Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Vgages Stelios

Vgages Stelios

Primary school teacher, theatrical play animator, Greece

Stelios Vgages is a teacher and a Theatrical Play animator. He is currently positioned at the 15th Public Elementary School of Kallithea and he has been implementing Theatrical Play in the learning process. He participates as an instructor in seminars organized by Universities, School Counselors, Environmental Education Centers, City Services and Cultural Agencies. He took part in the teachers’ training and in the development of programs and events of the “Melina- education and culture” project (1995-2003).He is a member of the Hellenic Theater/ Drama education Network and a speaker in many events of the aforementioned association. He was a member of the group that designed the training of the Music, Arts and Theatre Teachers at 800 Elementary Schools, within the framework of a unified program of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs (Organization for the Training of Education Professionals), in which program he was also the main speaker of the introduction seminar for the Theatrical education teaching professionals.As an outsourced scientific collaborator of the Center for Intercultural Education of the Philosophical School of the University of Athens, Vgages has been an instructor of Theatrical Education teachers for the “Inclusion of repatriated and foreign children” program, in elementary schools and in the “Education of Romani Children” program. As an author, he has participated in collective volumes of magazines and books referring to Theatre/Drama in Education. Since 2017, he has been one of the subject matter experts in the project “Universal Planning and Development of Accessible Digital Educational Material”, by the Institute of Educational Policy. Specifically, he is responsible for the creation of “Educational Material with activities for the acceptance of diversity for students and adults, as well as for the development of an inclusive culture through the art of Theatre/ Drama”. Vgagkes is one of the founders of the “Scholio Pechnidiou” (Play School) Cultural Education Workshop.


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