Athens International Conference 2018
Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education
Utopia or Necessity?

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in the 20th anniversary of its foundation (1998-2018), in partnership with the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA) and in collaboration with a number of academic, professional and artistic institutions in Greece and abroad, is organizing the 8th Athens International Conference on Theatre and Performing Arts in Education.

Press here to access a simplified list of all speakers and facilitators.

Invited speakers - Paper contributors - Workshop facilitators

Jozifek Zsófia

Jozifek Zsófia

Actress, theatre/ drama pedagogue Hungary

Zsófia Jozifek works at Nyitott Kör (Open Circle) Theatre in Education (TiE) company. She has experience on Drama and Theatre in Education from various viewpoints: she met the methodology as a participant in her childhood, and while growing up, it played an important role in her life; as well as the academic approach toward the method. She completed a drama pedagogy course in 2016. She graduated as an MA of Intercultural Psychology and Education in Eötvös Loránd University in 2015. She has a BA of Liberal Arts of the same university. She lived and worked in Spain between 2013 and 2015, organizing and facilitating street theatre and educational theatre activities for young people with fewer opportunities. She is a volunteer of HUDEA, reporting on international projects. She is a practicing actor-teacher in TiE programs and has been collaborating with Zoltán in the delivery of trainings about TiE.
