Athens International Conference 2018
Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education
Utopia or Necessity?

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in the 20th anniversary of its foundation (1998-2018), in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA) and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions in Greece and abroad, is organizing the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and Performing Arts in Education.

Press here to access a simplified list of all speakers and facilitators.

Invited speakers - Paper contributors - Workshop facilitators

Baltas Haralambos

Baltas Haralambos

Teacher, Greece

Haralambos Baltas is a teacher in the 35th Primary school of Athens, a PhD candidate at the University of Athens and a writer in the Education and Society journal (2015-2018). He was an editor in the Children’s Friendships newspaper (2008-2014) and in the political magazine Stigma (2001-2010) and a columnist in the scientific journal Modern Education (2010-2012). He was responsible for the Health Education in the 1st Directorate for Primary Education of Athens (2010-2012). He is board member of the Athens Children’s Protection Society (2016-2018) and chairman of the Educational team “Skasiarxeio (Play truant) - Experimental Fumbles for a Community School”. He has co-edited the book Celestin Freinet, Institutional and Critical Pedagogy (Colleagues’ Editions, Athens 2017).
