Committees - Partners

Host organisation:
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

In partnership with:

  • UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in Greece
  • International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA)

Collaborating partners

  1. Athens University – Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  2. Athens University – Department of Theatre Studies, Greece
  3. Athens University - Department of Theatre Studies, MA programm "Greek and World Theatre: Dramatourgy, Performance, Education, Greece
  4. Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  5. Thessaloniki University – Theatre Department, Greece
  6. Thessaly University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  7. University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
  8. University of the Peloponnese – Department of Social and Educational Policy, Greece
  9. University of the Aegean– Department of Primary Education, Greece
  10. University of Patras - Department of Theatre Studies Theatre Laboratory of Drama and Speech Greece
  11. Ankara University – Education Department, Turkey
  12. Council of Europe - Roma and Travellers Division
  13. UNICEF (Greece)
  14. The European Wergeland Centre (EWC)
  15. Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V., (German Association for Theatre Pedagogy - BUT), Germany 
  16. La Transplanisphere (LT), France
  17. Ex-Quorum - Associação de Divulgação de Eventos Culturais (EQ), Portugal
  18. Centre for Intercultural Dialogue Association, (CID), North Macedonia
  19. Stadt Theatre Dortmund (STD), Germany 
  20. Network for Children’s Rights, Greece
  21. “Skasiarxeio” Educational Group, Greece
  22. Initiative for Article 12 (InArt12), Greece
  23. SIMEIO for the study and tackling of the far-right, Greece
  24. Racist Violence Recording Network, Greece
  25. KARPOS – Educational Centre for intercultural communication, Greece
  26. "School of Playing"- Centre for Cultural Groupwork
  27. UNIMA Hellas

Conference 2025 is hosted and supported by the Experimental Music School of Pallini

Conference 2025 Coordinator: Nikos Govas, Co-ordinator of the "It could be me, it could be you" project and Consultant of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project  

Coordinating Committee:

  1. Vassilis Klissiaris (President of TENet-Gr Board, trainer of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project)
  2. Morfoula Stergiou (Vice-president of TENet-Gr Board)
  3. Irini Gotsi (Secretary of TENet-Gr Board, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
  4. Helena Zervou (Treasurer of TENet-Gr Board)
  5. Helena Fanioudaki (Member of TENet-Gr Board, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
  6. Katerina Alexiadi (Coordinator in Greece for the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
  7. Vassia Kossiva (TENet-Gr General Management, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
  8. Pinelopi Kazakoni (member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project)
  9. Giorgos Bekiaris  (member of the Research Committee, Consultant and trainer of the “it could be me, it could be you” project)
  10. Christina Krithari (Consultant of the “it could be me, it could be you” project, trainer of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project)
  11. Antigoni Tsarbopoulou (Consultant of the “it could be me, it could be you” project)

Conference 2025 Scientific Committee

Chair:  Christina Zoniou, University of the Peloponnese Theatre Studies Department. Member of the academic-advisory comittee and head of the Research Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project and Consultant of the "Theatre Makes Politics", Greece

Members (alphabetical order)

