Athens International Conference 2018
Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education
Utopia or Necessity?

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in the 20th anniversary of its foundation (1998-2018), in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA) and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions in Greece and abroad, is organizing the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and Performing Arts in Education.

Press here to access a simplified list of all speakers and facilitators.

Invited speakers - Paper contributors - Workshop facilitators

Eirini Marna

Eirini Marna

Kindergarten teacher, theatre/ drama pedagogue, Greece

Eirini Marna holds a degree in Preschool Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1995-1999) and has completed her Postgraduate Studies in Theater in Education in the United Kingdom (MA in Applied Drama, University of Exeter, 2000-2001) and France (DEA, Etudes Theatrales, University of Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III, 2003-2004). She has participated in various Theatre- in- Education (TiE) programs, has organized Drama in Education seminars in primary and secondary education and has collaborated with several drama groups. She facilitates various amateur theater groups of adults and directs their performances. She has taken part in storytelling seminars in Greece and France and she likes to narrate the fairytales she loves. She currently works in a public primary schoolin northern Greece. She is also a facilitator and trainer at the project "it could me- it could be you", organizedby the Hellenic Theater/Drama Education Network (TENet-Gr)in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece.
