International Conference 2004

"Creativity and metamorphosis"

The 4th Athens International Theatre/Drama & Performing Arts Education Conference is organized by the Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers on 12-13-14 March 2004 and is supported by:
University of Thessaly, General Secretariat of Youth, Attica District Education Directorate, MELINA Project, Filekpaideftiki Etairia/Arsakeia Schools, PanHellenic Theatre Studies Association, UNIMA Puppet Association, Teachers Union, several theatres.


2004 Conference - Short Profiles

Speakers, Facilitators, Advisory Committee

(in alphabetical order)

Anna Alifraghi has studied French Literature, graduated from University of Athens, has also studied Counseling Psychology at the London School of Counseling & Psychotherapy, Fables Narration with Stelios Pelasgos and has attended painting lessons at the ABC School of Painting, from professor Marina Lambraki. She engages in rendering individual counseling support, in the coordination of parents' support groups in addition to organizing workshops for children and adults, that are based on popular fairy tales, myths and literature. She maintains a space named SYNTHESIS, dedicated to creative expression and psychic development..


Marigold Ashwell is a Director of Hands On, a company specialising in teacher's professional development and the arts. She is a specialist drama practitioner and has many years experience as a teacher, County Drama Adviser and trainer. Her current work includes work with schools, theatre companies, arts organisations and national training companies. She is working with the Arts Council of England on the new initiative ' Artsmark' and with the Qualifications Curriculum Authority (QCA) and the Teacher Training Authority as a consultant in drama. Marigold teaches on the PGCE Secondary Drama and BA/ED courses at the University of Reading and is co-author of Progression in Secondary Drama., published by Heinemann in 2000.


Demos Avdeliodis was born in Chios Isle Greece in 1952. He graduated from the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens and attended acting classes at the Theodosiades Drama School. Films include: 1982: UNLAWFUL COMPETITION -22 min: (1st Award of Film Critics at the Drama Festival 1994), 1986: THE TREE WE USED TO HURT - 75 min ( Special mention of the Panhellenic Association of Film Critics at the International Film Festival of Thessaloniki, 1986, Participation at the Critic's Week at the Cannes Festival 1987, 1st Award of the European Youth Film Committee of the Berlin Festival, Best Film Golden Elephant Award at the New Dehli Film Festival and Silver Elephant for Film Directing at the same Festival), 1990 :THE NIKE OF SAMOTHRAKI - 90 min. (Costume designing and Sound awards at the International Film Festival of Thessaloniki in 1990, State Awards for Music, Make-Up and Sound and Distinction of Film Quality in 1991),1999: THE SPRING GATHERING OF THE RURAL CONSTABLES - 180 min (3rd and 4th State Awards for Myth-making, State Award for Directing, Panhellenic Association of Film Critics award, FIPRESCI Award, Four Awards at the Berlin Film Festival and participation in many international Film Festivals), 2003: REHERSALS IN THE TEMPEST, with Thanasis Vengos (forthcoming). Theatre: 1992: 'Characters From The Works Of Viziinos', with Anna Kokkinou, 1995: 'Three Greek Tales', with Agni Stroumbouli, 2001: 'A Bit Of Everything' (Karangiozis), with Anna Kokkinou, 2003, 'The Song of Songs', with the group 'THEATRO 2003'.


Avra Avdi is a philologist with graduate studies in ancient greek theatre. Since her appointment in secondary education in 1982, she became involved in the educational process (participated in the writing of textbooks on Essay-Expression for the Lyceum and in the compilation of the Curriculum for the teaching of the greek language), and in Educational Drama/ Theatre (school groups and research in the context of her doctorate work). She taught in the 1st Regional Centre for Continuing Professional Development of Teachers in Thessaloniki in educational programmes related to language teaching and theatre education. She also taught "Exercises on Greek Language" in the Department of Education in the Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, and since 2001-2 she teaches "Drama / theatre at school" in the Department of Theatre at the same University. She has published work on related topics in educational journals.


Anders Bäckström born 1954 in Stockholm, Sweden is a director, playwright, theatre teacher and member of the Swedish Union for Theatre, Artists and Media and the Swedish Union of Playwrights. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in theatre, film and literary studies at the University in Lund with Postgraduate studies in theatre studies at Stockholm University. He worked as Acting teacher at the National Academy of Mime and Acting in Stockholm (1988-90 and 1991), as Theatre teacher at several Arts Programmes in Upper Secondary School, teaching theatre history, theatre theory and stage directing (1996- ) and as Project Leader at the Teater/Scenkonst, Södertälje (2000-2003). As a playwright: his first play was performed in 1988, later plays on radio and on stage. Currently presenting the children's play Morfar och jag and Cabaret Moments in Stockholm. As Director: Professional directing debut at Malmö City Theatre in 1979. Productions at various Swedish theatres from Malmö in the south to Folkteatern in Gävleborg in the north. Currently working with a small group in Stockholm, Theatre Labyrint. As Artistic Director: Folkteatern in Gävleborg (1990-1991). As: Dramaturgist: Länsteatern in Blekinge (1983-85), Folkteatern in Gävleborg (1991-93), Teater Sláva (1999-00). Miscellaneous: Culture programme in Swedish radio and author of The Book about Sláva (together with Erik Norlin, 1999). Translations, articles, cabarettexts. Currently writing on a book about Teater/Scenkonst


Lilo Baur is a Swiss born actress with a British citizenship and an international career. She has worked with directors as Peter Brook, Simon McBurney, Annabel Arden, Katy Mitchell, Richard Olivier, Peter Yates; she has performed, among others, at National Theatre London, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, Theatre Grottesco in New York, at the Festival of Avignon in France, at Barcelona. She has appeared in films and BBC TV. She has directed herself plays and dance shows in UK, France, Greece and she has won the Dora Canadian Award for Best Actress and the Manchester Evening News for Best Actress Award for her performance in the "Three lives of Lucie Cabrol". She has performed in most plays of Theatre Complicite in London and in world tours and teaches regular seminars and workshops on "Physical Theatre".


Giorgos Biniaris is actor, director and theatre pedagogue and tutor with longtime experience in teachers' education. He has collaborated with numerous theatre companies in Athens and has toured in London and Brussels. He has instructed and directed many plays in Universities of Athens and Crete, in municipal theatre companies all over Greece, and in "Empros" Theatre School of Drama. He is artistic director of "Mythologia" Theatre Company and a member of Theatre Education Network Hellenic Teachers.


Spyros Boudouris is a school teacher, a theatre teacher and an actor. He studied Physical Education, Theatre, Music and Movement. He is also a climber and a mountain guide. He was a pioneer in creating a nucleus of educating teachers on the Art of Theatre in Education, through a Theatrical Laboratory which has been operating on a yearly basis for the last three and a half years. In this lab about 100 teachers have had the chance, through experiential procedures, to familiarize themselves with the techniques of the theatre, with the co-operation of people of the Arts, and then use these techniques successfully in the Teaching Procedure. He co-operates with the Environmental Center of Mouzaki, where he teaches teachers how to approach Environment and how to help students shape environmental consciousness through Theatre. He was responsible for the production of the CD "Literature of Nature", in which teachers-members of the lab, under his teaching and acting instructions recited selected literary extracts. He also conducted an experiential laboratory of dramatic expression for the students of the Department of Pre-school Education of the University of Thessaly. He was an introducer in the educational seminar of the first grade Educational Department of Karditsa under the topic "Teacher in Role". He is also a member of the Artistic Committee of the Pan Hellenic Amateur Theatre Festival of Karditsa. For one year he taught Theatre and agonized performances in Karpenisi. He regularly writes articles covering them with his own photographs.


