Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Different kinds of silence in life and in the theatre. We write and perform one-act plays, based on the work of Harold Pinter

Different kinds of silence in life and in the theatre. We write and perform one-act plays, based on the work of Harold Pinter

Athens, 24/11/2018, Workshop, Avra Avdi, Tzeni Karaviti

Event date: 11/24/2018 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 14
  • Seats: 17
  • Remaining: 3
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Different kinds of silence in life and in the theatre. We write and perform one-act plays, based on the work of Harold Pinter

Athens, 24/11/2018

Avra Avdi, Greek language and literature teacher, drama teacher, Greece
Tzeni Karaviti, Greek language and literature teacher, theatre/drama pedagogue, Greece

2,5 hour workshop
organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)


The Workshop "Different kinds of silence in life and in the theatre. We write and perform one-act plays, based on the work of Harold Pinter"
is an accredited workshop offered as part of the
“it could be me – it could be you - an awareness raising project on refugees and human rights"
using experiential learning, theatre and educational drama techniques
implemented by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in collaboration with the UNHCR 

Language: Greek

This Creative Writing workshop, which is included in the digital work "Politropi Glossa", is aimed at secondary school teachers. In the beginning, a brief theoretical introduction to the aims and methodology of Creative Writing a well as a short discussion of the significance of silences and pauses in the theatre based on the text “The languages ​​of silence",by K. Georgousopoulos, will take place. In the pre-writing phase, participants working in groups, explore the content and form of a one-act play by Harold Pinter, focusing on the characters’ silences and pauses. In the writing phase, they further explore the characters, using drama techniques, and suggest changes towards a possible adaptation of the one-act play. Then, using the one-act play as a model, they write their own one-act plays. At the post-writing stage groups share their plays, receive feedback and make improvements. The workshop is completed with the groups’ stage rendering of the texts written.


Avra Avdi is a Greek Language and Literature teacher and a Drama teacher. She worked in secondary education as a Greek Language and Literatute teacher as well as a Cultural Advisor (1982-2011). At the same time, for 15 years (2001-2016), she taught two Process Drama courses at the School of Drama, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has been systematically involved with Drama in Education and school theatre, employing knowledge gained from postgraduate studies and related research. She has led seminars on teacher’s training and published a variety of articles on school theatre. Together with Melina Chatzigeorgiou she co-authored two books "The Art of Drama in education. 48 proposals for drama workshops "(Metaixmio 2007) and "When the teacher is in role.50 proposals for drama workshops with Teacher in Role" (Metaixmio 2018).In terms of language teaching, she has long experience in teaching and staff training, and has authored several texts in this field. More specifically, she has authored, as part of a team, “Ekfrasi-Ekthesi” (Expression-Dissertation, 1985-89), Curriculum on Greek language (1998), “Politropi Glossa” (Digital Educational Material, 2017).


Jenny Karaviti is a Greek Language and Literature teacher and a theatre pedagogue. She is a graduate of the University of Athens, with postgraduate studies at the University of Essex and the Royal Holloway University of London, UK. She is a founding member of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama and Education Network, involved in the design and implementation of many teacher training programs. She is a member of the editorial board of the "Education and Theatre" journal.  Since 2015 she has been involved as a coordinator for Northern Greece and as a trainer in the “it could be me – it could be you”, an awareness raising program on refugees and human rights, implemented by TENet-GR and the UNHCR. She is a member of the Creative Expression Team of scholars, who created voluntarily the digital work Politropi Glossa (Centre for the Greek Language, 2017).  Since 2017 she is the local coordinator of the project Europe in Perspective: international cooperation in cultural learning.

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens
  • Avdi Avra
  • Karaviti Tzeni

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