Theo Ambazis, Greek composer and theatre director, was born in Athens in 1967. He studied piano and music theory at the National Conservatory and N. Skalkotas Conservatory. He also studied music composition at the Music Academy of Utrecht with HenkAlkema and orchestra conducting with David Porcelyn and Kenneth Montgomery. At the same time he collaborated with the Theatre Academy of Utrecht in music-theatre productions and seminars. As an Onassis Foundation Scholar in 1993 he continued his studies on music composition with the professor Tristan Keuris and for the period 1993-95 he studied along with Dimitris Terzakis at the Music Academy of Bern. He is the Deputy Artistic Director of Greek National Theatre. He has been the Artistic Director of the Municipal and Regional Theatre of the city of Patras (2015-13) and of the town of Kavala (2010-2012), and Treasurer, General Secretary and Vice-President of the Board of the Hellenic Centre of the International Theatre Institute (Unesco) from 2004 to 2010. He teaches theatre improvisation and acting at the Drama School of Athens Conservatory since 2006. In 2006 he was awarded the Theatre Museum Award “Dimitris Mitropoulos” for his music composition at the performances Dream and the Three Sisters-Utconscutivum. Theo Ambazis has presented a lot of his works in many European cities with different music ensembles and he has collaborated with choreographers, directors, poets and artists from various countries. He has also conducted many seminars on music theatre in Netherlands, United Kingdom, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania and Greece. Along with composing for many theatre performances and working with his theatre group “Opera”, he has also solely directed many plays in Greece and abroad.