David J. Carey (PhD) is a music educator, psychologist, and Coordinator of Programme Development at the Froebel College of Education, Dublin Ireland. He serves as chair of the research committee at the college and is currently helping to support the research work of a colleague on a creative arts intervention programme. Dr. Carey lectures in special education and the impact of creative arts programmes on children in distress. His particular area of interest is in neurobiological development and the impact of stress, trauma, chaos, abuse and neglect on children's neuro-psychological functioning. Dr. Carey is on the editorial board of the special education journal REACH and is general editor of the Froebel Journal of Early Childhood Education which will publish its first issue in 2004.


Andrea Copeliovitch is an actress, researcher, body expression and acting teacher. She has a Master in Theatrical Practice and has been developing research on actor's practice since 1991, focusing on pre-expressive processes. The subject of her Dissertation is "Building a Character through Ritual: an apprenticeship proposal for actors". Now she is concluding her Doctoral studies, developing the project "The Warlike Actor In front of the Abyss", a search for understanding the essential in Art, with a glance at the actor, his action and the language that results from that action, at the department of Literature Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 2000, under the supervision of Professor Manuel Antônio de Castro, PhD, and Professor Jean-Marie Pradier, PhD, University of Paris 8, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, where she has been developing part of her project ' The warlike actor facing the abyss'. She has presented workshops and participated in Conferences in Brazil and in many places around the world such as Irvine (USA), Exeter (UK), Athens (Greece), Paris (France).


Marta Cotrim is a performance artist who has lived and studied different forms of theatrical techniques in six countries: Brazil, France, Holland, Indonesia, England and nowadays she is established in Greece. Marta is trained in classical and physical theatre in Paris, Choreography in Amsterdam, Topeng in Bali, and completed her M.A. in Dance Anthropology in England. In London she had the opportunity to study with Monika Pagneux, Peter Brook's collaborator and mentor of the Theate de Complicite group with whom Marta followed many workshops. More recently Marta attended Ariane Mnouchkine seminar and Tapa Sudana's workshop in mask, ritual and martial arts. Marta works as a Theatre Director and Choreographer, as well as dancer and actor in contemporary and street theatre. Teaches Capoeira, Topeng and Physical Theatre for different levels of experience for high school students, actors and dancers and drama teachers.


Filia Dendrinou studied Theatre and Pedagogic in Greece and in France. She worked and studied with the "Clownanalysts" in Paris as well as with the theatre company of Dario Fo with whom she mastered on the techniques of the Commedia dell' arte. She also engaged in pantomime, in the art of the Buffoons of the Middle Ages and in the techniques of circus clowns. As an actress she collaborated with many theatre companies in France and in Greece and in 1985 she participated in the European Festival of Venice and Civentale. Since 1986 she has been engaged in storytelling and has presented many dramatized tales in theatres and conventions. She is specialized in the animation of theatre activities in education and has worked as an animator for the Municipality of Paris. As a pedagogue she has worked as a Kindergarden Headmaster at the I.M. Panagiotopoulos Schools as and has given courses on acting, movement and mimics in many drama schools. Since 1996 she has undertaken the elaboration and animation of many programs on theatrical education for the Arsakeia - Tositseia Schools and is now responsible for the program "The initiation of theatre in Compulsory Education".


Kostas Filippoglou studied theatre in Athens and went on to meet teachers from Peter Brook, Arian Munchkin and Theatre de Complicite. Since 1985 he performs in Greece and since 1998 he is part of Theatre de Complicite Company with which he performs and teaches in UK, Europe and USA. He teaches at the Patras Uni and at N. KARA's Drama School. He has also taught actors, teachers and students in Israel (MATAN School), in New York (Actor's Studio), in London (Actor's Centre).


Maria Frangi was born in Athens.  She studied French Literature in Athens University and Theatre in "Pelos Katselis" and "Pireus Association " drama schools. She has been acting in theatre since 1983. Since 1987 she has been working on a master's degree on Greek and French Literature and Theatre Studies in Paris. In 1996, she earned a Ph.D. of Letters and Human Studies, specialized in Performing Arts -Theatre in PARIS X-NANTERRE UNIVERSITY. She teaches Theatre (theory and practice) and Creative Drama in the Universities of Crete, Patras and Athens. She directed many productions since 1997.


Giorgos Gavalas is a set and costumes designers with long experience in the Athens professional theatre and music scene.


Eduard Georgiou has a degree of architecture and a master's degree on scenography from the university of Clairemont Ferrant, France. He lives and works as a scenographer in Greece. He is the scenographer of "Pandoum" street theatre company.


Katia Gerou was born in Agrinio (West Greece) and made her début as an actress with the University of Athens Drama Club, where she won her first acting prize at Ithaka Festival. In 1979 she finished Theatro Tecnis School of Acting. Since then, she has appeared in more than forty productions of classical drama and contemporary theatre staged by this theatre company. She has also appeared in films and other drama events and teaches young actors in the Company's Acting School.


Nikos Govas studied mathematics, theatre and education in Greece, England and Australia. He has worked as actor, musician and director in many theatre companies and music groups in Greece, Melbourne, Munich and London. In 1994 with other artists he founded Theatre Lab Company in London ("Hellenic Foundation Award 1997), directed performances in several venues, took part in the European Festival of Theatre in Camden London and the International Festival "Theatre Spring" of Experimental Theatre in Salonica. He is secondary school teacher since 1982, cultural programs coordinator for Secondary Education of Eastern Attica since 1998 and theatre tutor in many INSET courses, Universities, Municipal Theatres, Associations etc. He was awarded the international award "Grozdanin Kikot 2002" for his contribution to development of drama in education. In 1998 he generated the "education & theatre" project. He co-ordinates the Athens International Conference and he is chair of the Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers. He has published "For a Creative Youth Theatre: exercises, games, techniques" Athens 2002


Smaro C. Grigoriadou, a Greek guitar soloist, composer and music pedagogue, studied music and architecture in Greece and England. She was awarded a Senior Exhibitioner Scholarship at Royal College of Music, London, and graduated with honors. She is the recipient of numerous music awards, both in composition and interpretation (Athens, Bilbao, Rome, Bologna, Troy). She has performed all over Europe as guest soloist in music festivals, member of chamber music groups, or with orchestras. She has extensively lectured, given seminars and published articles concerning guitar history and technique, music aesthetics and the experience of music in theatre and education. Her recent research is concentrating on metrical and musical design in ancient Theater, musicality of Greek speech and essence of music interpretation. She has extensively composed music in all forms, which has been broadcasted and presented in Greece, England, Turkey, Italy and Spain. Since 1999 she is lecturer in the International Seminars "Music and Theatre Skills in school environment" in collaboration with Education and Artistic Authorities of Greece. She is member of Theatre Education Network Ellenic Teachers and "Mythologia" artistic and Theatre Company.


Melina Hadjigeorgiou is a teacher with graduate studies in Drama in Education. She has participated in various seminars related to theatre, Drama, Theatre in Education and puppetry. From 1993 on, she has been teaching drama in state and public primary schools, in the Regional Theatre of Ioannina and in the "Children's Home" of the National Theatre. She has also been involved with teacher training in the field of Drama. Since 2001-2 she teaches "Drama / theatre at school" in the Department of Theatre in the Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki. She is a member of the Panhellenic Association of Educational Drama.


Shu-hwa Jung works for professional theatre almost 20 years in Taiwan, and teaches in university and college on the course of 'theatre administration', 'stage management, 'modern theatre', and 'introduction to theatre' and so on. Since 1999, she has started working on "Drama in Education" and "Theatre in Education" because of the 'Education Reform', in which the government put 'performing arts' into the national curriculum including drama and theatre in Taiwan. For "Drama in Education", she does the teachers in-service training, which teachers get to know how to integrate drama with other subjects, and for "Theatre in Education", she brings TIE team outside the school and liaises with schoolteacher for the students' issue-learning.


