
 Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)


International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education", Athens March 21-22-23, 2025


ITAP Conference 2023

2nd International Conference of Theatre Anthropology

“Barters: to give, to take, and to reciprocate”

Online, 28 of August 2021



Student conference on methodology and good practices

Oral History and History Didactics: 
designing a "different" instruction

ATHENS May 10-12, 2019




International Conference 2018

Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education
Utopia or Necessity?

International Conference 2012

Theatre/Drama & Education: bonds of solidarity


International Symposium 2010

Ancient drama: contemporary approaches & education

International Conference 2008

Theatre & Education at Centre Stage

Regional Conference of Dodecanese 2007

Theatre in Education: Knowing ourselves and the others

Regional Conference of Attica

Theatrical art and education: a dialogue with common intentions?

Regional Conference of Peloponnese 2007

Theatre, School, Life:
tracking points of contact, creating bonds

International Conference 2006

Theatre/Drama and Education: Creating New Roles for the 21st century

International Conference 2004

Creativity and metamorphosis

International Conference 2003

building bridges

International Conference 2001

Theatre in education:
art form and learning tool


International Conference 2000

Finding a place for drama in secondary schools