Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Christina-Maria Amanatiadou

Christina-Maria Amanatiadou

Local Coordinator Thessaloniki (2021, 2020), Assistant Regional Coordinator Northern Greece (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018)

Christina-Maria Amanatiadou obtained a MA in Theater Studies from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She has worked as assistant director on plays in Thessaloniki. Since 2017 she is working as a facilitator in creative crafts and activities' workshops in KIRKO. From 2018 up to now she is a collaborator from different positions in the program named 'It could be me-it could be you', organized and implemented by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) in association with and the support of UNHCR Greece (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). Since 2018 she is Assistant Regional Coordinator Northern Greece of the program. In 2019 she started working in the same program as a facilitator in theater-pedagogue workshops for students and teachers and in 2020 she became a local coordinator of the program in Thessaloniki, Greece. She has taken part in many educational seminars and projects about interculturality, theater and human rights, both Greece and other countries. An university essay of hers was included in the book “The Teaching-In-Role Technique. 50 proposals for Theater Workshops, using the technique Teaching-In-Role”, by Melina Chatzigeorgiou and Avra Avdi, published by Metaixmio Publications.


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