Georgina Kakoudaki, BA, MA and PHd candidate in Theatre Studies Dpt, Philosophy School, University of Athens. Studied dramatic art and acting in 3 year Acting Course at ÓÔÏÁ Theatre Group, Athens  and participated in various educational and acting workshops (1993-1997). Founding member of the Hellenic Theatre Studies Association. Member of the Artistic Committee of Ministry of Education in the annual Greek "school theatre" contests, since 1998. She has been teaching drama in Primary schools, High schools and non- professional adult groups since 1993. She has published (research, consulting, editing) a series of theatre programs and articles in related publications or conferences. She has been working in the National Theatre of Greece as a archive researcher and chief Librarian, since 1997. During 2003-04 she is teaching in the Theatre Studies Dpt, University of Patras.


Georgia Kakourou-Chroni (Dr) is a graduate of the University of Athens School of Philosophy, was awarded her Doctor of Philosophy degree by the same university, and her Master of Arts in Museum Studies by the University of Leicester the U.K. Her published work includes: Nikos Kazantzakis - Nikiforos Vrettakos, two creative artists converse through their work and Helen's Enigmatic Smile; she has also prefaced and edited other works. Georgia Kakourou-Chroni has written over a hundred articles on Modern Greek literature and Museology, which have been published in a variety of professional and literary journals and newspapers. She is curator of the Coumantaros Art Gallery of Sparta, a branch of the National Gallery of Greece


Kostis Kapelonis is an actor, director and theatre teacher at Arts Theatre of Athens and has participated in nearly all productions in the last 20 years


Martha Katsaridou was born in Thessaloniki in 1979. She graduated from the Primary Education Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with Honors' (1996-2000). On an Onassis Foundation scholarship, she continued her studies at Goldsmiths' College, University of London (MA in Theatre Education, 2001-2). In London she worked for the Education Department of the National Theatre of London, organizing and leading workshops for children. She attended seminars on theatre education, led by Augusto Boal and Andrian Jackson.In Greece she attended courses in drama (theatrical game) with Lakis Kouretzis as well as in acting at the Experimental Stage of the cultural company "Art" (Piramatiki Skini tis Texnis). She collaborated with the theatre groups "Etheroploo", "Pedia", and the Theatre Workshop of Neapolis. Martha is a PhD candidate at A.U.Th. Her PhD dissertation is on "Teaching literature through Drama". She works as a primary school teacher in Corfu. She is a member of the "Network of Teachers for Theatre and Drama in Education" since 2003.


Athena Kefala is a graduate of the Leonidas Trivizas Drama School. She continued her studies at the Department of Theatre Studies at the Sorbonne. She joined the Conservatoire National Supérieur d' Art Dramatique de Paris and studied Commedia dell' Arte under Mario Gonzalez. Since 1983 she worked as an actress with the National Theatre of Greece, various municipal theatrical groups, in movies and TV productions. She has translated French play writers and staged radio plays. She teaches Commedia at the VEAKI and other drama schools as well as in her own workshops. In 1996 she formed a specialist group and has staged numerous Commedia plays and outdoor performances. She has participated in seminars in Greece and abroad.


Alkistis Kondoyanni is a senior lecturer of drama at the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly. She has graduated the Philosophy Department of Athens University, Academy of kindergarten Teachers, St. Nicholas Training College, Marasleios' Further Studies in Special Education, University of Florence and College of Writing. Her doctorate is on Drama and the promotion of social competence of students with special needs at the Psychology Department of Athens University. She has taught at the University of Thessaly, Department of Special Education and Department of Museum Education, and at the Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Early Childhood Education and Department of Theatre Studies. She is the author of 39 books for children and educators. She participates at research groups in many countries (European network of Affective Education, Dynamic Pedagogy) and has given lectures and workshops worldwide (England, Italy, Japan).


Vassilis Kosmopoulos studied at the Department of Theater studies-University of Athens and film directing in Athens-"Stavrakos cinema & television school" and Munich -"Hochschule fur Fernsehen und Film" (with scholarship for post-graduate studies from the Greek Film Center) where attended seminars focusing on "visual story-telling". Since 2002 works as trainer at the art-seminars of the "Melina- culture & education" project while collaborating with M. Theodorides, head of the audiovisual department, in making the project's educational material for the audiovisual arts. Since 2003 works at the "Education Research Centre of Greece" as researcher regarding "culture in education" issues. He has written and directed a short length film ["The eye-glasses",1997] and nowadays is being in pre-production of the, funded by the Greek Film Center, short film "The photographer of Trikala" (as director, screenwriter).


Yiannis Kourkoumelis was born in Pireus. He graduated from the Dramatic School of the Art Theatre (Theatro Tehnis). During his studies he participated in performances of ancient drama directed by Karolos Koun. He has collaborated with the following directors: M. Kouyioumtzis, R. Pateraki (Theatre), Th. Terzopoulos, G. Emirza (Radio), V. Georgiadis, E. Andreou (Television). As assistant director he has worked with V. Papavasileiou and M. Kouyioumtzis. He has directed Roula Pateraki in the play "The man without abilities" and the plays "Orange Tin" of his own, "The Soldier's Story" of I. Stravinsky, "The lady with Strychnine" of G. Xristou, "Breakfast in America" from texts from the national and international press. He has written the theatrical play "A trip to Italy".


Andonis Koutroumbis was born in Meligala of Messinia in 1965. He is a graduate in Physical Education. He has attended intensive seminars of mimicry with É. Mialhe, Luc de Smet, J. Nadj, C. Turba, classes on modern dance with T. Papanicolaou, P. Stamatopoulo and the team of SINE QUA NON. Furthermore, he has also attended phonetics' lessons with Mirca Gementzaki, drama lessons with A. Boal and Butoh technique with K. Ikeda and M. Iwana. He teaches mime in the theatrical workshop "Plefsis" and he has directed workshop and performances. He has also co-operated and danced with the teams of MIM'FA, for the mime, kinetics, Floor team and with John Caclea. He had worked for a decade with the art team 'Parodos' organizing activities for kids and teenagers.


Panagiotis Kyritsis is a teacher and an animator of "Playing Through Theater". He is a graduate of pedagogic Academy of Heraklion Kreta and a graduate of the three year Pedagogical Theater plus "Playing Through Theater" workshop of the "DAY THEATER co." He works as a teacher at the 2nd Elementary Experimental full-day school in Ag.Ioannis Rentis. As an animator he continues trying penetration and expansion in "Playing Through Theater", attending already the second of a three stages postgraduations studies together with Mr Lakis Kouretzis in the "DAY THEATER co." He took part in artists' groups of the programme "MELINA- EDUCATION AND CULTURE" with "Playing Through Theater" actions in schools throughout Greece, as well as in various phases of the teachers and kindergarden teachers' education who took part in this programme. He also took part, as an animator in educational meetings of School Advisors for teachers and Kindergarden Teachers with subject "Playing Through Theater" in the Learning Process. Nowadays, he applies the "Playing Through Theater" in everyday education process and in the new cognitive subjects (Mythology, History, e.t.c) of the full day school he works at. He works with children and adult groups in "Playing Through Theater" workshops.


Eleni Lampronikou studied Education at the University of the Aegean. Under the auspices of the LINGUA program, she attended seminars on Comparative Literature and Drama at the ULB - University of Brussels in 1992. She continued her studies in Paris, at the Drama department of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), where she specialized in Theatre in Education and received her D.E.A. At the same time she attended postgraduate-level seminars at the Humanities department of Paris VIII (Saint Denis). She has taken part in many workshops, theatre festivals, conferences, galas etc. in Greece and in France. She has presented papers in conferences and galas and has published in periodicals. In recent years she has worked as a Drama teacher and director in Primary and Secondary private-sector education. She collaborated as an animator with the International Arts Centre of Larissa, in programs of museum and theatre education for teachers and children. For the last four years she has been teaching theatre and literature in private and state Institutes of Vocational Training. She participates in seminars for teachers, actors and students as a Drama education animator. In 2000 she took part in the CLEAR SOCRATES research program that culminated in the creation of the CD-ROM "Creative Learning". Since 2003 she has been teaching in Pre-school state education and working as a director.


