The teaching of literary texts through theatrical act.
Experiential exercises, methodology of direction, elements of acting, dramaturgical analysis and approaches of theatre in education in texts taught at the 9th grade and examples of application to other texts of the secondary education curriculum.
Eleni, the charm of deceit
The teaching of literary texts through theatrical act.
Experiential exercises, methodology of direction, elements of acting, dramaturgical analysis and approaches of theatre in education in texts taught at the 9th grade and examples of application to other texts of the secondary education curriculum.

Georgina Kakoudaki is a theatre theorist and director. Since 2009, she’s been directing youth theatre performances such as Vivid Film/After the foam (devised), Jack Thorne’s Burying your brother in the pavement, Αristophanes’ The birds, Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, Goethe’s Faust, Sophocles’ Antigone, Aristophanes’ The clouds, Euripides Eleni, (October 2018, at the Neos Kosmos Theatre and high schools in and around Athens). Georgina has also collaborated with over 30 theatre and dance companies as a dramaturg. She’s taught Teaching Theatre at the Theatre Studies Department of the University of Patras, Theatre Puppetry in Kindergarten at the Department of Early Childhood Education in Volos (University of Thessaly) and at the early childhood educators school at University of Athens. She’s also taught drama and theatre education at the Gerakas Arts High School, at the Second Chance School of the Korydallos Prison, numerous public organizations specializing in educating adults and in international theatre in education programmes (including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees collaboration with the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) programme specializing in refugees in Greece).Georgina has taught film dramaturgy and aesthetics at the AKMI IEK school (2006-2011), a number of educational organizations and has been a part of the Pitching Lab advising team of the International Short Film Festival in Drama. Currently she teaches Theatre History and Dramaturgy at the Athens Conservatoire Drama School and the Praxi Epta drama school. She’s led experiential theatre workshops at academic theatre festivals in Belgium, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Egypt, Mexico, Great Britain, etc. She was head of the National Theatre of Greece Library and Archive (1997-2004). She co-wrote the books: Theatre and Theatre in Education (IDEKE 2007) and Paths of Experiential Learning (Kedros publications 2011). Georgina has also written the Arts Schools Students’ Coursebook specializing in Theatre Directing and Film Directing/Film Aesthetics (IEP 2015) and organized a large number of New Artists festivals alongside a series of organizations and theatres in Greece. Since April 2016, she is the Head consultant of Educational Programmes of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival.
Agios Ioannis, Pilio, Greece 26/8-1/9/2018, Vera Lardi, actress // 00:00
Agios Ioannis Pilio Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018, Trikka Margarita, choreographer // 00:00
Agios Ioannis Pilio Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018. Irini Koubarouli, Giorgos Moschos // 00:00
Pilio, Greece 26/8-1/9/2018 Maria Aiginitou, actress // 00:00
Agios Ioannis Pilio, Greece 26/8-1/9/2018 Christos Rahiotis, actor, teacher, drama practitioner // 00:00
Πήλιο 26/8-1/9/2018,Τζένη Καραβίτη, Άβρα Αυδή // 00:00
Agios Ioannis Pilio Greece, 26/9-1/9/2018, Eirini Marna, teacher, theater educator, storyteller // 00:00
Agios Ioannis Pilio Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018, Elpida Komianou, Eleni Drivakou // 00:00
Pilion Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018 Maria Pavlidi // 00:00
Pilio Greece, 26/7-1/9/2018, Nikoletta Dimopoulou, Despoina Mitsiali, Virginia Kehaya // 00:00
Πήλιο 25-30/8/2017, Κύριο εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Brendon Burns // 00:00
Πήλιο 25-30/8/2017, Κύριο εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Χριστίνα Ζώνιου // 00:00
Πήλιο 25-30/8/2017, Κύριο εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Βαρβάρα Δούκα // 00:00
Πήλιο 25-30/8/2017, Κύριο εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Άρτεμις Λαμπίρη // 00:00
Πήλιο 25-30/8/2017, Εργαστήριο για νέους, Πήλιο 2017, Γιούλη Δούβου // 00:00
Πήλιο 25-30/8/2017, Παιδικό Εργαστήριο, Πήλιο 2017, Αγγελική Τσάκωνα // 00:00
Πήλιο 27/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Ηρώ Ποταμούση, Σόνια Μολογούση // 17:30
Πήλιο 27/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Ειρήνη Μαρνά // 17:30
Πήλιο 27/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Μαίρη Καλδή // 17:30
Πήλιο 27-28/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Τζωρτζίνα Κακουδάκη // 17:30
Πήλιο 26-28/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Τζένη Καραβίτη, Ειρήνη Μαρνά // 16:00
Πήλιο 28/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Ηρώ Ποταμούση, Σόνια Μολογούση // 17:30
Πήλιο 27-28/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Αναστασία Κουλαλόγλου // 17:30
Πήλιο 28/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Γιούλη Δούβου // 17:30
Πήλιο 28/8/2017, Συμπληρωματικό εργαστήριο Πήλιο 2017, Sharon Nash // 17:30
Agios Ioannis, Pilio Greece 26/8-1/9/2018 Kostas Gakis, actor, director, musician // 00:00
[EasyDNNnews:RelatedArticle:EventFormatedStartDate:MMM, yyyy]
Κύριο Εργαστήριο // [EasyDNNnews:RelatedArticle:EventFormatedStartDate:HH:mm]
Agios Ioannis Pilion Greece, 26/8-1/9/2018 // 00:00