9th Theatre Summer Camp - Spetses isl., Greece 2010
"Theatrical Routes"
Spetses, 25-31 July 2010
for teachers, actors, theatre studies experts, students, facilitators, NGO executives
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) is hosting for the 9th year in a row a Theatre Summer Camp - Seminar titled "Theatrical Routes". In the campus of Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses, next to the sea, under the guidance of experienced artist-teachers, educators, actors, directors, theatre studies experts, university students, youth group facilitators NGO executives will have the chance to approach different aspects and applications of theatre and other performative arts. The summer camp - seminar includes 5 experiential workshops which will focus on theatrical language, music, puppet theatre, the relation between theatrical art and pedagogy. It also includes film projections and discussions under the schoolyard's pine trees, exercise, bathing, rest and - naturally - entertainment. In the last evening the outcomes of the workshops will be presented and a farewell party will follow.
FACILITATORS-SPEAKERS: Dimitris Kataleifos, director, actor, Filippos Tsalachouris, composer, Athens Conservatory Drama School professor, David Pammenter, director, educator, honorary Principal Lecturer on Theatre for Development, Winchester University, Georgina Kakoudaki, actress, theatre studies expert, Giorgos Biniaris, director, actor, drama teacher, Stella Michailidou, choreographer, actress, Stathis Markopoulos, puppeteer
Lecture, film projection: Michael Meschke, Emeritus Professor in Puppet Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden.
SCHEDULE: Arrival-registration-settling in: Sunday 25/7/2010, 12.00-16.30 Departure: Saturday 31/7/2010, before 11.00AM
Location: Anargyreos & Korgialeneios School of Spetses, 1km from the port. A bus departs in front of Poseidonio Hotel usually when the ferry arrives. No cars are allowed on Spetses island.
ACCOMMODATION: 6 nights in rooms of the School and lunch in its cafeteria (recommended) or in hotels/pensions outside the School.
WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable clothes and shoes for work outdoors, a mat for exercises on the ground, towels, musical instruments or music CDs... good mood! Additionally, printed, photographic or other kinds of material from artistic activities within or outside school which will be exhibited in a specially designed space around the front desk. Films on DVD that are made with or without the participation of students are also welcome.
SEMINAR'S ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE: Dionysia Asprogeraka, Stella Georgoulea, Paschalia Michalopoulou, Thanasis Oikonomou, Dina Tsolaki
COORDINATION: Betty Giannouli
Workshop 1: "Warm and cold in the art of theatre", Dimitris Kataleifos, director, actor
Workshop 2: "About love", Giorgos Biniaris, director, actor, drama teacher, Stella Michailidou, choreographer, actress
Workshop 3: "Tragic chorus: beginning and destination", Filippos Tsalachouris, composer, Athens Conservatory Drama School professor
Workshop 4: "European project mPPACT - Methodology on a Pedagogy centered on the Student and the Performative Arts", David Pammenter, director, educator, honorary Principal Lecturer on Theatre for Development, Winchester University, Georgina Kakoudaki, actress, theatre studies expert
Workshop 5: "Theatre of embodiment: interactive narration and application in the classroom", Stathis Markopoulos, puppeteer, President of the Greek Department of the International Puppetry Association - UNIMA Hellas
Εισήγηση & προβολές ταινιών, κάτω από τα δέντρα με τίτλο: "Το θέατρο στ' ακροδάχτυλα" από το Michael Meschke, καλλιτέχνη, σκηνοθέτη, καθηγητή της θεατρικής τέχνης, Emeritus Professor in Puppet Theatre, Στοκχόλμη, Σουηδία
Ο Michael Meschke, καλλιτέχνης, σκηνοθέτης, καθηγητής της θεατρικής τέχνης, θεωρείται ο «μαριονετίστας του 20ου αιώνα». Διεύθυνε το τμήμα κουκλοθεάτρου Dramatiska Institute της Στοκχόλμης, είναι μέλος της Σουηδικής Θεατρικής Aκαδημίας και η ψυχή του Marionetteatern της Σουηδίας. Στο ρεπερτόριό του περιλαμβάνονται έργα κλασικών, όπως οι Έλληνες τραγικοί ποιητές, ο Όμηρος, ο Δάντης, ο Σαίξπηρ, ο Γκαίτε, έργα νεότερων συγγραφέων, όπως ο Αλφρέντ Ζαρύ, ο Μπέρτολντ Μπρεχτ, ο Μπορίς Βιαν, καθώς και έργα από λαϊκές παραδόσεις.Δουλειές του καλλιτέχνη που έχουμε δει στην Eλλάδα είναι η Aντιγόνη στο Λυκαβηττό το 1978, ο Κύκλος του Oιδίποδα το 1980 και η παράσταση του ταϊλανδέζικου έπους το 1984. Το 1985 ίδρυσε το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Mαριονέτας της Ύδρας. Στο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Μαριονέτας στη Σαρλεβίλ-Μεζιέρ το 2009 τιμήθηκε από το Διεθνές κέντρο Μαριονέτας για το σύνολο της καλλιτεχνικής του προσφοράς. Bιβλία και άρθρα του έχουν δημοσιευτεί στα αγγλικά, στα γαλλικά, στα γερμανικά και στα σουηδικά. Στα ελληνικά κυκλοφορούν από τις εκδόσεις Γκούντενμπεργκ τα βιβλία Το θέατρο στα ακροδάκτυλα (2004), Τρεις ελληνικοί μύθοι (2007) και Πρόσωπα / Visages (2009). http://www.michaelmeschke.com/