Christine Lanara is a teacher of French language. She graduated from the University of Athens. For twenty two years she has worked, firstly at the Private school "Saint Joseph" and secondly at public schools french and theatrologie. She has attended seminars for theatre and history of art in Greece and abroad. Since 1998 she participates in the "Education and Theatre" program of Eastern Attica Directorate, she is a member of the Organizational Committee for the Athens International Conference and secretary of the Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers. Since 2003 she specialized at organizing the Educational programs concerning the program "Education and Museums" at Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica.


Anna Lazou studied Philosophy and theatre in Athens and London. She is Assistant Lecturer in Athens University, Department of Pedagogic, Psychology and Philosophy. Since 1991 she is main director of the theatre Initiative for the Youth DRYS of Athens University and has participated to many International Festivals and Meetings in Greece and abroad (Europe, Africa, Canada). She has directed the group of study of Ancient Greek Dance of the Theatre of Dora Stratou. Since 1994 she is founding member and member of the excom of the International Association of University theatre. She is working on the artistic creation of theatrical compositions, where the theatre improvisation and the bodily movement are combined with philosophical ideas towards the synthesis of a new theatre that joins contemporary with traditional cultures and theatrical approaches: ÂéôêåíóôÜéí - Wittgenstein (1992), Andreas Kalvos (1992), Antigone Trilogy: Eros - Antigone, Kreontes and Antigones, Antigone - Drys' Landscapes (1993-1996), The Frogs - Metamorphoses of Dionysus (1996), Eros The Boxer (1997), Hippolytus A - Hippolytus  (1998-1999), Hamlet Highlights (1999), In the Secret Cave of Tragedy (2000 -1), Bacchae (2001), Agave's Dream(2002),The Traces of Dionysus (2002), Extra terrestrial birds (2003), Nekyia - Archetypal Metamorphosis Play (2004). As theater educator she has been employed by the European Project YET (Youth Europe Theatre - 1997 -1999) to direct Greek, Dutch and Italian pupils in theater plays by Sophocles, Goldoni and Dutch avant - guard. She has coordinated seminars for secondary school teachers about Ancient Greek Drama and workshops about the Dionysian element in Contemporary theatre. She is collaborating with the educational TV.


Antonis Lenakakis is a substitute teacher at the 1st Special School of Rethymnon and also a doctors of Drama-and-Theatre-in-Education at the Faculty of Education at the Primary Education Department of the University of Crete. He has a degree in Pedagogics (Diplom Paedagoge, Essen University, Germany), a M.A. in "Theaterpaedagogik" and Ph.D. from the Berlin University of the Arts. He has also tought "Didactic of Drama-and-Theatre-in-Education" at the same University (Faculty of the Performing Arts). He has taken part in plenty Drama and Theatre Workshops (mainly based on the mehtods of Stanislawski and Lee Strasberg) and has himself facilitated such workshops with teachers and multi-cultural groups of learners. His special academic interest include "Drama-and-Theatre-in-Education" practices in teachers' education and further study, foreign language teaching and Special Education. His writing "Paedagogus ludens. Erweiterte Handlungskompetenz von Lehrer(inne)n durch Spiel- und Theaterpaedagogik" is going to be published by Schibri-Verlag (Berlin) in March 2004.


Myrsine Lenoudia-Sakellarides has studied Early Childhood Education at the Academy for Kindergarten Techers in Thesalonica, at the Early School Education Department of the University of Thesalonica and at the "Maraslio Didascalion"for Further Education in Athens.She took part at seminars and courses at the 'Theatre Studio at "Sayed Daruish Theatre"in Alexandria / Egypt(1984-1986).She has been member of "Parodos"Group of Art (creative theatre in Education) at the "Moderni Keri"Theatre(1986-1992).Currently she is directing the Drama Education Studio for children and adolescents of the Municipal Cultural Organization of Rhodes(since 1995), the workshop "Creative Writing"for children and adolescents at the Municipality of Kamiros and at the "Educational Studio of Art" in Rhodes. Since September 2003 she is teaching "Drama Education"in Grades 1-12 at the private school "Rodion Paidia" in Rhodes. She has given lectures and taught workshops in seminars and conferences.


Calliope Liosatou is a graduate to be student in the Master's programme "Comparative Art Studies in Theatre and Music" of the Department of Theatre Studies of the Athens "National and Kapodestrian University" and has also a B.A degree in Greek Language and Literature (1997) from the Department of Philology of the same university. In the year 2001-2002, as an exchange Erasmus student, she participated in the M.A. programme of the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies of the Utrecht University as well as in the B.A Theatre in Education programme of the Utrecht School of the Arts in the Netherlands. During that time she did research in the state of the subject of drama in the Dutch Secondary Education and participated in theatrical-educational programmes in Belgium, Tsech Republic, etc. For her Master Thesis she investigated the connection of professional dutch theater for children with primary education in conparison to the activity of the greek govermental programme MELINA 'Education and Culture' in that field. She has attended several courses in theater and drama in education and participated in various relevant conferences, theater academies, etc. She has worked as a greek and english language teacher and in the 2003-2003 year was the Course-Co-ordinator in the MA Programme "Arts and Media Management in a European Context" of the Utrecht School of the Arts in the Netherlands where she presently lives.


Stathis Livathinos was born in Athens. He is a graduate of the School of Drama of Pelos Katselis and of the Department of English Literature of the University of Athens. He worked as an actor for the Greek Popular Theatre of Manos Katrakis (1981-1983). He studied theatre direction at the Moscow State Institute of Theatre (1984-1990) and he was awarded the Moscow Critics Award for his final performance Rosencrantz and Guildestern are dead in the Mayakofski Theatre in 1990. He has directed the following performances: Dying as a country by D. Dimitriadis, Little Tragedies by Al. Poushkin, Kazanova by M. Tsvetaeva (participation in the International Festival Pontium in Moscow, April 1997), Eleonora Douze by Gigo de Kiara with the famous Greek tragic actress Aspasia Papathanasiou, The isle of slaves by Marivaux, Beast on the moon by Richard Kalinoski, Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, Avant la retraite by Thomas Bernhard, Illusion Comique by Tony Kushner, Les Romanesques by Edmond Rostand, Nostalgos by A. Papadiamantis, An impossible meting by Paul Bartz, Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet and Love's Labour' s Lost by William Shakespeare. He has taught in the directing workshops organized by the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Patras (1997-1999). He has also taught directing and acting in the Department of post graduate studies of the Harvard University in Boston (American Repertory Theatre). Since 2001 he is the director of the Experimental Stage of the National Theatre of Greece.


Maria Virgilio Cambraia Lopes was born in Porto, Portugal. She has a degree in Romanic Philology, and Post Graduate Studies in Theatre and Education, and MA in Theatre Studies. She teaches Drama and Portuguese Dramatic Literature at The University and also works in Teachers' Continuing Education. She has published "Texto e Criação Teatral na Escola" (1999) besides articles on theatre and education. She has directed research projects on theatre in schools and has directed drama in schools since 1983.


