for teenagers from the refugee and local population
What it is…
"The Quarantine Dialogues: names, stories, poems - TOGETHER" is an action directed to teenagers from the refugee and local population by the Hellenic Theatre / Drama & Education Network, with the collaboration of UNHCR in the context of the "TOGETHER" action of the project "it could be me; it could be you".
The aim of this action is to empower the written expression of teenagers in conditions of intercultural communication and cooperative learning. The action brings together teenager refugee students with students of the receiving community, who have experienced conditions of temporary quarantine due to COVID-19, from December 2020 to May 2021. The teenager refugees reside in various sites around the country, while all the students who participate in the action attend schools that are working with the project "it could be me; it could be you"
What it does...
In the context of the action "The Quarantine Dialogues", a series of creative writing workshops is organised, in which refugees from the refugee and local population in pairs or small groups, are encouraged to write short cooperative texts, prose or poetry.
The workshops take place in cycles of 6 two-hour online meetings outside the school schedule. In each workshop cycle up to 16 teenagers (refugee or local) participate.
The workshops are facilitated by trained drama pedagogues of the project "it could be me; it could be you" and are supported by interpreters and teachers who function as liaisons of the action.
The teenagers' texts are published after relevant editing in the action's website.
Workshops' content...
Through games and activities of educational drama, personal story narration and sharing of cultural elements, the teenagers are acquainted with each other, draw inspiration, discover the threads that connect these narratives, make the pairs or the small groups and are guided to co-authoring prose or poetry. The workshops benefit from material of the project "it could be me; it could be you" and especially the teachers' seminar titled "my name is... mine" (Designed by Tzeni Karavitou, adapted to online delivery by Eirini Marna and Antigoni Tsarbopoulou)
"The Quarantine Dialogues" coordinator: Antigoni Tsarbopoulou
Student workshops' facilitators: Antigoni Tsarbopoulou, Christina Amanatiadou, Nikoletta Dimopoulou, Katerina Alexiadi, Christodoulos Kotsinas and other certified drama pedagogues of the project.
IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE: For the participation of underage teenagers an application by their legal guardian is necessary. For more information: 2106541600, info@theatroedu.gr
Organization: Hellenic Theatre / Drama & Education Network with the collaboration of UNHCR in the context the project "it could be me; it could be you".
Information: info@theatroedu.gr / 00302106541600