Όλες οι δράσεις στην Αττική

Getting into improv theatre

Getting into improv theatre

Αθήνα, 23/03/2025, εργαστήριο για εκπαιδευτικούς, Frank Hohl

Ημ/νίες Εκδήλωσης: 23/3/2025 9:30 πμ - 11:30 πμ Export event


“Getting into improv theatre”

Frank Hohl
theatre pedagogue, Germany

Athens Conference “Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education”
23 March 2025
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

Language: English, German
Limited number of participants

The workshop is addressed to people over 16, educators and interested parties

Short description:  
This workshop offers exercises for a playful introduction to improvisational theatre.

The following structure is planned: Playful exercises to get to know each other, stimulate your own body and mind, create trust in the group, address creativity and spontaneity, find common themes, agree on concrete conflicts and present them in forum theatre, reflect on them and change them in a playful way.  

Playful and creative solutions and alternative courses of action will be developed in specific conflict situations.

Methods: Exercises from my theatre pedagogical practice with youth and adult groups, biographical theatre and forum theatre according to A. Boal

Note: The workshop is participatory, includes exercises, games, improvisations, role plays with possible physical contact and movement in space and on the ground. For this reason, it is necessary for participants to:
1.    wear comfortable clothes and shoes for movement exercises in the space
2.    bring with them... fun and appetite for experimentation!

Frank Hohl, born 1970. Graduate social pedagogue and theatre pedagogue (Master of Art) Coach (certified DGfC). Freelance theatre educator in Dresden/Saxony since 2005. Active in schools, universities and further education institutes. Management of theatre projects on socially relevant topics with various groups. Theatre therapy work.https://freier-theaterpaedagoge.de/



Αττική - Ημερολόγιο δράσεων

«Μάρτιος 2025»


Αθήνα, 7/3/2025 εργαστήριο. Φοίβος-Άγγελος Κόλλιας, Χριστίνα Στουραίτη
