International Conference 2006

Theatre/Drama and Education: Creating New Roles for the 21st century

The 5th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Performing Arts Education Conference is organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre Education Association-IDEA and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions.


Saturday March 18, 2006 Schedule


SATURDAY 09.00-10.30
Paper Presentations

Language: English/Greek (interpretation)

Chair: Georgina Kakoudaki, University of Patras, Hellas

  • Charlene Rajendran, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    “Performing among shadows and screens: reflections on teaching aesthetics and theatre in Southeast Asia”
  • Kostas Georgousopoulos, theatre critic, philologist, Hellas
    “The Koun Syndrom”
  • Tim Prentki, Professor of Theatre for Development, University of Winchester, UK
    “Breaks for Play”

SATURDAY 11.00 – 13.30
Paper Presentations and Workshops (several rooms)

SAT. 11.00 – 13.30 (Main Theatre) Paper-Presentations

Language: English/Greek (interpretation)

Chair: Antigoni Parousi, University of Athens, Hellas

  • David Carrey, Froebel College of Education, Dublin Ireland
    “Perceptions of Self and Other: the Role of the Creative Arts in Healing the Wounded Child”
  • George Moschos, Deputy Ombudsman for Children’s Rights, Hellas
    “Drama as a means of communication for the education in children’s rights”
  • Jeffrey Tan, TheatreWorks, Singapore, & MayYee Lee (Sally Tong) and MinEr Lee teachers from Anderson Secondary School, Singapore
    “Artist in school. Focusing on creating a curriculum for character development through drama”
  • Augustine Bazaale, Makerere University, Uganda
    “An evaluation of the role of theatrical learning in public information communication”
  • Lise Westaway & Carol Carter, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
    “Educating learner-teachers for the 21st century: What role should Drama in Education play?"
  • Irini Stamouli &Giorgos Biniaris, Regional Municipal Theatre of North Aegean, Hellas
    “Foreign Land in the North Aegean”.

Workshops (in various rooms)

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Ground Floor Foyer) an Installation-Workshop, Greek/English
Eduardos Georgiou designer, & PANDOUM Theatre Co, Hellas/Cyprus
“To wave and to embroider! To write and to design! Wanting to tell a story”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 010) Workshop 5 hours -English language (to be cont’ after lunch)
Joe Winston, Senior Lecturer, University of Warwick, UK
“Developing children’s creativity through drama”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 003) Workshop 5 hours - English language (to be cont’ after lunch)
John Somers, University of Exeter, UK
“Drama and Ritual”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 002) Workshop 5 hours - English language (to be cont’ after lunch)
Dan Baron-Cohen, arts educator, writer, President of IDEA, Wales/Brasil
“Transformance: Transforming education into intimate theatres of solidarity, cooperation and the performance of personal and community self-determination”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 020A) Workshop2,5 hours - English Language
Mario Gallo, theatre director, educator, author, Teatro Ricerche, Italy
“Picasso Theatre – the interculture of languages in the propaedeutics to Commedia dell’Arte”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 020Β) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Alex Mavrocordatos, Senior lecturer, cdcArts, University of Winchester, UK 
“Improvisation, Criticality and the Key to a New Door” 

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 302) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Georgina Kakoudaki, theatrologist, visiting professor in University of Patras, Hellas
“From Brecht to me: Can I do a school theatre performance in a way I hadn’t thought of?”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 303) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Nikos Repoulios, graphic designer –illustrator–animator, Hellas
“Introduction to the basics of animation and its application in educational process”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 305) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Stathis Markopoulos, puppeteer, Ayusaya! Puppet Theatre, Hellas
“Paper Giants”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room  306) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek/English language
Sandra Mavroides, actress, Hellas
“Discipline, a nice game”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 314) Workshop  2.5 hours - Greek language
Ilianna Antoniou, musician-music teacher, Hellas
“Seeking beyond the stars: workshop of music & dance improvisation”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 315) Workshop  2.5 hours - Greek language
Maro Liatsou, drama teacher, Hellas
“The one who says yes” and “the one who says no”: from Brecht’s plays to political consciousness

