Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

The elephant, the shadow and the ant

The elephant, the shadow and the ant

Athens, 25/11/2018, Workshop, Rita Poutahidou, Christina Zouridou

Event date: 11/25/2018 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 5
  • Seats: 15
  • Remaining: 10
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The elephant, the shadow and the ant

Athens, 25/11/2018

Rita Poutahidou, actress, musical, director, theatrical pedagogue, Greece
Christina Zouridou, drama teacher, actress, Greece

Workshop 2,5 hours
organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr)

The Workshop "The elephant, the shadow and the ant" is an accredited workshop offered as part of the
“it could be me – it could be you - an awareness raising project on refugees and human rights"
using experiential learning, theatre and educational drama techniques
implemented by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in collaboration with the UNHCR 


Language: Greek. English

As part of the "It could be me – It could be you" Program, members of Theatre Cultural and Artistic Centre Poupoulo together with the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network and UNHCR prepared and implemented a theatrical / workshop on the concept of tolerance, mutual understanding and mutual respect in the 2017-2018 school year. The workshop was intended for Primary education. The source of inspiration is the tale "The Elephant, the Squirrel and the Ant" by Daisy Mrazkova, a children's book writer. The text allows us to create and work safely in a fantasy environment with characters / conditions that are closely related to the reality of the children. It explores “my position in the family, my position in society and my position on something unexpected”. The workshop is based on the techniques and methods of the Drama in Education and was designed by Rita Pοutachidou - actress, director, Christina Zouridou - actress, theatrical pedagogue, Giannis Poutachidis – theatrical pedagogue, director.


Rita Poutahidou is an actress, musical director and theatre pedagogue. She graduated from the musical-dramatic section of Brno's Conservatoire, Czech Republic, and specialized in the Drama in Education of the Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Brno. She taught Educational Drama and Theater to educators at PECs. She organized and taught and directed theater groups of the municipalities of Thessaloniki, Ampelokipoi, Ag. Georgiou. She was an artistic associate of the Cultural Capital of Thessaloniki 1997. She organizes theater and educational programs in educational and cultural institutions, camps in Greece and abroad (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Australia, Germany). She founded in 1983 the Theatrical Art Center "POUPULO", where he teaches plays and directs to this day, drama to children, young people and adults. It has been honored by UNESCO "Women Creators of the Two Seas". She was a member of the jury of the Central Macedonia Region, the Pan-Hellenic Artistic Games of the Ministry of Education (theater).


Christina Zouridou, drama teacher, actress. She studied at the University of Central England  with a specialty Teacher of Drama/Theatre in Education  and Dramatic Art at Mary Traga’s school. She has taught drama/theatre in education in primary and secondary education and cultural organizations in Athens and Thessaloniki. Founding member of the Theatre group “Peftasteri”. A  member (GA) of POUPOULO (Theatrical Artistic Cultural Center) . She works as a Drama teachet in KEDiTH. She directs and organizes theater education programs at the Municipal Cultural Centers of the country.

Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2018
  • Athens
  • Zouridou Christina
  • Poutachidou Rita

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