International Conference 2006

Theatre/Drama and Education: Creating New Roles for the 21st century

The 5th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Performing Arts Education Conference is organized by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre Education Association-IDEA and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions.



Thank you so much for a very interesting and enjoyable experience in Athens. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Greek theatre practitioners and drama educators in the pre-conference workshop and to hear ideas and thoughts from several parts of the world. I shall remember the passion and dynamism that was expressed in several ways – in particular the meaningful shadows on moving screens! Many thoughts and moments will stay with me as I continue to think through my role in the 21st Century… and my contribution from this part of the globe to theatre practitioners and drama educators.

I do hope your work continues to flourish in Greece and beyond. Do take a break after all the hard work and enjoy some rest.

Sincerely, with many thanks,

Charlene Rajendran


Nayang Technological University, Singapore


Dear great people hosting the Athens Conference of IDEA,

I want to thank you with all my heart for the wonderful and enlightening time that I had with you at the Conference.
You are people doing a hard job with stars in your eyes, and a warm big heart.
As the women from Israel said, I learned more than one thing, and made more than one friend, so my mission was accomplished.
I hope we will continue this conversation, and be open to stimulate each other into growth even more!

Best wishes,

Sanja Krsmanovic Tasic

Actress, principal youth program coordinator

DAH Teatar, Belgrade


I would like to expres my gratitude for a wonderful and successful conference. It
was a pleasure to be with you and participate in it. 
Thank you also for your warm hospitality.

Iman Aoun

ASHTAR Theatre, Palestine


Kok Wai and I would like to congratulate you for the successful organisation of the 5th Athens International Theatre/Drama Performing Arts Education Conference. It was indeed a very fruitful conference.  

We thoroughly enjoyed the papers and the workshops, and especially the opportunity to share our views and ideas with practitioners and teachers from other countries.

We were very impressed with the excellent coordination, logistics and support we received.  Many thanks to those who were running behind the scenes, and for the long hours put in , and we think were very often hungry and tired.  But your passion and enthusiasm showed, and we think you can all now sit back, pat yourselves on the back for a successful conference.

Lastly, we like to thank you all for your warm greek hospitality, and we hope to be able to meet again. 

Kok Wai Low, creative director
Oringa Vathanasin, arts administrator

Arts Atria, Singapore


Thank you very much for the experience I had at the conference. Thank you for the things you organized, your hospitality and your kindness. I was really sad not to take part in the IDEA Conference on Sunday. I did a mistake not to stay longer, but I would have had some trouble in Germany. Next time I will stay longer.

I enjoyed the workshops, the paper sessions and the people I got to know. Especially I liked the Akropolis and the view from there. In Athen I realized how many teachers are keen on playing theatre with students which makes me stronger.

I wish you all the best.

Nice greetings

Heike Schade



I have watched this conference grow from a national to a truly international event, the stature of which is now established around the world. The organisation was highly professional and sensitive to participants' needs. The organising team is to be congratulated on its achievement which results from dedicated and imaginative work on behalf of the Greek drama education community.

John Somers

Honorary Fellow
School of Performance Arts
University of Exeter



It was all an inspiring experience as expected, specially seeing and meeting the teachers from all over Greece in such a good number with their concern about giving more meaning to education in schools. I wish Greece could introduce the world of 21st century with the power of drama/theatre education starting with making it an integral part of the school curriculum. 

With sweet memories of Athens

Subhash Rawat

Actor-teacher, T.I.E. Co

National School of Drama, India


I warmly congratulate you (and I know Nick does too)

on the success of the Conference. It is amazing how it has grown!

Marigold Ashwell, Arts Consultant (Drama), Director of Hands On CPDA

Nick Ashwell, Lecturer, University of Reading



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