Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Arts & Education: Policies & Priorities

Athens, 24/11/2018, Working Group Conference 2018, coordinated by Joachim Reiss

Shakespeare lives in schools

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Eirini Kareta, Nicoletta Dimopoulou

Tools of involvement in drama activities

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Zoltán Meszlényi-Bodnár, Zsófia Jozifek

Street narratives from the city: Hear the space, see the sound!

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Maria Karamoutsiou, Alexandra Karamoutsiou, Vivian Doumpa

Making the Image Speak

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Greg Naughton

(ALL SEATS ARE FILLED) Movement Reading

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Antigone Gyra

Georgios Bekiaris

Primary school teacher, theatre theoretician, Greece

Adıgüzel Ömer

Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ankara University, Turkey

Metinnam İhsan

Research assistant, Faculty of Education, Trakya University, Turkey

Katerina Alexiadi

Educator, MA in Theatre Studies, NKUA (University of Athens), MSc in Cultural Management, doctoral candidate in the department of Media, Communication and Culture, Panteion University, Greece

Papariga Fotini

French and German language teacher, Greece

Alexiou Giouli

Greek language and literature teacher, Greece

Anastasiade Maria

Social worker, drama facilitator, Cyprus

Polyviou Eleni

Greek language and literature teacher, drama facilitator, Cyprus

Andreasen John

Associate professor, Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Avdi Avra

Greek language and literature teacher, drama teacher, Greece


«September 2024»


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