Konstantina Mara is a graduate of Pedagogical Department of kinder garden teachers of the National University of Athens in 1994. She has worked as a teacher at many schools in Athens, while she has worked as an animator for a program called "education of Muslim-minority students in Greece", supported by the National University of Athens. She has taken courses in music, theatre and mime. In particular, she plays the accordion, she attended the drama school of Georges Kimoulis and she participated in seminars on mime at "Plefsis". She has also attended seminars on theatrical movement of K. Saropoulouand Luc de' Smet. As a puppeteer, she has been trained at the "Harhout" puppet theatre of Hristos Afjides and at the "Agiousagia" puppet theatre of Stathis Markopoulos. Furthermore, she has collaborated with "Harhout" and "Karotsa" puppet theatres. Meanwhile, she has given many shows of two plays of her; namely, "Nikita treha" and "Mashalla". She has worked for productions of the Greek television and she has undertaken to deliver classes on puppetry for children. She is in collaboration with the "Theatre of puppets" and she is an active member of UNIMA Hellas since 1995.


Stathis Markopoulos has been an apprentice in the Spanish marionette company Marionetas Del Matadero and studied at the State Academy of Puppet Theatre in Prague. Since 1992, he travels around Greece and abroad performing with puppets in the streets, theatres, festivals etc. He has collaborated with many theatre companies and has organized puppetry workshops for adults and children. Since 1996, he has been the Secretary (and now President) of the Greek Center of the International Union of Puppet Theatre (UNIMA).


Marcos Martinez is Professor of Theatre in the Visual and Performing Arts Department at California State University, San Marcos. He is a director and actor whose writings include articles, plays, and monologues. A master teacher of the Suzuki Actor Training Method (a physical theatre technique), which he studied with Tadashi Suzuki in Toga Mura, Japan. Directing project's in conjunction with teaching Suzuki Method include: Guadalupe Cultural Arts Centre, TX; Taos, NM; Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico; Faeroe Islands, Denmark; Ghana; Israel; and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Acting projects> include Bandido with Luis Valdez and touring Holy Dirt in the U.S., Holland and Denmark. A co-founder and former Artistic Director of La Compania de Teatro de Alburquerque (1988-91) Martinez is a graduate of the University of New Mexico and the Juilliard School's Professional Actor Training Program (Group 12).


Alex Mavrocordatos is Senior Lecturer at the School of Community and Performing Arts at King Alfred's University College, Winchester.  He specialises in Community Drama and works with theatre in both the formal and the non-formal education sectors, exploring the use of drama to support marginalised communities in the expression and articulation of their own concerns.  He has worked with street children, school teachers, development workers, farmers - oh yes - and actors as well. In addition to his work on the MA degree in Theatre for Development, his international training and consultancy work has included extensive  programmes in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and of course in Britain.


Eleni Mellou, an infant school teacher, graduated from Maraslio Post Training College. Having received a scholarship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation, obtained her Ph.D., from Bristol University, U.K., studying the relationship between dramatic play and creativity in young children. She also attended, 'Approaches to acting', in Cardiff's, Welsh College of Music and Drama, and 'Scriptwriting for television, stage and radio', in Thames Valley University, London. In 1996 she seconded to London and during 1998 - 2002 to San Francisco, participating in 'Pedia Omogenon' program and presenting papers on teaching Greek as second/foreign language. She developed a Greek/American kindergarten curriculum and taught Greek at Pleasant Hill Adult Education Center. Her publications include 15 papers in: Early Child Development and Care, The Journal of Creative Behavior and Sighroni Ekpaideusi. She has been a member of the British Psychological Association, The Creative Foundation Association and Theatro in Ekpaideusi.


Helen Mintsi is a literature teacher who followed postgraduate studies in Modern History of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and obtained a MA (Master of Arts) Drama in Education at UCE (University of Central England). She has worked 7 years in the school of Blind in Thessaloniki specializing in the Education of people with special needs . She has participated in various seminars relating to theater, pantomime, drama, and Comedia dell' Arte. Since 1993 she was hired in secondary Education, and she was involved in school theater groups, performances and the use of D.i.E. in High school teaching. She teaches History, Ancient Greek, and Literature using D.i.E. as a learning tool. She was involved also with training adults in D.i.E through seminars and workshops. Lately she worked with adults -students groups in extra curricular program. She has been lecturer and leader of seminars for teachers of High schools organized by National and International Organizations.


Eleni Moraiti studied painting and theoretical studies, scenery, ceramics, printing and book art, engraving at Athens School of Fine Arts Exhibitions: four one-woman shows at the gallery "Nees Morfes" in Athens. Catalogues of collective exhibitions (selection): Athens National Gallery, Pieridis Museum, "Kunst Europa, 1991" at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Germany, at the Municipality Center of Athens, in "Arte Fierra, 94"in Bologna, at the Larissa Contemporary Art Center, at the permanent collection of Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art etc. Teaching: She has taught art and art education for all educational levels. As a senior member in the "Melina" experimental project has taught as educator in seminars for Elementary School teachers in Greece in Cyprus and in five American schools in the U.S.A. Illustrations: she has illustrated many books including three books for the Creek Elementary Education. Texts: She took part in the "Melina" experimental project of art teaching and introduced an exercise for the 1st grade of Primary Greek School, in an experimental project for adult art teaching in the Athens School of Fine Art (published), in the writing team for the book of art teaching of the Greek 1st grade of Lyceum (published). At 1998 she begins her PhD entitled "Greek School illustrations, aesthetical, pedagogical and psychological aspects and perspectives" in the Pedagogical Department of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Athens.


Kostas Moschos was born in Athens. He studied Byzantine music and electronic music. He also studied music in Paris, Cologne and Darmstadt. He has written over 45 musical pieces for theatre, dance, cinema, installations. He is responsible for music education at the MELINA Project Athens.


Telemachos Moudatsakis-stage director and University professor of Theatrology- has studied literature at the University of Salonica, M.A and Phd at the University of Sorbonne (IV). He has staged more than 35 classical and modern plays (Euripides, Aristophanes, Kornaros, M.A Foskolos, Moliere, Kalderon, Shakespeare, Beckett, Camu, Adamov) at the National Theatre of Athens, Theatre d'Etat of Salonica, Municipal Theatre of Crete. He has also inaugurated the 'Theatre of Vivi' in Crete. He has staged opera for young people and puppet opera. He has published more than 30 articles on theatre and five monographies. He has also given performances in different European Countries and has taught in European Universities. He teaches Drama at the department of Sciences of Education at the University of Crete.


Jonothan Neelands is Senior Lecturer in Drama and Theatre Education in the Institute of Education, University of Warwick, where he teaches the PGCE English and Drama and the MA in Drama and Theatre Education. He has worked as an Advisor and advisory teacher for Drama and is an experienced trainer and workshop leader with a national and international reputation for delivering high quality professional training and development opportunities. He is the author of several texts for teachers and students, which have influenced the development of drama in recent years including Structuring Drama Work, Beginning Drama 11-14 and Drama and Theatre Studies at A/S and A level.


Fillio Nikoloudi is an infant school teacher. She has attended the Theatre Workshop of L. Kouretzis, she has been a member of a theatre group and an animator of theatrical -dramatic game, for several years. She has attended a summer course of "Drama in Education" in England (U.C.E) and has taken part in several seminars. She is working to the application of drama in the bounds of the intercultural education (Doctoral thesis). She has worked with the Ministry of Education and the University of Athens as a teacher's trainer in the programme "Education of Moslem Children in Greece". She has worked on the planning and materialization of experimental programmes of intercultural education. She has also taught in the University of Athens the lessons "Theatrical game and Intercultural Education I &II" (when she was on detachment there). She has presented in co - operation with consultants of pre - elementary and elementary Education, announcements and workshops for the teachers of several areas, on subjects such as a) The application of drama on school practice, b) Intercultural Education and c) The development of work plans in the classroom. She has taught in PEK and KKEK. She has worked as a trainer in meetings of the Pedagogical Institute for the application of the flexible zone in schools. She is a member of the editorial group of the educational magazine "Contemporary Infant School". She is the author of the book "The Joyful Meadow" and a member of the writing group of books about the Olympic Games and about inter-thematic educational material. Some of her articles, about Intercultural Education and about Drama, have been published in the Educational magazines "Open school", "Bridges" and "Contemporary Infant School".


