"Education & Theatre" Journal

A peer-reviewed journal for the promotion of research on and practice of drama/theatre and other performing arts in formal and non-formal education 

Education & Theatre  calls for papers and is accepting submissions of articles for its new issue (issue 26, 2025), until January 15, 2025.

Please consult the topics, columns and submission specifications and consult the criteria list before submitting your text.
In order to submit a text for the journal you must first register as a user and create your profile.
The Editorial Board is at your disposal for any clarification.

Journal website: https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/edth/index

Submission guidelines: https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/edth/about/submissions 



Founding Editor: Nikos Govas (Chief Editor 2001-2021)

Editors of Issues 25 (2024)-26 (2025): Antonis Lenakakis, Nassia Choleva

Editorial Board of Issues: Katerina Alexiadi, Nassia Choleva, Betty Giannouli, Mary Kaldi, Antonis Lenakakis, Iro Potamousi, Hara Tsoukala

Academic-Advisory Committee: Brendon Burns (director, Lecturer, The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA) UK), Guido di Palma (Professor, University of Rome "Sapienza” Italy), Clio Fanouraki (theatre director, Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece), Maria Frangi (theatre director, Specialised Teaching Staff, University of Patras Greece), Kathleen Gallagher (Professor, University of Toronto Canada), Betty Giannouli (Specialised Teaching Staff, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece), Nikos Govas (Theatre/drama pedagogue), Ulrike Hentschel (Emeritus Professor, University of Berlin, Germany), Georgia (Tzina) Kalogirou (Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece), Alkistis Kondoyianni (Emeritus Professor, University of the Peloponnese Greece), Marios Koukounaras-Liagkis (Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece), Antonis Lenakakis (Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece), Telemachos Moudatsakis (Emeritus Professor, University of Crete Greece), David Pammenter (theatre director, theatre pedagogue, UK), Antigoni Parousi (Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece), Myrto Pigkou-Repousi (Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece), Tim Prentki (Professor, University of Winchester UK), Takis Tzamargias (theatre director, Special Academic Staff, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece), Anna Tsichli-Boissonnas (theatre director, Specialised Teaching Staff, University of the Peloponnese Greece), Antonis Vaos (Professor, University of Patras Greece), Chris Vine (Academic Program Director MA in Applied Theatre, City University of New York (CUNY) USA), Christina Zoniou (Specialised Teaching Staff, University of the Peloponnese Greece)

Publisher: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
Order hard copies: info@theatroedu.gr / ++302106541600

Free hard copies for TENet-Gr members 

From 2020 published in English & in Greek 
Issue 1 was published in 2001 in Greek. Issues 9 (2008) & 19 (2018) were published both in English & Greek.

ISSN 1109-821X​

/ ORDER HARD COPIES info@theatroedu.gr / ++302106541600  

On this page you can see the contents of all issues of the Education & Theater journal.

From 2023 onwards (v.24), the journal is also hosted on the e-journals platform of the National Documentation Center in a fully bilingual version (Greek and English):


The collaboration of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network  (TENet-GR) with the National Documentation Center (EKT) will allow the contents of the journal to be more visible to the international community through tracking engines and special DOI numbers.

Education & Theatre Journal - All issues

Issue 6 (2006)

Issue 6 (2006)

Dorothy Heathcote, Persefoni Sextou, Christiane Page, Michael Anderson, Steve Georgakis, Maria Alexaki,Vassiliki Arvanitantoni, Alex Mavrocordatos, Christina Mouratidou, Maria Fragki, Parasuram Ramamoorthi, Nassia Choleva, Flora Petrakou, Georgina Kakoudaki, Eleni Mellou, Vida Kazragyte, Duatepe Asuman, Antonis Lenakakis, Nadia Tsene, Helene Grave


"Education & Theatre" Journal, Issue 6, 2006

True and truthful
Dorothy Heathcote in conversation with Flora Perakou

Freedom for change
Alex Mavrocordatos, Winchester University, UK

The Bacchae at Bondi: Greek Drama in Australian Education and Culture
Michael Anderson, Steve Georgakis. The University of Sydney, Australia

Drama for Behavioral Change: An Intervention in a Mental Health Setting
Parasuram Ramamoorthi, Madurai Kamaraj University, India

Theatre for friendship – a TiE approach
Christina Mouratidou, Mostar Youth Theatre, BiE

Miguel Demuynck, Théâtre de la Clairière
Christiane Page Université d’Artois, Arras, France
(available in French)

Theatre-in-Education projects in schools
Persephone Sextou, drama teacher, Greece
(available in Greek)

Theatre and Literature
Maria Alexaki, language teacher, Greece
(available in Greek)

Teachers in Theatre training 
Maria Fragi, theatre studies, Greece
(available in Greek)

Drama techniques for learning English language in Primary School
Vassiliki Arvanitandoni, language teacher, Greece
(available in Greek)

Exeter Conference 2005 : Drama as social intervention tool – a report
Nassia Choleva, drama pedagogue TENet-Gr, Greece
(available in Greek)

Manchester Conference 2005: Acts of the Imagination-Drama at the heart of creative schools -  a report
Flora Petrakou, drama teacher, Greece
(available in Greek)

Gardzienice Poland International Actors Workshop: kosmos 2005 – a report
Georgina Kakoudaki, director, Greece
(available in Greek)

Linken Germany International Conference 2005: generations in dialogue – a report
Georgina Kakoudaki, director, Greece
(available in Greek)

PhD Thesis - abstract
 The relation between theatre playing and creativity at kindergarten
Bristol University 1993 UK
Eleni Mellou 
(available in Greek)

Development of pre-school age children’s acting skills
Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2000 Lithouania
Vida Kazragyte

The effects of drama based instruction on seventh grade students’ geometry achievements, Van Halle geometric thinking levels, attitudes towards mathematics and geometry
Middle East Technical University, 2004, Turkey
Duatepe Asuman

Paedagogus ludens. Erweiterte Handlungskompetenz von Lehrer[inne]n durch Spiel - und Theaterpaedagogik. Eine qualitativ-empirische Untersuchung
Schibri-Verlag, Berlin 2004
Antonis Lenakakis
(available in Greek)

Book reviews
Robin Renucci, 11 rendez-vous en compagnie de Robin Renucci 
Helene Grave
(available in Greek)

Dorothy Heathcote, Gavin Bolton, Drama for Learning: Dorothy Heathcote’s mantle of the expert approach to education
Nandia Tsene
(available in Greek)

Jonothan Neelands, Tony Goode, Structuring Drama Work
Nandia Tsene
(available in Greek)


Foundation - People


Fields of interest, Article submission

Academic-Advisory Committee

Consultants & Previous Academic Committees


Education & Theatre Journal is celebrating its 20th Issue!
Athens Greece, December 2, 2019