"Creativity and metamorphosis"
Athens, 12-13-14 March 2004
Complementary Seminars between 9-18/3/2004
Dear friends,
The 4th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Performing Arts Education Conference is organized by the Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers at the premises of Arsakeio Schools Psychico, Athens on 12-13-14 March 2004.
It is an extended Conference with Complementary Seminars lasting over 10 days from 9-18 March 2004. More than 400 teachers, artists and university students from many countries are expected to participate.
Conference 2004 content
Conference intends to explore the notions of creativity - transformation - education through arts such as theatre/drama, dance, music, cinema, video, visual arts and/or their combination. Its aim is to encourage the debate on the place and the role of the performing arts in education. It intends to explore the development of creativity of young people and their education through artistic expression. Our intention is to explore how arts education and education through the arts makes use of one's experience and imagination in order to transform the experience itself but also the participant.
Some of the questions to be asked and explored in Conference 2004 are:
- What is "creativity" and why is it so important? Is creativity related to authenticity, imagination, ingenuity, risk taking? Does creativity have an aim? Is it related to the "value" of the outcome? Can it be taught?
- To what extent does the curriculum allow creativity to flourish in schools today?
- Artistic expression as a subject in the timetable. What are the pros and cons of such an educational choice? Can artistic expression be taught?
- What could be the content of theatre education in the various stages of compulsory education? How can theatre education be assessed? What kind of training should theatre educators have?
- In what way can education co-operate with professional artists?
- How does "play" transform into "theatre"?
- Metamorphosis of the Art. How does Art develop and changes as far as form and content are concerned?
- Metamorphosis through the Arts. How can Art, by providing the necessary context, codes and conditions, contribute to the development and transformation of the individual and the society?
- In what way is theatre and the other performing arts related to the various subjects of the curriculum and to current issues such as the active citizen, the multicultural society, e.t.c?
Conference includes
- Invited Keynotes
- Papers-Presentations in parallel sessions
- Practical Workshops
- Poster announcements
- Open classes (selected)
- Artistic events
Complementary Seminars
Between 9-18 of March 2004, and for the lucky ones, we organize a number of 3 or 4 days seminars with prominent theatre or drama teachers and practitioners. For more information please see our relevant page
Call for papers/workshops:
Those who want to contribute with a speech/paper, or workshop or poster-presentation, must send proposals before 30/1/2004 to Conference coordinator Nikos Govas at theatro@theatroedu.gr. Please notice that places are limited
Proposals must include:
a) the type of the contribution i.e a Paper in a parallel sessions, a Practical Workshop, Poster-presentation
b) the title
c) the length (Paper-Presentations are 15min, Workshops are 2.5hours or 5 hours)
d) Full name and work place (as it will appear in all Conference material)
e) a short description of 110-170 words (as it will appear in Conference material) If you propose a practical workshop please mention if there are any restrictions, for example: for experienced actors or for primary school teachers or for very physically trained people etc.
f) a brief CV of 110-150 words (as it will appear in all Conference material)
for Paper Presentations we can provide projector but not the computer. For Workshops normal classrooms with marble floor will be used. Please inform us well in advance if you need anything … unusual.