Christiane Page is a Senior Lecturer (Maître de conférences) at the Université d'Artois, France, a member of CRELID (Research Centre for the Émagination and Pedagogy Literature), co-ordinator of the B.A. (licence) programme in Theatre Arts. Her Main Research Interests include Theatre as a teaching tool (for children, youth and adults), Theatre and Pedagogy. As a Conferences organizer she has organised the following Conferences : 2001: Theatre and Education, Research and innovations, 2002 : Teaching Theatre in a University Context, 2003 : (with D. Marcoin)  Theatre for Youth : Theatre-text-performance, 2004 : Theatre Companies,  co-organizer of a nationwide network of meetings on this theme (2004-2006). She has been working as a part-time lecturer (chargée de cours) at the Institut d' études théâtrales, University of Paris 3, since 1990. She is a Member of the Publication Board of Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, of the International Association of University Theatre; co-organizer of the forthcoming conference on Collective Creation, Cologne 2004 : Lives and Deaths of Collective Creation. Publications include : Jeu dramatique dans la formation des futurs enseignants, Connexions , No. 75, A.R.I.P, Paris, érès, 2001, Eduquer par le jeu dramatique, Paris, ESF, 2001, Enseigner le théâtre à l'université, comment, pourquoi? IUTA, Olympia, 2003 (forthcoming).


Nikos Paizis is mathematician, researcher of the Relation-dynamic Laboratory at the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Patras and teacher of Secondary Education. From 1993 to 1994 he has been the Minister's consultant for Arts and Education initiatives at the Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Since 1994 Nikos Paizis is the Coordinator of the "MELINA Project - Education and Culture" of the Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture concerning the training of primary school teachers in the Arts. His expertise refers to strategy planning in coordinating in national level educational initiatives for the Arts.


David Pammenter is currently Principal Lecturer and Director of Pedagogy at King Alfred's University College, School of Community and Performing Arts. He is also visiting lecturer, director, consultant and external examiner in a number of Colleges, Companies and institutions in the UK and abroad. He is founding member of the Belgrade TIE Team Coventry, the first Theatre-In-Education team which became a model for national and international development of TIE practice and contributed greatly to the development of DIE (Drama in Education). He has worked extensively in Africa and Asia and his research interests are in the area of TfD -Theatre For Development.


Maria Panagiotopoulou has graduated from the School of Philosophy in Rethymno, Crete (Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1985 ). She has been working as a Greek Language and Literature teacher in the 1st Lykeio in Moschato, Athens, since 1992. She has attended a three years drama course (Centre for Culture, Municipality of Moschato, Athens), as well as several other short term drama seminars: Promoting Theatrical Culture in School (National Theatre, 1997), Drama Pedagogics (Institute for Continuous Adults Education, 1997), Modern Drama - a theoretical approach (Panhellenic Students' Contest, 1999), etc.. She has acted as the teacher/director of the Students' Drama Group in the 1st Lykeion in Mochato, Athens, staging G. Skourti's Bertodoulos (1995), Moliere's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (1996), Goldoni's The Servant of Two Masters 1998, Theotoka's The Game of Folly and Wisdom (1st Prize in the Regional Level of the Panhellenic Students' Contest, 1999), her own Eros Represented (2nd Prize in the Regional Level of the Panhellenic Students' Contest, 2000), Aristophane's Assembly of Women (Eklessiazousse, 2001), Semolina Love - a folk tale (2002), Aristophane's Peace (Erene, 2003). She has also been the leader of the Amateurs Group ArPiLeMa, staging William Shakespeare's..A Midsummer Night's Dream (2000), Carlo Goldoni's The Squabbles at Chioggia (2001) and her own Statues (a street happening, 2001) and Oh! Eros, that you 've Stolen my Mind and Heart (a dramatic pot-pourri for the celebration of the Theatre's Day, 2002). Having been in charge of the Moschato Amateurs' Drama Group since 2002, she has directed her own A Lie Always Uttering the Truth (a dramatic pot-pourri for the celebration of the Theatre's Day, 2003) and Jean Giraudoux's Ondine (2003).


Emilia Papadakou was born in Sparta. She is a graduate of the Philosophy School of University of Ioannina and of the Dramatic School "Arche" - N. Karra. She has participated in theatrical plays under the directors M. Virvidakis, Th. Espiritou, L. Filipova, Th. Dermati and others. She has participated in two movies of N. Kornilios. She had edited theatrical plays of the Arskaeia - Tositseia Schools and has dramatized texts relating to the "Olympic Truce". She teaches in the Arsakeia Primary Schools' Drama Club at Psihiko.


Apostolia Papadamaki, was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her degree in Physical Education stimulated her to further explore dance movement. After graduating from the Greek National School of Dance, she went on to study new dance techniques in New York (1993-95, the Merce Cunningham Studio scholarship. She was the artistic director, choreographer and dancer of sinequanon dance co. (1992-2002) and has choreographed 8 full-evening pieces winning an honorary distinction at the International Choreographic Competition of Seine - Saint- Denis '96 (Bagnolet). Apostolia was awarded the Hellenic Tourism Organisation choreography award ' (1992) and was commissioned for works at the National Opera House, National Theatre of Greece, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York (1998), the Zodiak - Center for New Dance in Helsinki 2000 and the National Theater of Nothern Greece, 2001.She was Choreographer in Residence at the Full Moon Festival, Finland for 2000, and at the National Theatre of Northern Greece for 2001. In October 2002 she founded her new company "quasi stellar". She has organised two dance festivals, Travelogue'98 and Taxidromio '99 and has recently collaborated with director-visual artist Jan Fabre commissioned by the Avignon Festival. Apostolia is a member of IETM (Informal European Theatre Meeting) and on the board of directors of the Greek Choreographers Union.


Simos Papadopoulos has made studies in Science of Education and in Theatre in education. He is an animator, teacher- (as) researcher in Primary Education and Ph.D. student in the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology of the University of Athens.


Maria Papacosta is a holder of a degree from Pedagogical Academy of Cyprus, and Postgraduate Diploma, MA and PhD in Drama in Education of University of Central England (UCE) in Birmingham, England. In her PhD thesis she systematised all Dorothy Heathcote's work in Drama in Education. Through her research, a structured Teaching / Learning System evolved, which can be used by any teacher who would like to apply it in his/her educational praxis. She is a Deputy Head Teacher in a Primary School in Cyprus. She is also a lecturer at the Summer School of UCE (PGCert/PGDip/MA in Drama in Education). She is involved in teaching Drama in Education and training the teachers of Cyprus in using Drama, through organising many workshops and lectures in Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus.


Evangelia Papathanassiou was born in Elassona, Larisa and was brought up in Munich, Germany. She studied in the Teachers' Training College and in the Kindergarten School in Thessalonica. She has worked as a teacher in elementary schools in Thessalonica and in 1986 she was appointed in the Piraeus district. Since 1991-8 she has worked as a teacher in a Greek school in Dortmund, Germany and has lived in Mytilini since the year 1997. During the years 1988-89 she attended the Drama School Lessons of the Piraeus Union. She has also worked at the Holiday Camps organised by the Emporiki Bank under the direction of Mr. L. Kouretzi. During the years 1997-98 she attended the Educators' Quality Upgrading Lessons organised by the Department of Primary Education of the University of Athens. She has also attended a range of seminars for the Theatrical Play, seminars concerning the music-educational system Orff in Hamelburg, speech-training and theatrical seminars in Dortmund, Germany, as well as Aesthetics Education and Puppet Show seminars. In Mytilini she has worked as a teacher in school that was running within the framework of the Melina-programme and she attended the respective seminars. In the schools she has worked so far she has organised Theatrical Play groups with children and has put on stage a number of theatrical plays.


