Zoltán Meszlényi-Bodnár is one of the main founders and president of Nyitott Kör (Open Circle) Theatre in Education (TiE) Company. The association was founded in 2007, though the founders started to work with Theatre in Education methodology together in 2005. He works as a theatre director and actor-teacher in the professional field. He graduated in 2000 at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest as a theatre director. He completed a drama pedagogy course in 2004/2005. He also works at Red Nose Clown doctors Foundation as a clowndoctor from 2004. He carries out trainings for clowns and actors, lectures of Theatre-in-Education, Drama-in-Education. As a trainer he led trainings in international clown camps (Red Noses International) from 2011, in Romania, Sfantu Gheorghe, 2014 and in Witten in 2012. In recent years he led several trainings for theatre practitioners and social workers about the Tools of Involvement in TiE: Nicosia, 2016, Belgrade, 2017 and 2018, Budapest 2018. He participated in the Hungarian discussion of terms and strategies of TiE in 2017, and has been facilitating a new studio program to train young professionals to become actor-teachers.