Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
21st Theatre Summer Camp 2024

«Telling stories in/about space»

22-27 August 2024
A Theatre Summer Camp for teachers, artists, group facilitators, students, teenagers, friends of drama in education and all our friends,

at “Freelandcamp,” near Chiliomodi Town, Corinthia, Greece.



Summer has started, the temperature is getting high, but we are dreaming of the cool breeze at semi-mountainous Corinthia and the 21st Theatre Summer Camp of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr). This year we will meet again at the facilities of the Freeland Adventure Camp in Chiliomodi, Corinthia, situated in the historical area of ​​Teneates, home of ancient King Priamus’ descendants.

In this 6,000-acre pine forest, we will have the opportunity, through workshops, performances, various actions, and other surprises, to meet and give voice to our visions, thus creating our own community.

We will meet in a space that is safe and will try to turn experience into performing act. We will create a common meeting place, our own "public" space, without any form of discrimination and exclusion, a space where “coming together” can be an antidote to "social loneliness".

Experienced artists, teachers from all sectors, actors, dancers, drama teachers, musicians, visual artists, theatre educators and teenagers will all work together to find and strengthen the connection and the inextricable link between art, education and life.

Three (3) Main Workshops for adults and one (1) Main Workshop for teenagers (13-18 year-olds) will be offered. Teenagers have to be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian (who also has to attend a Main Workshop for adults).

These 4 Main Workshops will take place every day in the morning, in the outdoor areas of the camp. They will be facilitated  by  Georgia Mavraganni, Sofia Karayianni, Sanja Krsmanović Tasić (dance), and Sonia Ntova (teenagers’ workshop). Each participant may attend only 1 Main Workshop. For a detailed description of the Main Workshops: HERE.

The program of the camp also includes afternoon workshops, events, an excursion to Epidaurus Ancient Theatre to watch a play, music, games, swimming in the pool, and endless fun that will close with a farewell party.

Additionally,  7 Afternoon (Complementary) Workshops will be offered on 24 and 25/8/2024 and will be facilitated by Christina Zoniou, Antigone Tsarbopoulou, Katerina Alexiade, Giorgos Bekiaris, Dimitris Konetas, Yolika Poulopoulou, Christina Gousi, Thodoris Parasxos, and Dimitris Karagiorgas. For more information: HERE.

On Friday, 23 August 2024, we will travel to the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus to watch the ancient drama “Iketides” by Aeschylus, directed by Marianna Kalbaris.


Organised by: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-GR)

Coordinating Committee: Eirini Gotsi, Elena Zervou, Dimitris Konetas, Giorgos Bekiaris, Morfoula Stergiou, Elena Fanioudaki

Camp Coordinator: Vasilis Klisiaris

We would like to thank Evgenia Zagoura for her valuable help as a mentor!

For more information, please contact us: Tel. 2106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.gr



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