Theatre In Mathematics | TIM

Nowadays competence in mathematics is addressed as one of the most important issue for self-fulfilment at both social and personal level and numeracy skills are considered as one of the priorities for educational cooperation at EU level.

It is a common pattern in classroom communication that teaching mathematics is characterized by the use of the textbook and by teachers dominating the conversation by asking the questions and evaluating the students. This makes students passive and afraid listeners. However, there is a great consensus that cooperation creates learning and that productive classrooms build on students’ participation and thinking.

The Purpose 

The purpose of “TIM – Theatre in Mathematics” is to face the main obstacles in the way of teaching and learning mathematics at EU level. It aims to improve mathematics teaching and learning, in particular providing a new methodology – the TIM Methodology – to teach mathematics using  the theatre workshop and drama.

The project will be carried out by COREP – Social and Community Theatre Centre of the University of Turin (IT), Western Norway University of applied Science – HVL (NO), Technical University of Crete (GR), ASTA theatre company (PT) and DORS – Regional centre of documentation for health promotion (IT).

TIM training of teachers

The main target group of the project will include teachers and student teachers. A specific TIM training of teachers will be developed: 20 experts, 5 per country, will be trained to train teachers and at least 400 teachers will be trained in TIM Methodology. The project will focus on the teachers training in order to reach, as secondary target, the largest number of students thanks to the multiplier effect of the trained teachers. It is foreseen that in the first year after the end of the project at least 16.000 students in Europe will benefit of the TIM methodology. After the project the group of 20 trainers will be able to continue the training of teachers in their own country with the support of the regional/national school offices already involved in the project. We expect, at the end of the project, to have resident trainings in TIM Methodology in the partners’ Universities and institutions.

This training of teachers will be held in Covilha (Portugal) in April 2020 and will be organised by the hosting partner ASTA.


Actions - Seminars - Conferences

2nd International Conference of Theatre Anthropology

2nd International Conference of Theatre Anthropology

Online, 28/8/2021

Event date: 8/28/2021 Export event

2nd International Conference of Theatre Anthropology
Saturday 28th August 2021

Organised by the: Center of Theatre Anthropology

See the conference's leaflet here.

The Conference is taking place in collaboration and support from:
- The Technical University of Crete,TUC/MUSIC ,Laboratory of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications
-“TIM-Theatre in Mathematics” is an Erasmus+ project that aims at the creation of a teaching methodology that integrates drama and mathematics.
-The HELLENIC THEATRE/DRAMA and EDUCATION NETWORK (TENet-Gr): an association of teachers and artists for the promotion of research on and practice of theatre,educational drama and other performing arts within formal and non formal education.Its dual aim is to provide for the performing arts in order that they can gain a central role in schools,and to contribute to the development of approaches and techniques,viewing theatre as an art form, as learning tool and as a tool for social intervention.TENet-Gr was founded in 1998 in Athens Greece as a network of teachers and artists and developed to a registered non-profit organization.

2nd Internationa Conference of Theatre Anthropology
“Barters: to give,to take, and to reciprocate”
28/08/2021 Digital Presentation(On Line) (Link to connect with the Conference)
Barter: as defined by Eugenio Barba as well as from the French Sociologist and Anthropologist Marcel Mauss and his work upon “gift exchange” (gift culture where valuables are not sold, but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards,) “The Gift” 1925.

The Center of Theatre Anthropology
Omma Studio theatre established in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Center of Theatre Anthropology. The Center aims to study the behavior of the human being and its presence according to principles which are different from those used in daily life, that is in an organized performance, the trans-cultural analysis of this phenomenon in all fields of performative arts, as well as the expansion of knowledge of the scenic bios, in order to “learn how to learn”. Through the creation of universities’ network, from Greece and abroad, the Center aims to cover the research gap in our country, concerning Theatre Anthropology and its recurrent principles, to document and publish scholars’ lectures and performers’ presentations of the extra-daily use of their body that is the technique which governs their  presence. The founder of Theatre Anthropology (School of Theatre Anthropology, ISTA, 1979) is the internationally acknowledged, master and director of Odin Teatret (Denmark), Eugenio Barba who is our Center’s honorary president.

In collaboration with:




Documents to download

The project's website:

The project's partners:

STC Centre | COREP (Italy)

HVL (Norway)
DoRS (Italy)
ASTA (Portugal)
TUC (Greece)

EU Programme: Erasmus+

Call Year: 2019


Applicant/Beneficiary name: TBD

Project's local partner: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network
Coordination: Christos Rahiotis