Ekaterini Paplomata graduated from the Drama Department of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki in 2002, where she specialised in scenography. She was also awarded the Diploma in Drama from University of Kent, UK in 1999. In 2002 she was awarded the MEd "Drama and the Creative Arts in Education" with distinction from the School of Education of Exeter University, UK. She attended a year course in Lakis Kouretzis' Teatro tis Imeras where she participated in weekly workshops on dramatic play. In Exeter University she also attended seminars on Teaching Shakespeare, Forum Theatre and mask making. In the Drama Department of the same University she run drama workshops for children age four to six years old. She is currently undertaking an MPhil course in the School of Education, Exeter University. Her research topic examines dramatic play and learning in the Early Years Education. She is doing her fieldwork in one of Exeter's First schools.


Yannis Poutachidis (MgA), drama teacher, Master of Arts in Drama / Theatre in Education and he is a current PhD candidate at the Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts. He co-operates as lecturer with Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts. He teaches Drama in Experimental Elementary Schools of Aristotelian University in Thessaloniki, organizes and teaches in teachers' training seminars applying Theatre in Education. He is vice president in Theatrical Artistic Cultural Center, responsible for the Drama in Education Center and founder member of Panhellenic Association of Drama in Education.


Catherine Poutachidou (MgA),, drama teacher, Master of Arts in Drama / Theatre in Education at the Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts. She teaches drama in nursery school in Thessaloniki, cultural organization and in seminars applying theatrical techniques. She organizes happenings for children and youngsters. She is member of Theatrical Artistic Cultural Center


Korina Prevedouraki is a painter. After her studies at Graphic Arts - Athens, at "Vakalo School of Art and Desigh", she graduated from "Academy of Fine Art of Brera" - Milan. She has participated in several Group Exhibitions. Also she has directed an Art Creator Studio for adolescents since 1992 till '98. For fifteen years she works as a teacher of Art, firstly at Private Schools and secondly at Public High Schools. Since 2000 she specialized at organizing of Educational programs about approach between School and Museum, at Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica. She is member of the Unit of Fine Arts' Teachers and the Chamber of Hellenic Fine Arts.


Stella Retsiou was born in the city of Volos where she finished High school. Meanwhile she was attending violin classes in the local conservatory. In 1983 she was admitted in the University of Athens in the department of Physical Education. While at the University she continued music studies and attended classes of ballet. In 1987 after completion of her bachelor degree she gained a state scholarship for postgraduate studies abroad. In 1990 she was awarded a Master in Education by Boston University. Back to Athens she completed her musical studies leading to a degree in Theoretical Studies of music. In 1995 she was appointed as a teacher of Physical Education in primary education. She has participated as an instructor in seminars and conferences and published her work on educational issues. Since October 2003 she has been working as Director of Cultural Issues and Artistic Contests in Primary Education.


Helena Maria da Silva Santana is currently a Professor Assistant at the Department of art and Communication of Aveiro University in Portugal, She has received a Doctorate in Musicology of the Twentieh Century form the Univerity of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) with a thesis entitled "L'Orchestration chez Iannis Xenakis: l'espace et le rythme functions du timbre". She had published her thesis in France and has published several articles about Iannis Xenakis and contemporary music in France, Spain, Brazil and Portugal. Also a composer, she has been represented in several festivals of contemporary music in Portugal. She is presently publishing two books in Portugal about contemporary music.


Maria do Rosário da Silva Santana is a Professor Coordinator in the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. She holds a Doctorate in Music and Musicology of the Twentieth Century form the University of Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) with a thesis entitled "Elliott Carter: le rapport avec la musique européenne dans les domains du rythme et du temps". She had published her thesis in France and has published some articles about Contemporary music and Music, art and education in France, Spain, Brazil and Portugal. She has been represented, as a composer, in several festivals of contemporary music in Portugal. She is presently publishing one book in Portugal about contemporary music as an educational skill.


Takis Sarris is a puppet player and an actor. Together with Mina Sarri have created and directed the "Greek Puppet Theatre". During its 26 years of life the "Greek Puppet Theatre" and Takis Sarris have worked in many sectors of puppet show (performances, seminars, exhibitions, European Projects). What characterizes his work is the experimentation and the renewal of puppet show expression.


Shifra Schonmann (Dr). is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa and Head of the Laboratory for Research in Theatre/Drama Education. She conducts the program of Theatre Teachers' Training. The continuing focus of her research is aesthetic, theatre/drama education, curriculum planning, and teacher training. She has published numerous articles on these issues, as well as a book (in Hebrew): Theatre of the Classroom. Another book, co-written with M. Ben Peretz: Behind Closed Doors, is published by SUNY Press. She is currently engaged in extensive research in children's theatre, and also acts as the academic counselor for the National Theatre Committee for Youth and Children in Israel.


Persephone Sextou, BAhons in Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Master of Arts in Theatre Studies, University of Lancaster, PhD studies in Theatre-in-Education, University of London. Since 1995 she has been teaching drama in education at the University of Thessalia (Departments of Education) and the School of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (English Faculty). She participated in the Rafael European Union programme and EPEAEK in-service teacher training programme co-ordinated by the Hellenic government. Her research interest is focused on Theatre-in- Education as a means for social learning. She had distinguished teachers in theatre such as Baz Kershaw, Margaret Eddershaw, Keith Sturgess, Brian Roberts, Pip Simons, Augusto Boal and others. She participates constantly in congresses and conferences about drama and theatre. She is the author of Dramatisation (Athens, Kastaniotis, 1998, 2003) and of chapters in the following editions: 'Theatre for Children 2' (Athens, Theatre Centre for children and young people, 2002) and 'Shadow Theatre and Education' (Athens, Kastaniotis, 2003). She has published her work in journals such as Contemporary Education, Contemporary Primary School, Diadromes, Research in Drama Education, Journal of Education for Teaching and New Theatre Quarterly. She is also the mother of two wonderful children called Helene and Nectarious.


Maha Shihadeh works as a Public Relations Officer at "Ashtar For Theatre Productions and Training" in Palestine. Before that and during the years 1998-2001, she used to be an elementary stage principal at Al-Mustaqbal private school in Ramallah. She held this position after being an English teacher the years before. Her education background goes back to receiving a BA degree in Education (TEFL) at Birzeit University. In 1993, she has been to Leeds University on an intensive course focusing on New Communicative Methods. In the year 2000, she completed a series of intensive workshops on Integrated Learning at the Early Childhood Research Centre. In the year 2001, she also completed an intensive Project Management seminar held by the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA). Finally, she received her certificate in Modern Management/Administration in the year 2003 from Cambridge University for Distant Learning / England.


John Somers is senior lecturer at the Drama Department of Exeter University, He specializes in Drama and Theatre-in-Education and recently completed TIE programmes on bulling, alcohol education, racism, and young people's self awareness. His teaching and research took him in many countries including Poland, Greece, Taiwan, Brazil. He is director of the MA in Applied Drama course, editor of the journal Research in Drama Education and director of an international research conference.


