International Conference 2001

"Theatre in education: art form and learning tool"

Theatre Education Network of Hellenic Teachers, "education & theatre" project, 
Secondary Education Directorate of Eastern Attica, Athens,
General Secretariats for Adult Education, Hellenic Ministry of Education


2001 Conference Complementary Seminars

The following Seminars are jointly organized by "education & theatre" project Hellenic Teachers' Network for Theatre Education Pan Hellenic Association of Educational Drama


Seminar 1

John Somers, University of Exeter
10, 11 & 12, 2001, 17:00-21:00
Atthe premises of MORAITES SCHOOl, Papanastassiou & Agiou Dimitriou St., Psychico, Athens

Following the introductory workshops led by John Somers at the Athens conference in December 2000, he will lead further workshops with those who attended Athens in 2000 (or those who have the necessary basic experience in Drama). This seminar will look at ways of developing drama from the use of the "Compound Stimulus" (shown briefly by John at the end of the 2000 workshops) that comprises related documents, artefacts and other items in a container. Participants will explore how the compound stimulus works, and prepare their own in an attempt to discover the use of this approach in the Greek Curriculum. Depending on how the work progresses, the workshop may also explore a unique community theatre approach that John devised in a rural community in the South West of England.
John Somers
is senior lecturer at Exeter University, Drama Department and head of the MA in Applied Drama course. His teaching and research took him in many countries including Poland, Greece, Taiwan, Brazil. He is editor of the Research in Drama Education journal.


Seminar 2

Svetlana Êhinganskaia, choreographer, Eurhythmics teacher
4, 5 & 6, 2001, 17:00-21:00

Atthe premises of MORAITES SCHOOl, Papanastassiou & Agiou Dimitriou St., Psychico, Athens

Eurhythmy is the art of movement inspired by Rudolf Steiner, founder of "anthroposophy"- a special methodology for the study of human nature - and inspirer of the well-known, "unconventional" Steiner/Waldorf worldwide school movement. Eurhythmy is practiced worldwide as both a performance art and a method of therapy, having an indisputable value in the field of education.
will introduce us to the special techniques of Eurhythmy, providing an encompassing overview of how human beings experience space and time through movement, rhythm and sound. We will use different eurhythmy practices, in order: a) to work on concrete poetic/theatrical extracts from universal repertory so as to discover a way to "dramatize" them through eurhythmy. (We will work on the sound of the language, i.e. the pure sound and meaning of consonants and vowels in a text, as an indispensable step before the understanding of the words themselves), b) to familiarize with simple performance/improvisation eurhythmy techniques, trying to approach and discover the multidimensional properties and capacities of human body.
pedagogues, artists and students are welcomed in this seminar, which will lead to an open workshop, work - presentation in the 2nd International Drama and Theatre Education Conference organized by the "education & theatre" project at December 7-8-9, 2001 at Moraitis' School, Athens.
German with greek translation.
Khinganskaia is Bouriatin (race of Siberia) and was born in Irkutsk, Siberia, where she studied folk and classic dance. In Moscow she studied choreography and dance pedagogy. She has been teacher of dance and choreography in Odessa schools while developing an individual scientific approach to her art. She participated as dancer and actress in many films and danced for numerous ensembles including the Staatsensemble "Baikal", the koriatic Staatsensemble "Maengo" and the Buehnen-Ensemble "Else Klink" in Stuttgart. She studied Eurhythmy in Munich and Stuttgart. Together with her husband, Wladimir, choreographer and pedagogue, they are touring all over the world. They teach dance and eurhythmy in Ballettschule Sheikh (Esslingen) and in Stuttgart School for Drama and Art. Since 1999 they have the artistic direction of Central Theatre in Esslingen and are members of the international Ukraine College Waldorf-Association.


Seminar 3

Tapa Sudana actor, theatre teacher
3, 4, 5, 6, 2001, 13:00-19:00 and December 7, 2001, 10:00-16:00
Atthe studio of the "sine qua non" group, Plateon 10, Keramikos

The workshop is for actors and everyone who is interested in working with their selves through the group. The actors are called to serve a story that is to be told, the story is superior to them, the story already has a life. In order to reveal this life the actors must mobilise all their recourses. To achieve expression in contact with nature, they must awaken, cultivate and unite the expression of the three worlds: body, emotion and thought. The field of exploration in the workshop includes: martial arts and work with the stick, health and breathing exercises, mask, kodo, group inprovisation with music and short stories or phrases..
Sudana was born in Bali, Indonesia in 1945. Actor, master of martial arts and mask, dancer and musician, he lives in Paris since 1975. He worked with Peter Brook, from 1979 to 1991, performing in the shows: "The conference of the birds", "Carmen", "The Mahabarata", "The Tempest" and touring all over the world. The last years he is guiding workshops in Europe and America focused on the cultivation of the expression of the three worlds: body, emotion, thought.


Seminar 4

David Davis, University of Central England
4, 5 & 6, 2001, 17:00-21:00
Atthe premises of MORAITES SCHOOl, Papanastassiou & Agiou Dimitriou St., Psychico, Athens

The seminar will work on rehearsing a play with young people with key concern the learning about social reality that takes place within drama process. The text to be used is the ultimate play of Geoff Gillham, 'Asylum", written for Youth Theatre.
Davis is Professor of Drama in Education at the University of Central England. He was Director of the International Centre for Studies in Drama in Education and also Pathway Leader for both the MA Drama in Education and the Certificate and Diploma in Drama in Education courses at this University. Previous to this he was for many years Course Director of the initial qualification PGCE Drama in Education course, which prepared drama specialists for secondary schools. He taught Drama in secondary schools for 15 years. He has presented workshops in many parts of the world and published widely. He now works part-time exclusively with his PhD students in Drama in Education and continues with research.


Seminar 5

Jonothan Neelands, University of Warwick
10, 11 & 12, 2001, 17:00-21:30
Atthe premises of MORAITES SCHOOl, Papanastassiou & Agiou Dimitriou St., Psychico, Athens

The workshop will work on devising a piece of theatre with young people based on a theme taken from the ancient tragedy "Antigone".
Neelands is Senior Lecturer in Drama and Theatre Education in the Institute of Education, University of Warwick, where he teaches the PGCE English and Drama and the MA in Drama and Theatre Education. He has worked as an Advisor and advisory teacher for Drama and is an experienced trainer and workshop leader with a national and international reputation for delivering high quality professional training and development opportunities. He is the author of several texts for teachers and students, which have influenced the development of drama in recent years including Structuring Drama Work, Beginning Drama 11-14 and Drama and Theatre Studies at A/S and A level.