayusaya! Puppet Theatre, Hellas

• Ghonche Materego, Eastern Africa Theatre Institute, Tanzania

• Alex Mavrocordatos, Senior Lecturer, cdcArts, University of Winchester, UK 

• Sandra Mavroides, actress, Hellas

• Natasha Merkouri, secondary teacher, Hellenic Theatre/ Drama & Education Network Executive, Hellas

• Tamar Meskin, Lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

• Anna Misopolinou, theatrologist, PhD University of London, Hellas

• Thomas Moschopoulos, director, Hellas

• George Moschos, Deputy Ombudsman for Children’s Rights Hellas

• Telemachos Moudatsakis, Professor, University of Crete, Hellas

• Christina Mouratidou, actress, Drama pedagogue, Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia i Herzegovina

• Nena Mouratoglou-Papageorgiou, dancer, choreographer, Hellas

• Alexandra Mouriki, Assistant Professor, University of Patras, Hellas

• Becky Nastou-Bloom, visual artist, Hellas

• Jonothan Neelands, Senior Lecturer, Drama Education, Warwick University, UK

• Fillio  Nicoloudi, infant school teacher, Author, drama teacher, Hellas

• Stefanos Ntalasis, director, actor, art director, Hellas

• Nick Owen, University of Hull, UK

• Christiane Page, Maître de Conférences, HDR, Université d’Artois, France

• Christina Pagoureli, President Hellenic Center of International Theatre Institute,Hellas

• Dave Pammenter, Principal Lecturer, cdcArts, University of Winchester, UK

• Maria Panagiotopoulou, Language & Drama teacher, Hellas

• Apostolia Papadamaki, choreographer, performer, President National Dance School, member of the Board of Center for Ancient Greek Drama, Hellas

• Simos Papadopoulos, Ph.D, educator, theatre animator, Hellas

• Evangelia Papageorgiou, theatrologist, Aristoteleian University of Thessaloniki, Hellas

• Nikiforos Papandreou, Professor, Aristoteleian University of Thessaloniki, Hellas

• Adam Papaspyrou, musician, secondary teacher, Hellas

• Chryssoula-Chryssovalandou Papastathi, primary teacher, Chair Panellenic Association of Educational Drama, Hellas

• Antigoni Paroussi, Lecturer, Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Athens, Hellas

• Stelios Pelasgos, storyteller, Hellas

• Gianna Pitouli,  Drama teacher, primary school teacher, Hellas

• Ilias Pitsikas, Drama activity teacher, Hellas

• Giannis Poutachidis, Drama teacher, Hellas

• Catherine Poutachidou, Drama teacher, Hellas

• Tim Prentki, Professor of Theatre for Development, University of Winchester, UK

• Korina Preveduraki, painter, Art teacher, Hellas

• Charlene Rajendran, Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

• Subhash Rawat, actor-teacher, T.I.E.Co., National School of Drama, India

• Nikos Repoulios, graphic designer –illustrator–animator, Hellas

• Maria Revelaki, secondary school teacher, actress, Hellas

• Dimitris Sakatzis, actor, director, Hellas

• Miltos Sakellariou, Prevention Counselor, Prevention Center “Thiseas Cyklades”, Syros Isl, Hellas

• Dimitris Sarris, Culture and Technology Laboratory, Department of Traditional and Popular Music, Technological, Educational Institute of Epirus, Hellas 

• Persephone Sextou, Ph.D. in Drama and Theatre-in-Education, Hellas

• Yannis Sfiris, musician, Hellas

• Yannis Sideris, secondary teacher, Hellas

• John Somers, Honorary Fellow, University of Exeter, UK

• Manoela Souza, Arts educator, Brazil  

• Eleni Spathari, Head Educational Consultant, Ministry of Education/Attica Regional Education Directorate, Hellas

• Dimitris Spyrou, film director CAMERA ZIZANIO Festival, Hellas

• Irini Stamouli, theatrologist, Hellas

• Paul Stang, teacher, artist, Czech Republic/USA

• Evanthia Stivanaki, Assistant Professor, Theatre Studies Department, University of Athens, Hellas

• Triona Stokes, Assistant Lecturer, University of Limerick, Ireland

• Εleni Svoronou, author of children’s books, Hellas

• Jeffrey Tan, director of TheatreWorks, Singapore

• Joyce Tan, Lecturer, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore

• Sanja Krsmanovic Tasic, actress, youth program coordinator, DAH Theatre Research Centre, Serbia

• Menis Theodoridis, film director-media in education, MELINA Project, Hellas

• Vasilis Tselfes, Ass. Professor Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Athens, Hellas,

• Asterios Tsiaras, Guest Professor, University of Peloponnesus, Hellas,

• Anna Tsichli, dramaturge, theatre director, Hellas

• Dina Tsolaki, Cultural Projects Coordinator Chalkidiki, Hellas

• Takis Tzamargias, director, University of Athens, Hellas

• Antonis Vaos, Assistant Professor, University of Patras, Hellas,

• Alexandra Vasilopoulou, Language teacher, Hellas

• Chjiraporn Oringa Vathanasin, Arts administrator, Arts Atria, Singapore

• Anthony Ventouris, PhD in language teaching methodology, Hellas,

• Stelios Vgages, teacher, animator P.T.T., Hellas

• Dimitris Vintzileos, Facilitator & Human Resources Management Consultant, Hellas

• Koldobika G. Vío, University of Ramon Llull, Spain

• Rika Vlachou, General Secretariat for Youth/Education Department, Hellas

• Kostas Voros, teacher, Hellas

• Tanya van der Walt, Lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

• Lise Westaway, Lecturer, University of Fort Hare, South Africa

• Joe Winston, Senior Lecturer, University of Warwick, UK

• Jennifer Wong, English and Drama teacher, CHIJ Katong Convent, Singapore

• Hala al-Yamani, Assistant Professor, Drama in Education, Bethlehem University, Palestine

• Christos Zachopoulos, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Hellas

• George Zafiriou, teacher, Hellas

• Anna Zevelaki, mime performer, Hellas

• Lia Zografou, dramatherapist, Hellas

• Christina Zoniou, theatrologist, director and theatre educator, University of Peloponnesus, Hellas

• Dimitris Zorbalas, actor, director, founder of “Anima Cognition Theatre”, Hellas

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