  1. Garyfallia Anastasopoulou, Racist Violence Recording Network, Greece
  2. Alexandra Androussou, Athens University Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  3. Glykeria Arapi, Sociologist, Consultant of the “It could be me, it could be you” project, Greece
  4. Avra Avdi, drama/theatre pedagogue, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you " project, Greece
  5. Giorgos Bekiaris, member of the Reserach Committee, Consultant and trainer of the “it could be me, it could be you” project
  6. Hugo Miguel Coelho, Ex-Quorum - Associação de Divulgação de Eventos Culturais (EQ), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, Portugal
  7. Popi Dionyssopoulou, UNHCR Greece  
  8. Giouli Douvou, theatre/drama pedagogue, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  9. Clio Fanouraki, Athens University – Department of Theatre Studies, Consultant of the "It could be me , it could be you" project, Greece
  10. Maria Frangi, University of Patras Department of Theatre Studies, Greece
  11. Bruno Freyssinet, La Transplanisphere (LT), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, France
  12. Andreas Gruhn, Stadt Theatre Dortmund (STD), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, Germany 
  13. Georgina Kakoudaki, director, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  14. Despina Karakatsani, University of the Peloponnese – Department of Social and Educational Policy, Greece
  15. Martha Katsaridou, Thessaly University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  16. Maria Kladaki, University of the Aegean– Department of Primary Education, Greece
  17. Maria Koltsida, Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  18. Alkistis Kontoyanni, University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
  19. Sanja Krsmanovic-Tasic, IDEA International Drama/Theatre and Education Association
  20. Popi Kyrdi, Network for Children’s Rights, Greece
  21. Antonis Lenakakis, Thessaloniki University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
  22. Maria Leonida, KARPOS – Educational Centre for intercultural communication, Greece
  23. Ioanna Lioutsia, actress, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  24. Kostas Magos, Thessaly University - Department of Early Childhood Education, Consultant of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  25. Yolanda Markpoulou, director, producer of the 'WALK with Amal" project in Greece
  26. Giorgos Moschos, Initiative for Article 12 (InArt12), trainer of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  27. Olga Orfanidou, trainer and member of the Research Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  28. Zeki Özen, Ankara University, Turkey
  29. Kostis Papaioannou, SIMEIO for the study and tackling of the far-right, trainer of the "It could be me, it could be you" project,Greece
  30. Artemi Papakonstandinopoulou, member of the Research Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  31. Dionysis Pavlou, Refugee Education Coordinator at Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) Lesvos Isl, trainer of the "it could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  32. Myrto Pigou-Repousi, Thessaloniki University – Theatre Department, Consultant of the "It could be me, it could be you" project, Greece
  33. Lutz Pickardt, Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V., (German Association for Theatre Pedagogy - BUT), Coordinator of the "Theatre Makes Politcs" project, Germany 
  34. Eva Savopoulou, UNHCR Greece
  35. Katerina Sakka, “Skasiarxeio” Educational Group, Greece
  36. Besart Shabani, Centre for Intercultural Dialogue Association, (CID), member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, North Macedonia
  37. Giorgos Simopoulos, UNICEF, Greece
  38. Eleni Tsetsekou, Council of Europe - Roma and Travellers Division
  39. Anna Tsichli, University of the Peloponnese – Theatre Studies Department, Greece
  40. Angelos Vallianatos, The European Wergeland Centre (EWC), Greece
  41. Stelios Vgagkes, "School of Playing"- Centre for Cultural Groupwork, Greece


Organisation Committee (alphabetical order)
: Katerina Alexiadi, Coordinator in Greece for the "Theatre Makes Politics" project, member of the Coordinating Committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project
Co-ChairIrini Gotsi, Secretary to the Borad of Directors of TENet-Gr, and member of the coordinating committee of the "It could be me, it could be you" project. 

  1. Katerina Alexiadi (Athens Local Coordinator )
  2. Nina Anastasiadi (Igoumenitsa Local Coordinator )
  3. Christina Bakalarou (Lasithi Local Coordinator)
  4. Giorgos Bekiaris (Patras Local Coordinator )
  5. Maria Divane (Thessaloniki, Local Coordinator )
  6. Sonia Dova (Trikala, Local Coordinator )
  7. Helena Fanioudaki (Heraklion Local Coordinator )
  8. Eleftheria Giogou (Igoumenitsa, Local Coordinator )
  9. Irini Gotsi (Larissa Local Coordinator )
  10. Alexandra Katsaitou (Zakynthos Isl Local Coordinator )
  11. Pinelopi Kazakoni (Tripolis Local Coordinator )
  12. Maria Kladaki (Rhodes Isl. Local Coordinator )
  13. Victoria Koemtzopoulou (Thessaloniki Local Coordinator )
  14. Dimitris Konetas  (Ioannina Local Coordinator )
  15. Sophia Mpoutmpara (Samos Isl. Local Coordinator )
  16. Aglaia Naka (Larisa Local Coordinator )
  17. Artemi Papakonstantinopoulou (Patras Local Coordinator )
  18. Yiannis Poulios (Serres Local Coordinator )
  19. Christos Rachiotis (Chania Local Coordinator )
  20. Dimitra Skempi (Athens Local Coordinator )
  21. Maria Tsoga (Agrinio Local Coordinator)
  22. Dimitra Tzanetaki (Kalamata Local Coordinator )
  23. Georgia Tzilou (Kalamata Local Coordinator )
  24. Panayiota (Alkinoi) Zahareogiorga (Corfu Isl Local Coordinator )


  • Vassia Kossiva, General Management
  • Anastasia Simitsiadi, Secretary
  • Evi Sagropoulou, Financial Officer
  • Paris Tsekouras, Technical Support

Registrations - Contact




Working Groups/Discussion Panels

Keynotes - Speakers
