Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

www.TheatroEdu.gr / info@theatroedu.gr / ++302106541600

the Greek teachers association for theatre/drama in education
What is it?
The HELLENIC THEATRE/DRAMA & EDUCATION NETWORK (TENet-Gr) is an association of teachers and artists for the promotion of research on and practice of theatre, educational drama and other performing arts within formal and non formal education.
Its dual aim is to provide assistance for the performing arts in order that they can gain a central role in schools, and to contribute to the development of approaches and techniques, viewing theatre as an art form, as learning tool and as a tool for social intervention.
TENet-Gr was founded in 1998 in Athens Greece as a network of teachers and artists and developed to a registered non-profit organization (Tax Reg No: 998854721) and non-government institution (Reg. No .1828/06 - 26297-3/5/2006).

What does it do?
TENet-Gr organizes/runs:
regular practical training seminars for teachers, facilitators and youngs
the Athens International Theatre/Drama in Education Conference,
the annual Theatre Summer Camp
projects in schools and with youth groups
TENet- Gr publishes books and the annual “Education & Theatre Journal”.
It develops networks with similar organisations in Greece and abroad and updates its website with a plethora of educational material (news bulletin, e-journal, listings of theatre exercises and games, brief descriptions and analyses of theatre plays, articles, e.t.c.).
TENet’s key trainers are highly skilled practitioners and theoreticians in the areas of drama/theatre in education, in theatre as an art form, in theatre for development and in active citizenship (theatre of the oppressed, verbatim theatre et.)
TENet-Gr is the Greek ordinary member of IDEA-International Drama/Theatre & Education Association and contributed to the foundation of the IDEA Europe network.
TENet-Gr coordinates the events in Greece for the World Day for Drama/Theatre & Education on the 27th of NovemberAdministration
TENet-Gr operates on voluntary basis (none is paid) with branches in several towns in Greece.
Members are teachers, artists and youth facilitators who work with theatre and drama in any field of formal or non-formal education.
It is governed by a Board of Directors elected from members every 3 years.
Contact: info@theatroedu.gr / 00302106541600