Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Theatre of the Oppressed with Jana Sanskriti

Theatre of the Oppressed with Jana Sanskriti

Patras Greece, 29-30/3/2025, workshop Sanjoy & Sima Ganguly

Event date: 3/29/2025 1:00 PM - 3/30/2025 3:00 PM Export event

Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network – Patras Office
WORKSHOP Master Class for Jokers, teachers, group facilitators
“Theatre of the Oppressed με τους Jana Sanskriti:
Fueling collective wisdom, collective dramaturgy and collective action in difficult times.
Facilitators: Sanjoy Ganguly, Sima Ganguly
A post Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education" Workshop

Patras Greece, 29-30 March 2025
A 10 hours workshop, at “Lithografeio Theatre” Patras, Greece
Saturday 29/3/2025, 13:00 – 18:00 & Sunday 30/3/2025, 10:00 – 15:00


A a postConference  "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education" workshop in P;atras Greece

The workshop is addressed to animators, theatre educators, educators, activists, group members and generally people with little or no previous experience in animation and/or the Theatre of the Oppressed and its offshoots (Forum Theatre, Theatre of Images, Legislative Theatre, Rainbow of Desires).The founders of Jana Sanskriti, the famous network / community of Theatre of the Oppressed groups in India, Sima and Sanjoy Ganguly are among the most influential animators-Joker at Forum Theatre in the world, with vast experience and very great influence on the local community of West Bengal.
Sanjoy & Sima Ganguly and Jana Sanskriti's journey began in a small village in Sunderbans (West Bengal) in 1985. Today it has 30 "satellite" theatre companies in West Bengal, and in 9 other states/states of India.  These groups reach at least 2,00,000 spectators each year through their performances. As Augusto Boal said, "Jana Sanskriti is the largest and longest-running forum theatre intervention in the world". Of the groups in West Bengal, nine are all-female. Since 2004 and every two years the center "Jana Sanskriti" also organizes a fortnightly Forum theater festival called Muktadhara. The important reason for organizing this Festival is that it becomes an international meeting place for Forum Theatre companies from all over the world, as well as for those trained by Jana Sanskriti all over India. Each of these groups operates in its own regions. Most of them are also leaders of organizations involved in struggles to assert the rights of the marginalized. In November 2015, the Jana Sanskriti International Research and Resource Institute (JSIRRI) was created uniting artist-activists from around the world, based on the Indian ethos represented in "Vasudhaiva Kutum Bakum" ("The whole world is one family").
MORE Jana Sanskriti https://janasanskriti.org/

INFO .2106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2025 α' τρίμηνο
  • Πάτρα
  • Ganguly Sanjoy
  • Ganguly Sima

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