Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Arts & Education: Policies & Priorities

Arts & Education: Policies & Priorities

Athens, 24/11/2018, Working Group Conference 2018, coordinated by Joachim Reiss

Event date: 11/24/2018 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 12
  • Seats: 70
  • Remaining: 58
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WORKING GROUP: Arts & Education: Policies & Priorities  

Athens, 24/11/2018

Coordinator: Joachim Reiss, IDEA Executive Committee member, Board member of BVTS Germany


Jenny Karaviti, drama pedagogue, language and literature teacher, Greece , ‘Europe in perspective’ project representative, Greece,
Vassilis Tselfesemeritus professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, National and Kapodistrian University ofAthens, Greece,
Fani Myronaki,  Institute of Educational Policy, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Greece,
Giannouli Panagiota (Betty), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece, Vice President of TENet-GR (Reporter)



The context

This working group will discuss policy making issues. The discussion will examine the role of Arts education within the existing educational system (planning and delivering) and will specifically focus on national and international institutions policies and priorities: To what extend is the "Seoul Agenda" of UNESCO (2010) Arts Education document taken into account so far, internationally?Have there been any political/administrative actions taken by individuals/institutions/parties towards the establishment and development of theatre/drama in the school system? Has the activity of UNESCO, WAAE (World Alliance for Arts Education), IDEA, ASSITEJ, IATA/AITA or other international bodies been of use in your country, in terms of drama/theatre education developments?

This working group will discuss and attempt to develop ideas, proposals and demands on this front.


Joachim Reiss, is IDEA treasurer and representative of BVTS / Germany. Theatre/drama-teacher in secondary and upper secondary schools in Frankfurt/Main. Film- and theatre projects in schools since 35 years. Founded Frankfurts annual school theatre festival (1984) and the institution “Schultheater-Studio” (1991), Frankfurt’s dramapaedagogical Centre. Chaired all Hessen State official in-service-teacher-training and official curricula-commissions. Responsible for official drama last examination (Abitur) standards, legal for all german states (KMK, 2006). Published TIE-handbook (1994) and the books “Theater in der Schule” (2000) and “Zukunft Schultheater” (2008) and many articles in different journals. President of National Association for Theatre in Education BVDS 1995 to 2008, IDEA-Europe coordinator since 2006. Board member of National council of arts (Deutscher Kulturrat) and active in our National Association for Cultural Education BKJ. Joined german delegation in UNESCO World Congresses for Arts Education 2006 in Lisbon and 2010 in Seoul. Member of the german-austrian-switzerland Road-Map-task-force by german UNESCO commission. One of the coordinators of the international Project “Applied Theatre and intercultural work/learning” under the umbrella of IDEA together with ANRAT, TENet, AGITA, BVTS, ND and BDD 2007 – 2010. Joined WAAE from the first international summit 2007 Hong kong until the Hanghzou-summit, China 2016. EC-member in IDEA since 2017 (treasurer).


Jenny Karaviti is a Greek Language and Literature teacher and a theatre pedagogue. She is a graduate of the University of Athens, with postgraduate studies at the University of Essex and the Royal Holloway University of London, UK. She is a founding member of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama and Education Network, involved in the design and implementation of many teacher training programs. She is a member of the editorial board of the "Education and Theatre" journal.  Since 2015 she has been involved as a coordinator for Northern Greece and as a trainer in the “it could be me – it could be you”, an awareness raising program on refugees and human rights, implemented by TENet-GR and the UNHCR. She is a member of the Creative Expression Team of scholars, who created voluntarily the digital work Politropi Glossa (Centre for the Greek Language, 2017).  Since 2017 she is the local coordinator of the project Europe in Perspective: international cooperation in cultural learning.


VasilisTselfes is Emeritus Professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Physics, a long teaching experience in the education of primary and pre-school education teachers and related research in Science Education and Solid-State Physics. His recent research interests include interdisciplinary approaches to Science teaching and learning and the effects of social-educational dynamics on the teaching-learning processes and curricula. He has published over 200 texts in international and Greek journals, collective volumes, conference proceedings and books.


Fani Myronaki is a graduate of the Faculty of Primary Education of the University of Thessaly, has completed her Master's degree in Theater and Education and a holder of a PhD at the Department of Primary Education of the University of Athens with the entitled dissertation "Teacher as a Director-The Director as a Teacher.  From Teaching to Directing and vice versa. " She is a Primary Education Teacher, and since 1/1/2016 she is detached with a four-year mandate as Consultant at the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) for the teaching subject of Theatre and since 4/10/2018 she is Arts Unit Coordinator of the IEP with an annual mandate. She has participated in many conferences with papers and has attended a number of seminars and workshops related to: a) Aesthetic Education and Recreational Activities of Children, b) Creative Writing and c) Drama/ Theater and its Applications in Education.


Giannouli Panagiota (Betty), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece, Vice President of TENet-GR (Reporter)

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens

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