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 316) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Patrick Horsley, facilitator, musician, poet, Founder OrgoMovement, UK
“The non-verbal voice and the Spirit of Play”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 317) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Menis Theodoridis, film director-media in education, MELINA Project,
Vassilis Cosmopoulos, George Zafiriou photographer, Hellas
“Audiovisual education I: Production of audiovisual product”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 404) Workshop 5 hours - English language (to be continued)
Iman Aoun, artistic director, actress, drama trainer, ASHTAR Theater, Palestine
“Forum Theatre - an easy technique for difficult conflicts”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 405) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Heng-Leun Kok, artistic director,
Hui-Ling Koh, associate artistic director, NeNeMas/Education Arm of Drama Box, Singapore
“Search for COPS & Rainbows: Theatre Interventions in Life”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 407) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Dimitris Sarris, Culture and Technology Laboratory, Department of Traditional and Popular Music, Technological, Educational Institute of Epirus., Hellas   “Body - sounding body: rhythm-kinetic education and musicality, centered on percussion”   

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 408) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Kriszta Doczy, director, Australia
“Creativity does not save us from being boring; Imagination does”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 409) Workshop 2.5 hours -Greek language
Anna Zevelaki, mime performer, Hellas
“Corporeal Mime Workshop – Etienne Decroux’s Technique”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 410) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Dimitris Zorbalas, actor-director, founder of “Anima Cognition Theatre”, Hellas
“When Art’s ‘Mischievousness’ meets School ‘Discipline’. Creatively reaching educational goals”

SAT 11.00 – 13.30 (Room 411) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Stefanos Ntalasis, director, actor, Maria Manthela, actress, theatre researcher, philologist, Hellas
“Low flights: Comics and Performance”

SATURDAY 15.00 – 17.30
Paper Presentations and Workshops (several rooms)

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Main Theatre) Paper-Presentations
Language: English/Greek (interpretation)

Chair: Alexandra Mouriki, University of Patras, Hellas

  • Nick Owen, University of Hull, UK
    “The infectious outsider:  Towards pedagogy for artist educators”
  • ​Triona Stokes, University of Limerick, Ireland
    “Exploring ‘Irishness’; Examining the Relationship between Celtic Mythology, Drama and Cultural Identity”
  • Georgia Kakourou-Chroni, National Gallery Curator, Hellas
    “Expressing colour through body language”
  • Marie Kruger, Department of Drama, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
    “The puppeteer and his art in theatre as social intervention and the development of human potential”
  • Stelios Pelasgos, storyteller, Hellas
    “Educating the multiple intelligence of the storyteller”
  • Joyce Tan, Singapore Polytechnic
    “Making drama work”

Workshops (in various rooms)

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Ground Floor Foyer) an Installation-Workshop - Greek/English
Eduardos Georgiou designer, & PANDOUM Theatre Co, Hellas/Cyprus
“To wave and to embroider! To write and to design! Wanting to tell a story”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 010) Workshop 5 hours - English language (continued)
Joe Winston, Senior Lecturer, University of Warwick, UK
“Developing children’s creativity through drama”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 003) Workshop 5 hours - English language (continued)
John Somers, University of Exeter, UK
“Drama and Ritual” 

