Athens International Conference 2018
Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education
Utopia or Necessity?

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in the 20th anniversary of its foundation (1998-2018), in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA) and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions in Greece and abroad, is organizing the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and Performing Arts in Education.

Press here to access a simplified list of all speakers and facilitators.

Invited speakers - Paper contributors - Workshop facilitators

Andreasen John

Andreasen John

Associate professor, Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology, Aarhus University, Denmark

John Andreasen, MA in Nordic Languages and Literature and MA in Dramaturgy, is associate professor in Dramaturgy and Musicology at Aarhus University in Denmark, where he teaches theatre production and cultural politics. John Andreasen has mostly studied street theatre, community plays and Scandinavian cultural politics. In 1983 he initiated the community play, The Aarhus Play (Århus Spillet) with 11 first nights in 9 days. In 2002-3 he sketched 8 new set designs for “A Doll’s House”. He is the founder of the new community play archive (Egnsspilarkivet) at the Royal library in Copenhagen (2018). Among others he has published “Teaterproduktion” (Theatre Production) in 1982 and “Community Plays- a Search for Identity” in 1996. Some of his theatre visions are sketched in “Third manifesto: We shall come to see” in NTQ 1983 and “Theatre- Five Futures or Fuwtuwrews” in Inter litteraria 2002. In Odin Teatret 2000 he wrote about “The Social Space of Theatre - including Odin Teatret”. In 2007 he was a co-writer on the first theatre encyclopaedia in Danish. His latest books are Multiple Stages 2- on performances, analyses models & cultural politics from 2012 and Drama Teaching & Mnemonics- an extended version from 2015.
