A Theatre Makes Politics (TMP, Erasmus+2002-2025) Multiplier Event
9.15 Arrival
WORKING GROUP 6. Room: 409-chorodias (wheelchair accessible)
“Shaping Public Attitudes Towards Refugees - The Role of the Media and the Arts"
Language: English
Coordinator: Stella Nanou, Head of Communications, UNHCR Greece
Andreas Gruhn, Αrtistic Director, Stadt Theatre Dortmund, Μember of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, Germany
Giorgos Pleios, Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Yolanda Markopoulou, Director, producer of the 'WALK with Amal" project in Greece
Fridoon Joinda, Founder and Director of Joinda Production, Refugee Rights Advocate, Afganistan
Naya Kalfeli, Adjunct Lecturer - Media Research Fellow, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Gelly Aroni, member of the Board of Children's Rights Network, Greece
Commentators: Manal Awad actress, Palestine, Jenny Karaviti, theatre pedagogue TENet-Gr, Garyfallia Anastasopoulou, Racist Violence Recording Network, Greece
WORKING GROUP 7. Room: 410 (wheelchair accessible)
"Towards an arts-based school: Challenges and experiences for the inclusion of Roma children”
Language: Greek
Coordinator: Katerina Kosti, Greek Language and Literature teacher and Drama teacher, Teaching and Laboratory Staff, Department of Theatre Studies, University of the Peloponnese, Greece
Matina Vavouli, Primary Education Teacher, Director of the 7th Primary School of Aspropyrgos Greece
Anastasia Chatzistefanou-Vafea, Director of Schedia Center for Artistic and Pedagogical Training, Greece
Konstantinos Paiteris, President of the Hellenic Roma Association of Mediators and Associates, Greece
Eleni K. Papadopoulou MA Greek Language-Religion teacher, Head of 3rd Gymnasium Menemenis, Greece
Commentator: Avra Avdi, Greek Language and Literature teacher and Drama teacher, Greece & Popi Kyrdi teacher member of the Board Children's Rights Network Greece
WORKING GROUP 8. Room: 310 (wheelchair accessible)
"Theatre Education in prisons: limits, challenges, perspectives"
Language: Greek
Coordinator: Giorgos Moschos, former Children's Ombudsman Greece
Alkistis Kontoyanni, Professor Emeritus University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
Theodora - Doretta Asteri Counselor for Special and Inclusive Education at Piraeus Primary & Secondary Education Directorates, Greece
Ioanna Mitsika, choreographer, facilitator of the Laboratory for Personal Development for Prison Inmates, Greece
Stathis Grapsas director, facilitator of the Laboratory for Personal Development for Prison Inmates, Greece
Pepi Orfanaki Principal of “Korydallos Prison” Public School of Higher Vocational Training, Greece
Zoi Mastrothanassi Vice-Principal of “Eleonas-Thebes Women's Prison” Primary School, Greece
Commentator: Dora Katsamori, researcher at "Democretus Centre", teacher, Greece
WORKING GROUP 9. Room:312 (wheelchair accessible)
"Performing arts, Education & Disability: challenges for artist, facilitators, teachers"
Language: Greek
Coordinator: Maria Koltsida, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece
Maria Ioannidou, Psychologist/psychotherapist, disabled dancer, Greece
Vassilis Economou, disabled actor-director, Greece
Konstantina Georgiou, community artist, creative mentor, Greece
Eri Kehra, Theatre Educator, teacher in Special Education, Greece
Elli Merkouri, PhD candidate Theater Department A.U.TH , Head of Theatrical Group of Deaf "Crazy Colors" Greece
Olga Dalekou, Deaf actress, Graduate student of the Department of Theater Studies N.K.U.A Greece
Commentators: Antonis Lenakakis, Prof. Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education Greece & Vera Lardi Psychodramatist, Adult Educator, Performer, Greece
WORKSHOP. Room: 313 (wheelchair accessible)
“Getting into improv theatre”
Frank Hohl, theatre pedagogue, Germany
Language: English
WORKSHOP. Room:132 (no wheelchair accessible):
“Where is mum? - Applying Drama for Gender Equality Education”
Martha Katsaridou, Assistant Professor of Drama/Theatre Education at the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly, Greece
Koldo Vio, Drama Educator, Theatre director, Greece/Spain
Language: English /Spanish/Greek
WORKSHOP. Room: 127 (no wheelchair accessible)
“Codes Under the Shadows”
Aglaia Naka, drama-pedagogue, Greece
Christos Rachiotis, actor, animator, teacher, Greece
Language: Greek
WORKSHOP. Room: 131 (no wheelchair accessible)
"Play Jam"
Eleni Papaioannou, Movement Educator, Choreographer, Performer, Greece
Language: English
WORKSHOP. Room: 5204-nykton organon (wheelchair accessible)
“Talking about the ideas of hate in the classroom”
Kostis Papaioannou, director of “SIMEIO: for the Study and Confrontation of the Right-Wing Extremists”, Greece
Aspasia Kalisora, teacher, member of “SIMEIO: for the Study and Confrontation of the Right-Wing Extremists”, Greece
Language: Greek
11.30 – 12.00 Break (coffee)
12.00 – 13.30 Plenary session at the main theatre hall (there will be simultaneous interpretation)
Space accessible to wheelchairs.
