19th Theatre Summer Camp "Chiliomodi 24-29 August 2022"
at "Freelandcamp", near Chiliomodi Town, Corinthia, Greece
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Camp working language: Greek


complementary Workshops

Complementary Workshops are short workshops offered in the afternoons

Registration to complementary Workshops will take place upon arrival

Please check Workshop language beofre registering 

"Story telling and Bondy Communication"

"Story telling and Bondy Communication"

Chiliomodi Corinth 25/8/2022 Theatre Summer Camp 2022, Complemenray Workshop, Sofia Paschou

Event date: 8/25/2022 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Export event

Chiliomodi Corinth, Greece

Complemenraty Workshop 
25 August 2022

"Story telling and Bondy Communication"
Sofia Paschou, actress, director, theatre/drama teacher

This workshop is offered in Greek language

In teaching and especially in teaching theater or theatrical play, rhythm and sense are among the most important tools. 
The body must be active, alive, to "pass" information, exercise. 
We will focus on this very point. 
The goal is the teacher, his/her communication with the children. How to become a child again. 
We already have the tools we need: the body, the voice and the imagination. 
We will learn to use them, we will learn how these are all we need to create what we want. 
In the workshop we will work on well-known fairy tales and we will aproach them from different angles, utilizing the above tools.

Sofia Paschou studied at Arhi Drama School, and at LISPA (London International School of Performing Arts), where she completed (and worked afterwards) with scholarship the pedagogical training program. Since 2012, she is Artistic Director of ''Patari Project'', a physical theatre company based in Athens, for which she directed the performances: ''10cm up'', ''Odyssey'', ''Bal on air'', ''Shoe catcher on the piano'', ''Νose'', ''Chionani'', ''Theogony, a great fiest'' (Epidaurus Festival), ''Four Seasons'' - based on Vivaldi's famous violin concertos (Greek National Opera). She has also directed ''the Seesaw'' (National Theatre of Greece), ''Τhe slave'' (Porta Theatre, co-direction with Thomas Moschopoulos), ''MUTE'' (Neos Kosmos Theatre), ''Who discover America?'' (National Theatre of Northern Greece). As an actress she has worked with Lilo Baur, Helen Chadwick (Royal Opera House, London), Dessislava Stefanova, with the companies ''Out of Chaos'', ''Βabakas'', etc. She has signed the movement of the works ''Iphigenia in Tauris'', ''Arrival'' - based on Homer's Odyssey and ''The Frogs'', all performed in Epidaurus Festival, ''The trial of K'' and ''Candide'' (Porta Theatre), ''Fahrenheit 451'' (Athens Festival), ''MANON'' and ''Return'', both in the Greek National Opera etc. She is a drama teacher at the Athens Coservatoire’s drama school. She has also taught at the Birmingham School of Acting and at the National Theatre, London


Organisation: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
INFO: info@theatroedu.gr / ++302106541600