Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Creative theater platforms

Creative theater platforms

Agios Ioannis, Pilio Greece 26/8-1/9/2018 Kostas Gakis, actor, director, musician

Event date: 8/26/2018 - 9/1/2018 Export event

  • Attending: 25
  • Seats: 25
  • Remaining: 0
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Theatre Summer Camp – Pilio 2018, Greece
26/8-1/9/2018, Agios Ioannis Beach Pilio Greece
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network  (


"Creative theater platforms"
A workshop on theater, storytelling and human encounter.

Kostas Gakis director, actor, drama teacher and composer, Greece
language: greek


This workshop will explore in a playful and spontaneous way the  transformation of  texts, stories, narratives, dreams, myths and songs into theatrical action according to the principles of physical and narrative theater.

Various exercises,  and theater games will be used, which will help the members of the workshop to release their expressive toolset and enhance teamwork, spontaneity and effortless participation.

The goal is to create a group that will look like a “tribe” of magical synergy, healing and escape from the tough or dull reality. In this “tribe” we will all become teachers of all, we will all become disciples of all, we will all be excited. We will be free to surprise and be surprised and we will accept and welcome everyone' s artistic voice.


Kostas Gakis is a director, actor, drama teacher and composer who believes in a theatre full of empathy, emotions and deep discoveries.  A vibrant  kind of theater that is searching for new paths and a direct connection with the soul of the audience.  He writes the music for the plays, he directs and many times he also performs as an actor. In his performances he looks for a spectrum of emotions that makes us human. He graduated from Athens Conservatoire as a classical guitarist in 2013. He graduated from the National Drama School of Greece in 2004. He graduated from Athens University of History and Archeology in 2005. In 2006 he was awarded the prize of the best young actor in Greece. In 2007 - 2008 he directed his first two pieces. In 2009 he created a play with actors with disabilities and this changed his life because he understood that each one of us is a person with “disabilities” and “special needs” and each of us needs the therapeutic power of art in his or her life. In 2010-12 he adopted and directed “Love' s executioner” a psychotherapeutic tale by American psychotherapist Irvin Yalom. In 2012 he created Idea Theatre Group and now he is the artistic director of Alfa.Idea Theater, a well-known venue in the center of Athens, a dynamic meeting point of young artists with fresh ideas on theater. (Website: www.alfaidea.gr ) He also is a passionate citizen of the world and one of his strongest beliefs is that art can be a great bridge between cultures.  He is a member of Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab and he participated in this Lab both in 2013 & 2014. His plays “Romeo and Juliet for 2” (2013-14), “The tree of Oedipus” (2015-16) and “From Antigone to Medea” (2016-17)have travelled all over the world, including Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, France, Serbia, Italy.

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • Camps
  • 2018
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Gakis Kostas

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