Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

The story of us / Document Theatre -  documenting one's self

The story of us / Document Theatre -  documenting one's self

Ag. Ioannis Piliou, 26-27/8/2019, Complementary workshop, Georgina Kakoudaki

Event date: 8/26/2019 5:30 PM - 8/27/2019 8:30 PM Export event

Theatre Summer Camp “Pelion Greece 2019”

Agios Ioannis Pelion Greece, 25-31 August 2019

Complementary Workshop

The story of us / Document Theatre -  documenting one's self

Georgina Kakoudaki, theatre director, drama pedagogue
Language Greek

A theatre workshop that aims to invoke personal, family and communal memories of our regional, national and universal history. Participants will become "books of themselves", a principal tool of oral history. Their stories, a part of history. These stories, the stories of "Us", will be used as framework for a performance on the spot that will resignify our relationship with the past, present and future as well as the living space of human activity. Document theatre techniques will be used to connect diverse and resourseful personal material and act as a worthy directing tool for participants.


This workshop is part of the "I could be me  - It could be you" project organised by the TENet-Gr in collaboration with UNHCR Greece

Georgina Kakoudaki is a theatre director, theatre educator and theorist. Her career in theatre, as well as theatre and education spans over 25 years and reflects her diverse experience and expertise. Kakoudaki holds a Master’s degree in Theatre from the Theatre Studies Department of the Philosophical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and has co-authored, participated in and edited publications on directing, film and film aesthetics, experiential and theatre education and other subjects, published by prominent publishing houses in Greece and organizations like the National Theatre of Greece or the Educational Policies Institution. Since 2009, Georgina has been directing professional theatre performances for adolescent audiences focusing on the reinvention of classical texts of ancient Greek and world theatre on the contemporary stage. Her directorial work includes: Sophocles’ Antigone, Euripides’ Helen, Aristophanes’ The Birds and The Clouds, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Goethe’s Faust as well as contemporary plays based on ancient Greek tragedies like the devised Vivid Film/ After the Foam (based on Aeschylus’ The Persians) and Jack Thorne’s Burying your brother (based on Sophocles’ Antigone). She has also collaborated with over 30 theatre and dance companies as a dramaturg and has organized a large number of New Artists festivals alongside a series of organizations and theatres. Georgina has directed a series of site-specific performances inspired by political, science and literary figures (Pericles, Pythagoras, Lafcadio Hearn) as well as the historical narrative imprint of Greek cities (Athens, Heraclion, Pilion area etc), as part of her artistic research in merging the past and the present through the creative and educational force of theatre. As an educator, Georgina has taught theatre as education and other related topics in Theatre Studies (University of Patras, University of Peloponnese in Nafplio, Greece) and Pedagogy University departments  (University of Athens, University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece) and has led
experiential workshops and lectures at universities and theatre organizations abroad (Mexico, Iran, China, Iceland, Serbia, Belarus, Lithuania, Belgium, etc). She has taught drama at numerous public primary schools, high schools as well as public sector educational organizations in Greece. Georgina was also Head of the National Theatre of Greece Library and Archive (1997-2004). Georgina is an active member of the staff of the Pitching Lab workshop of the International Short Film Festival in Drama and has taught film dramaturgy and aesthetics at a number of educational organizations for adult education. She currently teaches Theatre History and Dramaturgy at the Athens Conservatoire Drama School and the Praxi Epta drama school. Since April 2016, she is co-curator of Educational Programmes and Head of the Epidaurus Lyceum – International summer school of ancient drama of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival. During the last few years, Georgina has presented her work as a leader in the fields of ancient Greek drama and the education of young artists and students in international forums and events hosted in Greece and abroad. 


Organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

++302106541600 / info@theatroedu.gr / www.TheatroEdu.g

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • κι αν ήσουν εσύ;
  • Σ8
  • 2019 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Kakoudaki Georgina

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