FRIDAY 21/3/2025
16.00 – 16.20 Arrival-Registration
16.30 – 19.00 Workshops (several rooms)
19.00 – 19.15 Short break
19.15 – 21.30 Welcome, events, keynote speech
At the main theatre hall (there will be simultaneous interpretation)
Schools' event. Artistic direction: Georgina kakoudaki
Vasilis Klisiaris, President of the Board of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
Nikos Govas, Conference Coordinator
Christina Zoniou, President of Conference's Scientific Committee
Katerina Alexiadi, President of Conference"s Organisation Committee
Keynote speaker
John O’ Toole, Prof. University of Melbourne, Australia
"Drama versus the sabre-toothed tiger – creating a pedagogy for humans"
21.30 Light dinner
22.15 Bus departure
SATURDAY 22/3/2025
9.15 Arrival
9.30 – 12.00 Workshops (several rooms)
12.00 – 12.30 Break (coffee)
12.30 – 14.30 Paper Presentations - Film Screenings (several rooms)
14.30 – 16.00 Light lunch
16.00 – 18.00 Working Groups/Discussion Panels (several rooms)
18.00 – 18.30 Break (coffee)
18.30 – 20.30 "It could be me - It could be you" project" (2015-2025)
A the main theatre hall (there will be simultaneous interpretation)
Nikos Govas, Coordinator of the "It could be me-It could be you" project”
Maria Clara Martin, UNHCR Representative in Greece
Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the United Nations (video message)
Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, President of the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA)
Christina Zoniou & Artemis Papakonstandinopoulou, “ It could be me-It could be you” Evaluation Team
Keynote speaker
Kostas Magos, Professor of Intercultural Education, University of Thessaly, Greece
"Aiming at inclusive education. The vision, the policies, the pitfalls."
20.30 – 22.00 Light dinner/Music
22.00 Bus departure
SUNDAY 23/3/2025
9.15 Arrival
9.30 – 11.30 Workshops & Working Groups/Discussion Panels (several rooms)
11.30 – 12.00 Break (coffee)
12.00 – 13.30 "Theatre Makes Politics (TMP)" project (2022-2025)
At the main theatre hall (there will be simultaneous interpretation)
Lutz Pickardt, Coordinator of "Theatre Makes Politics" project
Keynote speaker
Kostis Papaioannou, Director of “SIMEIO: for the Study and Confrontation of the Right-Wing Extremists”, Greece
"A World in Total Disarray: Seeking New Ways Against Ideas of Hate"
13.30 – 14.30 Light lunch
14.30 – 15.30 " My world fits in the world" students' event. Artistic direction: Christina Krithari
15.45 - 17.45 Paper Presentations - Film Screenings (several rooms)
18.00-18.30 Keynote speaker
At the main theatre hall (there will be simultaneous interpretation)
Sanjoy Ganguly, Founder and Artistic Director at Jana Sanskriti Centre for Theatre of the Oppressed, West Bengal, India
"Theatre as Politics"
18.30 – 19.00 "Our voices" collective singing. Direction: Aggeliki Toumbanaki vocalist. Closure
19.30 Bus departure