Lutz Pickardt, Coordinator of "Theatre Makes Politics" project, "Presentation of TMP results" (2022-2025)
Keynote speaker
Kostis Papaioannou, Director of “SIMEIO: for the Study and Confrontation of the Right-Wing Extremists”, Greece
"A World in Total Disarray: Seeking New Ways Against Ideas of Hate"
13.30 – 15.00 Light lunch
SESSION 8. Room:310 (wheelchair accessible)
"Intercultural performing arts practices for inclusive communities"
Language: English
Chair: Myrto Pigou-Repousi, Assistant Professor, Thessaloniki University – Theatre Department
Cecilia Carponi, Research fellow at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
"The Contemporary Puppet Theatre in Italy: Pedagogical and Educational Pathways for Inclusive Societies"
Janardan Ghosh, story performer, creative director, education officer, India
"Exploration of "Education for Vulnerable Social Groups" using Intercultural Theatre and Kathābhinaya Practices"
William Yip, director Ximalaya Drama/Theatre & Education Innovation Institute, China
"Empowering Education Equity and Well-Being of “Left-behind Children” (and their Teachers) in Rural Village Schools in China through Theatre and Drama Education "
Daniel Dilliplane, Independent Scholar-Artist, USA
"Promoting Racial Equity with/in the InterPlay Performance Practice"
Erika Piazzoli Associate Professor in Arts Education at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
"Shades of Belonging: An Arts-Based Inquiry into Drama, Migration and Language"
SESSION 9. Room: 312 (wheelchair accessible)
"Creating an inclusive classroom for all learners through drama education and applied performance techniques"
Language: English
Chair: Adam Cziboly associate professor Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
SESSION 10. Room:311 (wheelchair accessible)
"Theatre Education for Inclusion: Curricula and Applications:
Language: Greek
Chair: Takis Tzamargias, theatre director
SESSION 11. Room:313 (wheelchair accessible)
"Theatre for children and theatre education for human rights"
Language: Greek
Chair: Maria Kladaki Associate Professor, University of the Aegean, Greece
SESSION 12. Room:410 (wheelchair accessible)
"Theatre pedagogical and theatrical practices for the inclusion of people with disabilities and/or developmental disorders"
Language: Greek
Chair: Antonis Lenakakis, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Elisavet-Maria Moraitopoulou, Kindergarten Teacher, Greece
Maria Geka, Assistant Professor of Social Psychology in Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Antonis Lenakakis, Professor of Theater Arts and Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kyriakoula Rothou, Assistant Professor of Special Education - Learning Disabilities, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
“Social Representations of Primary Education Teachers on the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the General Education System: The Role of Art Classes”
Theodora Papaioannou, Doctor & postdoctoral researcher, University of Thessaly, Greece
Antonis Lenakakis, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
“The contribution of Theatre/Drama Pedagogy practices to the teaching of History for the inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs”
Olga Chamoulia, Philologist, MSc Candidate, Greece,
Magda Kapnia-Despotopoulou, Philologist, MSc Candidate, Greece
Vasilis Αrgyropoulos, Associate Professor at the University of Thessaly, Greece
"Theater as a Means of Inclusive Education for People with Disabilities"
15.00-17.00 SESSION 13. SHORT FILMS SCREENINGS & DISCUSSION. Room:409-chorodias (wheelchair accessible)
"Short films, great ideas"
Language: Greek/English
Chair: Maria Leonida, KARPOS – Educational Centre for intercultural communication, Greece
Can short films talk on diversity and racism?
Screenings of short films from several countries that have been developed through collective workshops.
17.15 – 17.45 " My world fits in the world" students' event.
Participating students from the 1st & 2nd Primary School of Agios Stefanos, 1st Primary School of Anixi and 4th Primary School of Tavros
Artistic direction: Christina Krithari
17.45-18.30 Plenary session at the main theatre hall (there will be simultaneous interpretation)
Space accessible to wheelchairs.
Sanjoy Ganguly, Founder and Artistic Director at Jana Sanskriti Centre for Theatre of the Oppressed, West Bengal, India
"Theatre as Politics"
18.30 – 19.00 "Our voices" - vocalist Aggeliki Toubanaki & the String Theory ensemble
We join our voices in a collective farewell singing with the STRING THEORY Ensemble and students from the Pallini Music School under the direction of vocalist Aggeliki Toubanaki
19.30 Bus departure