Erasmus+ KA2 Initiative 2020 – 2023: International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD


ABOUT International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD

International Teacher-Artist Partnership (I-TAP-PD) PD is an exciting project which focuses on enabling teachers and artists to jointly develop their understanding, expertise and creativity in ‘arts in education’ work with children and young people in education, community and arts settings.  It offers a unique opportunity for teachers and artists to explore the nature and educational value of partnerships in supporting arts education in early and Primary school education.  The ultimate aim of Erasmus+ I-TAP-PD is to create innovative professional development (PD) opportunities, innovative intellectual outputs and resources to enable both teachers and artists to challenge, develop and potentially transform their practices for the benefit of the children they teach and the school communities in which they work at a trans-European level and beyond.  The enhanced practices that will emerge as a result of this collaboration will be the subject of fresh international research and innovation.

Objectives are to develop an international model I-TAP-PD with a training programme and resource materials that are transferable across various jurisdictions, are adaptable to different contexts and incorporate the best practices from each of our participating countries. We will disseminate this practice across Europe and beyond by holding a number of Multiplier events.  All materials and resources developed will be free, FAIR and openly available.

The project will result in development of a final I-TAP-PD Programme with on-line Research and Evaluation Output & translated resources which will be accessible and down-loadable through the project's public Digital Resources Platform for disseminating all the project's outputs.  It will include presentations and analysis of best I-TAP-PD practice, to target groups and stakeholders in all European countries.  Target groups will be able to use all resource outputs on the DRP as a whole, or separate items from it independently of the final I-TAP-PD training programme and handbook or in association with them.

Project Partners


Project Partners

    • The Education Centre Tralee, Ireland (Co-ordinator)
    • Center for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM, Serbia
    • Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), Greece
    • Stichting Kopa, The Netherland

Erasmus+ 2020-1-IE01-KA201-066029

Intellectual Outputs -the Project has three Intellectual Outputs. 
IO 1:
I-TAP-PD Pilot 1 I-TAP-PD Training Programme
Output Description: A 5-day Pilot I-TAP-PD residential programme and resources will be developed as Intellectual Output 01 and will be delivered as the first LTT in August 2021. 

IO 2: I-TAP-PD Resources
Output Description: Intellectual Output I0 2 will consist of a number & range of outputs which will be freely available on what we will use as the I-TAP-PD Digital Resource Platform (I-TAP-PD DRP). The I-TAP-PD DRP will serve as a lively platform for dissemination & communication, exchange & debate about the topics of art education & TAP professional development. This output will consist of Resource pack: I-TAP-PD training, materials and handbook; Video tutorials; Exemplary case studies; The podcast; FB & Instagram connected to the DRP, announcing the newest activities in the project or the DRP; Blogographies; Other relevant sources including Instagram, FB & Twitter. 

IO 3: Final I-TAP-PD Programme, Research and Evaluation Output & Translated Resources. 
Output Description: A cumulative final I-TAP-PD Programme with on-line Research and Evaluation Output & Translated resources will be accessible and down-loadable through the project's public Digital Resources Platform (DRP) for disseminating all the project's outputs. 





“Keep it simple - Keep it open”

“Keep it simple - Keep it open”

Athens 1/7/2023 workshop ITAP Conference, Margarita Trikka

Event date: 7/1/2023 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Export event


Conference: Sustainable models of Teacher - Artist Partnerships (TAP) in 21st century Education:
communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity

Athens, Greece, Friday 30th June, Saturday 1st July and Sunday 2nd July 2023 (site specific event)



Saturday 1st July 2023 at Serafio City of Athens

“Keep it simple - Keep it open”

Margarita Trikka, choreographer, performer, Greece


The aim of this workshop is the exploration of the endless potentials of the body to express itself using the simplest tools. mDuring the first part, we practice with the – basic for all people – bounce movement and using the rhythm and repetition, we explore the boundaries of our bodies. We discover different qualities of movement and we get familiar with improvise using them.

During the second part we approach composition of simple phrases, add context and together, no matter what our experience or specialism is, we create a narration using our material and simple references such a song or a small text.  We found ourselves dancing as a community and as a unit – part of this community.

Margarita Trikka was born in Greece in 1984. She graduated from the Professional Dance School “Rallou Manou” and the Theatre Studies department of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. As movement consultant at theatre, she collaborated with many festivals, directors and companies: National Opera (Alternative Stage), National Theater, Onassis Cultural Center, Megaron Athens, Rafi Music Theater Company, D. Maramis, V.  Koukalani, E. Fanarioti, K. Papakonstantinou, S. Karagianni, Halkida's Theater etc. In 2017 she founded Prolet OCD dance co. and choreographed "Trajectory: a Tragedy of a Victory" (2016) and "Delenda est" (2018) which toured in several festivals in Greece and Europe and "a Punch of Losers" (2019) as a co - production of Greek Ministry of Culture and Onassis Cultural Centre.  As a performer, collaborated with festivals and companies in Greece and Europe: La Fundicion Bilbao, Masdanza International Contemporary Dance Festival, Athens Video Dance Festival, MIR Festival, Dimitria, Bread and Puppet Theater, Chto Delat, Synthesis 347/ Spyros Kouvaras, Aerites Dance Company, Stella Spirou Cie, Artemis Lampiri, Apostolia Papadamaki, Yelp Dance Company, Antigoni Gyra & Kinitiras a.m. She has been teaching since 2005 contemporary dance, improvisation and History of Dance at dance studios, drama schools, and social institutions: Professional Dance School Maro Marmarinou, Duncan Cultural Centre, studio Trajectory, DAN.C.CE, Theatre Of Changes a.m. She run workshops in collaboration with National Opera’s program for women prison at Thiva and Hellenic Theater/Drama & Education Network.


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