Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Sylvia Missirli

Sylvia Missirli

Local Coordinator of Fokida region (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)

Sylvia Missirli has studied Greek and English Literature and Language and has masters at European Language and Culture, Lifelong Learning and Creative Writing. She graduated from the Department of Drama Studies of the University of Athens in 2015 and she is currently studying History and Theory of Art. She has been working in the public sector of Education for 15 years as a teacher of the English Language while for the last five years she has worked as a Counselor for School cultural and environmental Programs and Projects for secondary education schools of Fokida region. She has attended seminars and workshops on drama and arts in education and organizes workshops for teachers of her region. She is a coordinator of student workshops with the aim of raising awareness on human rights through the use of educational drama and other forms of art in cooperation with teachers from schools of secondary education of Fokida.


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