Theatre of the Oppressed
Forum Theatre in Education


" be citizens, it is not enough to live in society;
e have to transform it..."  (Augusto Boal)



Forum theatre & Education


Forum theatre performances & Theatre-in-Education projects 


Articles (in Greek) about Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed


International Festivals & Events for the Theatre of the Oppressed


Glossary for the Theatre of the Oppressed
see here

Jana Shanskriti "ANTIGONE" as Forum in Kalkata India

From spectarors to spect-actors

Bruce Burton & John O'Toole (2005) Enhanced Forum Theatre: Where Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed Meets Process Drama in the Classroom

The Aesthetics of the Oppressed

Augusto Boal
free access

"The Fable of Xua-Xua"

Politics, Education, Change 

Augusto Boal
free access

Theatre of the Oppressed & Forum Theatre performances