Dimitris Sotiriou was born in Drama (North Greece) in 1968. He studied Law at Thessaloniki Law School. In 1993 he graduated from the National School of Dance and he continued his studies in New York. Since 1993 he has worked with Mrs Zouzou Nikoloudi (Chorica), Mr Dimitris Papaioannou (Omada Edafous), Oktana dance-theatre, Mr Sotoris Chatzakis (Politeia theatre), the National Theatre of Sofia, Manos Chatzidakis Ensemble, Skalkotas Ensemble. He is a founding member of the Sinequanon dance group, which has participated in festivals in Greece and abroad: Athens Festival, A Month Of Dance in Athens, International Dance Festival in Kalamata, Volos Festival, Chania Festival, Ermoupoli Festival, Copenhagen Festival (Dansescen), London Festival (Mosaics), France (Bagnole), Florence Dance Festival. He has also taken part in the folk festivities in Capo Verde and in Biennale for the New Artists in Rome. The Sinequanon dance group has organized the Dance and Music Festivals "TRAVELOGUE 1998" in cooperation with Hellenic-American Union and "POST 1999" (Sfendoni theatre)


Helen Spathari-Begliti is School Adviser and Head of Scientific and Educational Guidance in Educational Region of Attica. She holds a degree in French and Greek Language and Literature. She has postgraduate studies in the education from a distance and she has planned doctoral thesis in Ethnology. She has carried out post-doctoral research in Social, Economical and Local History as a scholar in Paris. She is the author of two scientific books, an educational and an academic one. She has a large number of publications in scientific and educational journals. She has participated in Greek and International Congresses. She has been given an award by the Academy of Athens for her study "Ethnology of Eastern Thrace".


Peggy Stefanidou was born in Athens in 1972. She is a kindergarten teacher and has studied child psychology. Her postgraduate studies were in the field of Drama in Education (MA Drama in Education, U.C.E). She has attended various seminars about educational drama and theatre, direction, movement, puppet theatre, aesthetic and cultural education, in Greece and G. Britain. Since 2001 she has been in charge of the Drama in Education seminars and the Theatre Workshops for children that are held in the Museum of Greek Children's Art. In parallel she has been involved in teacher training, in seminars and meetings, about Drama and Theatre in education. Since September 2003 she has been collaborating with Xenia's Kalogeropoulou "Mikri Porta". She is also working as a drama and theatre teacher with public and private schools of Athens (e.g. 9th Primary School of Alimos, Leonteios School). She is the vice-president of the Panhellenic Association of the Educational Drama.


Fabio Roberto Tolledi is a graduate of Modern Literature at the University of Lecce Italy. His published work includes many books and articles in literature, political, sociological Italian and European journals. He is also collaborator of the daily newspapers Lecce Sera and Corriere della Sera-Corriere del Mezzogiornio. Since 1992 he has been artistic director of ASTRAGALI TEATRO organizing events and festivals and directing the performances of the Company. He has worked with some of the most important theatre masters of contemporary theatre of research (Grotowski, P. Brook, J.Slowiak etc) as an actor and assistant director. In collaboration with several Universities in Italy, he has given many lectures and seminars on sociology, culture, art, literature, sociology of religions.


Helen Tsefalas was born in Montreal, Canada where she completed her elementary and secondary education. She is an English language and literature teacher who has post-graduate studies at the University of Athens and the University of London, Institute of Education with the subject: 'Comparative Education and Human Rights'. She has also attended at the University of Edinburgh in a Lingua Programme 'Drama and Education'(1994).She has translated into Greek the poetic collection 'Sounds' of Wassily Kandinsky, edited by EYMOUSIA. She has attended acting courses at the Central School of Speech and Drama (2000). At present she is studying theatre in the Drama School of Volos. She is teaching E.S.P (English for specific purposes) at the University of Thessaly.


Ifigenia Tsihla is a graduate of the Nursery school of Lamia in 1988. Since 1990 she works as a nurse. In 1997 she creates her own puppet group "Halima". Since then she deals with puppet construction and animation. She participated in an exhibition of Vavel (comics magazine)with her own puppets. She participated in puppet theatre group called "Paranga" on the play "Aelouo, the sea ornament". She worked as puppeteer in TV programmes for children in ET1(Greek TV channel). She followed courses of puppet construction and animation in workshops with Papaspyrou, Sarris, Hatzimitatou, Markopoulos. She attended mime, lighting for theatre and voice control seminaries organised by UNIMA(Greek puppet centre). Since 1997 she is an active member of Unima.


Anna Tsichli directed "The Experiment", Empty Space, Experimental Stage, National Theatre of Greece, 2003 and "Who discovered America", Theatredrome Kozani, 2002. She also devised and directed "A series of disagreements", Technochoros, 2002 and "I couldn't care less", Notos Theatre Company, 1999. As assistant director worked with Marc von Henning, Giannis Houvardas and Konstantine Arvanitakis. She has conducted workshops on devised theatre practice for the Theatre of Changes, Diavasi Detoxification Centre, Roes Dance Theatre Company, The Central School of Speech and Drama and many schools in Greece and abroad. For Athinorama weekly magazine she co-scripted and directed the "Theatre Awards" and the "Golden Chefs' Hats", 1999-2000. As a theatre director and a video artist she participated in congresses and festivals in Greece and abroad. Trained at the University of Athens and the Central School of Speech and Drama.


Takis Tzamargias was born in Piraeus. He studied Theatre and Education and gained a Master's Degree from the Athens University on "Theater in Education". Currently he works on his doctoral thesis on the same subject. He is the artistic director of the Municipal Theatre "Theater Company of Keratsini". He has directed more than twenty plays including production with Greek National Theatre. Currently he teaches at the Primary Education Department of Athens University.


Antonis Vaos was born in Milos Island, Hellas. He studied Fine Arts in Rome and he earned his Ph.D. from the Panteion University in Athens. He is presently teaching as a Senior lecturer at the University of Patras, Early Childhood Department (Art Education). He has presented his work in various exhibitions in Greece and abroad.


Stelios Vgages is a teacher and an animator of "Playing Through Theater". He is a Maraslios Pedagogic Academy graduate, owner of postgraduate degree of the Maraslios of Elementary Education and a graduate of the three year Pedagogical Theater plus "Playing Through Theater" workshop of the "DAY THEATER co." He has attended workshop programmes of Eurythmics and Kinetics Education, Music and Kinetics Education and Dramatosophy. He works as a teacher at the 15th Elementary School of Kallithea and applies "Playing Through Theater" in everyday learning process incorporating it in the school curriculum. As an animator of "playing through theater" he holds workshops for children and adult groups. He is an instructor in seminars and meetings that Cultural and Municipal Authorities organise, as well as Teachers' Unions, School Advisors, and Educational Centers of the Ministry of Education. As a permanent partner of Mr Lakis Kouretzis, he takes part in teachers' instructions and in the programmes and activities planning during the realization of the programme "MELINA - EDUCATION AND CULTURE". He also teaches in the three-years Pedagogical Theater plus "Playing Through Theater" workshop of the "DAY THEATER co." having as a subject "Playing Through Theater" in the Learning Process".


Kostas Voros was born in Athens. He graduated from Pedagogic Department of Primary Education, University of Crete. Holder of Master's (M.Ed.) in 'Education and the Mass Media', University of Manchester. He has been working as a primary teacher. He worked for 4 years on a secondment to the Educational Television Directorate, Ministry of Education. He is currently working on my PhD thesis entitled 'Media education in primary schools' at the Institute of Education, University of London.


Yiannis Yiaples was born on 1969. He is a graduate of the State School of Orchestral Art and he has participated in performances of the following groups: Transition, Octana, Sine qua non, Chorals of ms Zouzou Nikoloudi, Omada Edafous e.t.c. He teaches dancing since 1990, he is a member of the central co-ordination committee and head of the Movement and Dance workshop of the Project "MELINA Education and Culture"


George Zafeiriou attended the School of Photography FOCUS with teachers Zertheva Taki, Riveli Platona, Agrafioti Dimostheni, Markou Nick, Pizzocaro Massim, Koutayiar Kosta. In 1991 he attended lessons of processing black and white photograph, superfine icon with JohnPack. In 1991 he participated in group exhibition at "Center of Photography Athens" and in 1991 and 1996 he presented his own work in Chalkis. From 1994 he designs lights for Chalkis Theatre Group. He teaches at Chalkis Arts Center and at MELINA Project In-Service Training for teachers.