Athens International Conference 2018
Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education
Utopia or Necessity?

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in the 20th anniversary of its foundation (1998-2018), in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA) and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions in Greece and abroad, is organizing the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and Performing Arts in Education.

Press here to access a simplified list of all speakers and facilitators.

Invited speakers - Paper contributors - Workshop facilitators

Papadopoulos Simos

Papadopoulos Simos

Assistant professor, Department of Primary Education, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Dr. Simos Papadopoulos graduated from the department of Primary Education and earned a Ph.D from the Faculty of Philosophy, both at the University of Athens. His Ph.D thesis has the title: “The Use of Drama and its Implications in Teaching in the Course of Language in Primary School”. Currently, he is Assistant Professor of Theatre Pedagogy at the department of Primary Education of the Democritus University of Thrace and drama animator. His work focuses on drama and pedagogic research and writing. He has published his work in journals and collective volumes, edited academic books, attended national and international scientific conferences, as instructor or presenter and has participated in research programs and committees. Two of his most noteworthy studies are: “Drama Language: Using Inquiry Drama on Language Teaching” (Kedros Editions, 2007) and “Theatre Pedagogy” (2010). He is particularly interested in theatre pedagogy, drama teaching, drama text analysis, theatre for young people, Brecht’s and Chekhov’s plays etc.
