Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Katerina Alexiadi

Katerina Alexiadi

Educator, MA in Theatre Studies, NKUA (University of Athens), MSc in Cultural Management, doctoral candidate in the department of Media, Communication and Culture, Panteion University, Greece

Katerina Alexiadi graduated from the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of the University of Crete. She holds an MA in Theatre Studies- Musicology of the University of Athens/Theatre Studies Department and an MA in Cultural Management of Panteion University in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture. She is also a PhD candidate in the same Department. She has followed the two years course of Music and Movement Education Orff-Schulwerk offered by Moraitis School. She has studied classical singing, harmony of music and classical and contemporary dance. She has participated in theater and dance performances. She has worked with theatre groups for children and she has organized theatre performances. She has been a member of the Organisation Committee and speaker in International Conferences.  She is a secondary school Language teacher in the Experimental Musical High School of Pallini. From September 2014 she is Cultural Project Coordinator in the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica. She is a member of the editing committee of the “Education & Theatre” Journal, of Hellenic Theatre/Drama Education Network, of the Greek Orff-Schulwerk Association and of the Educational Group “To Scasiarxeio”.


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