Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

​​International Action Day: The Quarantine Monologues

​​International Action Day: The Quarantine Monologues

Online, 27/11/2020

Event date: 11/27/2020 Export event

International Day for Theatre/Drama & Education 27 November 2020
​​International Action Day: The Quarantine Monologues

refugee youth write during the covid-19 pandemic

Flashes of the Lockdown

Money is not so important. 
The Earth does not belong to me – I am only a guest. 
I realise the value of school. 
I enjoy spending time with my family after all. 
Τhere is no fundamental difference between the poor 
and the rich during a pandemic. 
I like my poems.

Ikram, 15 years old

On the occasion of the International Day for Theatre/Drama & Education (IDEA Day) which is celebrated each year on 27 November, this year the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in cooperation with the International Drama/Theatre & Education Association‐IDEA are calling for an International Action Day titled “The Quarantine Monologues” drawing inspiration from the homonymous publication. 
In “The Quarantine Monologues” publication, twenty-four teenage refugees living in Greece express, through texts and drawings, their thoughts and feelings during the coronavirus-induced temporary lockdown in Greece between April and May 2020.
Τhe refugee boys and girls aged 13 to 19 years old, who took part in the action through a cycle of online writing workshops, are living in different accommodation facilities across the country, either with their families or unaccompanied. The workshops were coordinated by three authors-facilitators with the support of several interpreters, educators, psychologists and social workers. 

The “The Quarantine Monologues” action started in March 2020, in the framework  of the educational project “It could be me – it could be you”, organized and implemented by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Greece

“The Quarantine Monologues” publication is available on line in Greek and in English.
The call for action is addressed to educators, students, schools, artistic groups and associations all around the world, who are inspired by the publication and would like to use it creatively through artistic events, public readings, workshops, presentations etc.

27 November 2020 Let the voices of refugee youth be heard!

Partners on the Action “The Quarantine Monologues” : Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), UNHCR Greece (the UN Refugee Agency) with the collaboration of ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth, PRAKSIS, Iliaktikda Civil Non-Profit Company, Kinoniko EKAV – Social First Aid Greek Team,  Regional Development Company of Parnonas S.A. Tripolis, Development Agency of Karditsa S.A., Secondary Education Directorate of Karditsa, International Organization for Migration in Greece.

The “it could be me-it could be you” educational project and the “Quarantine Monologues” action are accredited by IDEA-International Drama/Theatre & Education Association (IDEA).


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • κι αν ήσουν εσύ;
  • Μονόλογοι σε καραντίνα
  • 2020 δ' τρίμηνο
  • Διαδικτυακά

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