Inclusion of refugees in education
Athens International Conference “Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education”
Athens 22 March 2025
Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)
Language: Greek
Coordinator: Alexandra Androussou, Athens University Department of Early Childhood Education, Greece
Lefteris Papagiannakis , director of Greek Council for Refugees, Greece
Nadia Tsene, teacher, former Head of 1st Gymnasium Avlona, Greece
Pepi Papadimitriou, teacher, Refugee Education Coordinator at Ritsona Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) , Greece
Petros Charavitsidis, Assistant Professor Athens University Department of Early Childhood Education, former Head of 132 Primary School Athens, Greece
Giorgos Simopoulos, UNICEF, Greece
Galina Altouchova, Head of the Department for the Coordination and Monitoring of Refugee Education, Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports Greece, secondary education teacher, former Refugee Education Coordinator at Skaramanga Closed ControlledAccess Centre Greece
Dionysis Pavlou, Refugee Education Coordinator at Lesvos Isl Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC), Greece
Victoria Koemtzopoulou, Refugee Education Coordinator at Diavata Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC), Greece,
One of the challenges facing the Greek educational community and the wider society since 2015 is the inclusion of refugee children in public school. The movement of refugees andmigrants to the West is obviously not a new phenomenon. However, for the Greek reality, the large number of refugees and especially children of school age was a bet for the Greek schools.
The discussion revolves around questions concerning the relationship between formal and non-formal education with the refugee situation.
- Is the Greek school an environment that accepts children who have not been schooled for many years?
- Is education legislation flexible and responsive to crisis conditions?
- How are refugee children treated at different levels of compulsory education?
- How prepared was the educational community for such a challenge?
- How have educational associations, solidarity groups, municipalities and NGOs dealt with this condition?
- What did the educational community "learn" from the presence of refugees?
- How do the trainings organized around this topic work?
- How the role of teachers is given different meaning through the role of Refugee Education Coordinators
Participants of this table consists of people who, in addition to their scientific competence, have many years of experience in the field of refugees.
Action Category | - Seminars - Workshops
- Conferences
Year | |
Cities | |
Facilitators | - Παύλου Διονύσης
- Τσενέ Νάντια
- Ανδρούσου Αλεξάνδρα
- Σιμόπουλος Γιώργος
- Κοεμτζοπούλου Βικτωρια
- Παπαγιαννάκης Λευτέρης
- Παπαδημητρίου Πέπη
- Χαραβιτσίδης Πέτρος
- Αλτουχόβα Γκαλίνα