Host organisation:
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
In partnership with:
- UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in Greece
- International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA)
Collaborating partners
- Athens University – Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- Athens University – Department of Theatre Studies, Greece
- Athens University - Department of Theatre Studies, MA programm "Greek and World Theatre: Dramatourgy, Performance, Education, Greece
- Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- Thessaloniki University – Theatre Department, Greece
- Thessaly University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
- University of the Peloponnese – Department of Social and Educational Policy, Greece
- University of the Aegean– Department of Primary Education, Greece
- University of Patras - Department of Theatre Studies Theatre Laboratory of Drama and Speech Greece
- Ankara University – Education Department, Turkey
- Council of Europe - Roma and Travellers Division
- UNICEF (Greece)
- The European Wergeland Centre (EWC)
- Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V., (German Association for Theatre Pedagogy - BUT), Germany
- La Transplanisphere (LT), France
- Ex-Quorum - Associação de Divulgação de Eventos Culturais (EQ), Portugal
- Centre for Intercultural Dialogue Association, (CID), North Macedonia
- Stadt Theatre Dortmund (STD), Germany
- Network for Children’s Rights, Greece
- “Skasiarxeio” Educational Group, Greece
- Initiative for Article 12 (InArt12), Greece
- SIMEIO for the study and tackling of the far-right, Greece
- Racist Violence Recording Network, Greece
- KARPOS – Educational Centre for intercultural communication, Greece
- "School of Playing"- Centre for Cultural Groupwork
- UNIMA Hellas
Conference 2025 is hosted and supported by the Experimental Music School of Pallini
Conference 2025 Coordinator: Nikos Govas, Co-ordinator of the "It could be me, it could be you" project and Consultant of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project
Coordinating Committee:
- Vassilis Klissiaris (President of TENet-Gr Board, trainer of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project)
- Morfoula Stergiou (Vice-president of TENet-Gr Board)
- Irini Gotsi (Secretary of TENet-Gr Board, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
- Helena Zervou (Treasurer of TENet-Gr Board)
- Helena Fanioudaki (Member of TENet-Gr Board, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
- Katerina Alexiadi (Coordinator in Greece for the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
- Vassia Kossiva (TENet-Gr General Management, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
- Pinelopi Kazakoni (member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
- Giorgos Bekiaris (member of the Research Committee, Consultant and trainer of the “it could be me, it could be you” project)
- Christina Krithari (Consultant of the “it could be me, it could be you” project, trainer of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project)
- Antigoni Tsarbopoulou (Consultant of the “it could be me, it could be you” project)
Conference 2025 Scientific Committee
Chair: Christina Zoniou, University of the Peloponnese Theatre Studies Department. Member of the academic-advisory comittee and head of the Research Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project and Consultant of the "Theatre Makes Politics", Greece
Members (alphabetical order)
- Garyfallia Anastasopoulou, Racist Violence Recording Network, Greece
- Alexandra Androussou, Athens University Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- Glykeria Arapi, Sociologist, Consultant of the “It could be me, it could be you” project, Greece
- Avra Avdi, drama/theatre pedagogue, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you " project, Greece
- Giorgos Bekiaris, member of the Reserach Committee, Consultant and trainer of the “it could be me, it could be you” project
- Hugo Miguel Coelho, Ex-Quorum - Associação de Divulgação de Eventos Culturais (EQ), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, Portugal
- Popi Dionyssopoulou, UNHCR Greece
- Giouli Douvou, theatre/drama pedagogue, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Clio Fanouraki, Athens University – Department of Theatre Studies, Consultant of the "It could be me , it could be you" project, Greece
- Maria Frangi, University of Patras Department of Theatre Studies, Greece