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 002) Workshop 5 hours - English language (continued)
Dan Baron-Cohen, arts educator, President of IDEA, Wales/Brasil
“Transformance: Transforming education into intimate theatres of solidarity, cooperation and the performance of personal and community self-determination”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room  020A) Workshop 5 hours - English language (continued)
Marigold Ashwell, Arts Consultant (Drama) Director of Hands On CPDA, UK
Nick Ashwell, Lecturer, University of Reading, UK
“Working with Young People as Partners in Learning”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 020Β) Workshop 5 hours - English language (continued)
Lilo Baur, actress, Théâtre de Complicité teacher, Swiss/UK
"Le Jeu": Playfulness”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 302) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Fillio Nicoloudi, infant school teacher, Author, Drama teacher, Hellas
“Bias, stereotypes and the ‘other’”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 303) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Valia Loutrianaki, teacher of rhetoric in Arsakeio School, Hellas
“Rhetoric through the Curriculum”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 305) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Thomas Moschopoulos, director, Hellas
“Group and Communication principles in theatre”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 306) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Evanthia Stivanaki, Theatre Studies Department, University of Athens, Hellas
“The dramatic density and theatricality of the Greek short story”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 314) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Dimitris Vintzileos, facilitator and Human Resources Management consultant, Hellas
“Dealing with Self Perception and Self Image”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 315) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Ioanna Mamakouka, Hellas
“The fairytale: reading, narration, dramatization”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 316) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Subhash Rawat, actor-teacher, T.I.E.Co, .National School of Drama, India
“Bringing Life to the Classroom”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 317) Workshop2.5 hours - Greek language
Menis Theodoridis, film director-media in education, MELINA Project,
Vassilis Cosmopoulos film director,
Maria Leonida film director, Hellas
“Audiovisual education II: Study and development of existing audiovisual products”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 404) Workshop 5 hours - English language
Iman Aoun, artistic director, actress, drama trainer, ASHTAR Theatre, Palestine
“Forum Theatre - an easy technique for difficult conflicts”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 405) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Wasim Y.M. al-Kurdi, acting director, Qattan Centre for Educational Research and Development, Palestine
“The Third Meaning: A woman and her olive tree”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 407) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Julia Balaska, political scientist, social psychologist (D.E.A.), systemic consultant, dramaturgy method expert, Hellas
“Dramaturgy Workshop «Genathlon»: a tool for the personal evolution and the social intervention”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 408) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Marilena Kavada, dance instructor, choreographer, Hellas
“Travelling through…the melodious paths of the world!”

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 409) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Smaro C. Grigoriadou, musician,
Yorgos P. Biniaris, director,
Evi Mane, theatre pedagogue, Hellas
“Antigone”, a study on the autonomous: Choral odes from Sophocles’ "Antigone" and their inner melodic, rhythmic and metric structure. A dramatic approach.

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 410) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Stelios Vgages, teacher- animator P.T.T., Hellas
“Playing Through Theatre and a cognitive subject: "Once upon a time in a garden....the absolute numbers"

SAT 15.00 – 17.30 (Room 411) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Efrossini Lazou, drama teacher, member of the Board of the Panhellenic Association of Educational Drama, Hellas
“The School Bag”

SATURDAY 18.00 – 20.30
Paper Presentations and Workshops, Student films (several rooms)

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 010) Paper Presentations, Student Films

Language: Greek

Chair: Stathis Markopoulos UNIMA-Hellas & Georgia Loukopoulou, teacher, film director, Hellas

  • Stathis Markopoulos, puppeteer, UNIMA-Hellas
    “Violence and Death in theatre performance for the kids: The vital ritual against political correctness and the patrons of the children’s soul.
  • Antigoni Paroussi, Lecturer, Vasilis Tselfes, Associate Professor of Science Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Athens, Hellas
    “Crossing the borders” between Science and Shadow Theatre: the case of light
  • Visual-Media Education: Films-Photography: round table discussion and student films
    • Chair: Georgia Loukopoulou, teacher, film director, Hellas
      • In conversation: Menis Theodoridis, film director, MELINA Project, Dimitris Spyrou, film director CAMERA ZIZANIO Festival, Kostas Voros, teacher,  Nikos Repoulios, graphic designer –illustrator–animator, Hellas

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 003) Paper-Presentations

Language: Greek

Chair: Stelios Vgages, teacher, Hellas

  • Maria G. Argiriou, teacher of Musical Education P.E., Union of Teachers of Musical Education in Primary Schools (EEMAPE), Hellas,
    “Musicokinetics and Drama: Two creative tools in the hands of modern teacher”
  • Efrossini Lazou, drama teacher, member of the Board of the Panhellenic Association of Educational Drama, Hellas
    “On the traces of an institution: The Drama/Theatre Education in the Greek All-Day Primary School”
  • Manto Kouretzi, kindergarden teacher, Playing Through Theater animator, Aesthetics Education Issue Specialist, Hellas
    "Playing Through Theater» as a means of awakening of critical thought and creative imagination.
  • Asterios Tsiaras, University of Peloponnesus, Hellas,
    “The contribution of dramatic play in the development of child’s self-awareness in primary school”
  • Evangelia Papageorgiou, Department of Primary Education, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Hellas
    “Make- believe games in Education: expression, communication, collective conscience”
  • Anna Misopolinou, theatrologist, PhD University of London, Hellas
    “Avant-garde Techniques in Theatre: applications for the Elementary and Secondary School”


SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Ground Floor Foyer) an Installation-Workshop, Greek/English
Eduardos Georgiou designer, & PANDOUM Theatre Co, Hellas/Cyprus
“To wave and to embroider! To write and to design! Wanting to tell a story”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 002) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Dave Pammenter, Principal Lecturer, cdcArts, University of Winchester, UK
“I, Myself, The Others And The Circling Of Vultures” 

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 020A) Workshop 5 hours - English language (continued)
Marigold Ashwell, Arts Consultant (Drama) Director of Hands On CPDA, UK
Nick Ashwell, Lecturer, University of Reading, UK
“Working with Young People as Partners in Learning”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 020B) Workshop 5 hours, English language (continued)
Lilo Baur, actress, Théâtre de Complicité teacher, Swiss/UK
"Le Jeu": Playfulness”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 302) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Eva Konstantaraki, MA Theatre for Development, Hellas
“Personal histories, memories, experiences as creators of useful knowledge”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 303) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Maria Lourou, secondary school teacher, educational theatre practitioner,
Maria Revelaki, secondary school teacher, actress, Hellas
“TIE Programmes: living, alternative, participatory, interactive, interventional, educational theatre in schools”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 305) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Stelios Krasanakis, psychotherapist, dramatherapist, Dramatherapy Institute “Aeon”, Hellas
“The leaves (genders) of the sexuality tree”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 306) Workshop2.5 hours - Greek language
Clio Fanouraki, theatre teacher, actress, Hellas
“Performing the city”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 309) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Εleni Svoronou, author of children’s books,
Alexandra Vasilopoulou, language teacher, Hellas
“Storytelling, theatre play, and drama in Environmental Education: the case of the cicado Pericles”

 SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 310) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Thanassis Koutsogiannis, philologist, Hellas
“The magic of shadow theatre is that one can teach history through the art and techniques of theatre.”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 311) Workshop 2.5 hours - English/Greek language
Heleni Achilleos, story teller, educator, workshop facilitator, The Fabulists Company of storytellers, Hellas /UK
“The Outsider: a storytelling project “

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 312) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Lia Zografou, dramatherapist, Hellas
“Dramatherapy and the teacher: expanding the educator’s role”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 314) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Korina Preveduraki, painter, art teacher,
Christina Lanara, teacher of French Language, Hellas
“Creativity as educational activity: The study of violence”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 315) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Nassia Choleva, theatrologist, Applied Drama facilitator, Hellas
“We can do it on our own!”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 316) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Simos Papadopoulos, Ph.D., educator, theatre animator, Hellas
“The wonderful trip into the world of the “selfish giant”. An inquiry of the language inside a drama environment”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 317) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Anna Tsichli, dramaturge, theatre director, Hellas
“Time Capsules: Messages to a Future’

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 404) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Sead Djulic, theatre director,
Hristina Mouratidou actress, drama pedagogue,
Armin Joha Hadzimusic actor and drama pedagogue, Mostar Youth Theatre, Bosnia i Herzegovina
“Dynamics of the Static Body”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 405) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Hala al-Yamani, Ph.D, Drama in Education, Bethlehem University, Palestine
“Explore the world of the Other by Drama process”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 407) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek/English language
Persephone Sextou, Ph.D. in Drama and Theatre-in-Education, Stimulus team: Sofia Lampridou, theatrologist, MA in Applied Drama,
David Antzel, actor, MA in Applied Drama, Hellas
“Cocoa Smell: a Theatre-in-Education programme about identity and social inclusion for primary schools”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 408) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Kok Wai Low, creative director,
Chjiraporn Oringa Vathanasin, Arts administrator,
Jaffar Sidek bin Ahmad, musical director, Arts Atria, Singapore
“Using ‘Movement Metaphor’ in Dance for People with Intellectual Disability”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 409) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Nena Mouratoglou-Papageorgiou, dance, choreographer, Hellas
“An approach of fairytales through dance”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 410) Workshop 2.5 hours - Greek language
Gianna Pitouli, Drama teacher, primary school teacher,
George Moschos, Deputy Ombudsman for Children’s Rights Hellas
“After all what are we supposed to do?”

SAT 18.00 – 20.30 (Room 411) Workshop 2.5 hours - English language
Koldobika G. Vío, University of Ramon Llull, Spain
“Improvisation Match in the school” 

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