- Bruno Freyssinet, La Transplanisphere (LT), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, France
- Andreas Gruhn, Stadt Theatre Dortmund (STD), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, Germany
- Georgina Kakoudaki, director, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Despina Karakatsani, University of the Peloponnese – Department of Social and Educational Policy, Greece
- Martha Katsaridou, Thessaly University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- Maria Kladaki, University of the Aegean– Department of Primary Education, Greece
- Maria Koltsida, Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- Alkistis Kontoyanni, University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
- Sanja Krsmanovic-Tasic, IDEA International Drama/Theatre and Education Association
- Popi Kyrdi, Network for Children’s Rights, Greece
- Antonis Lenakakis, Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
- Maria Leonida, KARPOS – Educational Centre for intercultural communication, Greece
- Ioanna Lioutsia, actress, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Kostas Magos, Thessaly University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Consultant of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Yolanda Markpoulou, director, producer of the 'WALK with Amal" project in Greece
- Giorgos Moschos, Initiative for Article 12 (InArt12), trainer of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Olga Orfanidou, trainer and member of the Research Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Zeki Özen, Ankara University, Turkey
- Kostis Papaioannou, SIMEIO for the study and tackling of the far-right, trainer of the "It could be me, it could be you" project,Greece
- Artemi Papakonstandinopoulou, member of the Research Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Dionysis Pavlou, Refugee Education Coordinator at Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) Lesvos Isl, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Myrto Pigou-Repousi, Thessaloniki University – Theatre Department, Consultant of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
- Lutz Pickardt, Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V., (German Association for Theatre Pedagogy - BUT), Coordinator of the "Theatre Makes Politcs" project, Germany
- Eva Savopoulou, UNHCR Greece
- Katerina Sakka, “Skasiarxeio” Educational Group, Greece
- Besart Shabani, Centre for Intercultural Dialogue Association, (CID), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, North Macedonia
- Giorgos Simopoulos, UNICEF, Greece
- Eleni Tsetsekou, Council of Europe - Roma and Travellers Division
- Anna Tsichli, University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
- Angelos Vallianatos, The European Wergeland Centre (EWC), Greece
- Stelios Vgagkes, "School of Playing"- Centre for Cultural Groupwork, Greece
Organisation Committee (alphabetical order)
Chair: Katerina Alexiadi, Coordinator in Greece for the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project
Co-Chair: Irini Gotsi, Secretary to the Borad of Directors of TENet-Gr, and member of the coordinating committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project.
- Katerina Alexiadi (Athens Local Coordinator )
- Nina Anastasiadi (Igoumenitsa Local Coordinator )
- Christina Bakalarou (Lasithi Local Coordinator)
- Giorgos Bekiaris (Patras Local Coordinator )
- Maria Divane (Thessaloniki, Local Coordinator )
- Sonia Dova (Trikala, Local Coordinator )
- Helena Fanioudaki (Heraklion Local Coordinator )
- Eleftheria Giogou (Igoumenitsa, Local Coordinator )
- Irini Gotsi (Larissa Local Coordinator )
- Alexandra Katsaitou (Zakynthos Isl Local Coordinator )
- Pinelopi Kazakoni (Tripolis Local Coordinator )
- Maria Kladaki (Rhodes Isl. Local Coordinator )
- Victoria Koemtzopoulou (Thessaloniki Local Coordinator )
- Dimitris Konetas (Ioannina Local Coordinator )
- Sophia Mpoutmpara (Samos Isl. Local Coordinator )
- Aglaia Naka (Larisa Local Coordinator )
- Artemi Papakonstantinopoulou (Patras Local Coordinator )
- Yiannis Poulios (Serres Local Coordinator )
- Christos Rachiotis (Chania Local Coordinator )
- Dimitra Skempi (Athens Local Coordinator )
- Maria Tsoga (Agrinio Local Coordinator)
- Dimitra Tzanetaki (Kalamata Local Coordinator )
- Georgia Tzilou (Kalamata Local Coordinator )
- Panayiota (Alkinoi) Zahareogiorga (Corfu Isl Local Coordinator )
- Vassia Kossiva, General Management
- Anastasia Simitsiadi, Secretary
- Evi Sagropoulou, Financial Officer
- Paris Tsekouras, Technical Support