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International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education""
Athens Greece, 21,22,23 March 2025
The theatrical educational model through the neurological approach of acting
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Annita Capousizi
I am Malala - a process drama approach to address gender-based violence in classrooms
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Adam Cziboly
"The Navel of the Earth"- A workshop on inclusion
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Maria Frangi
"POWER!" Exploring and blocking racism within and around us
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, George Moschos, Olga Orfanidou
Lotus Project yoga meets poetry
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Bruno Freyssinet, Foteini Dimitriou
Who Was My Granny
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference workshop, Sunčica Milosavljević, Nataša Milojević, Mladen Brekić, Sara Prodanović
The Raft Game
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Georgia Antoniou, Angeliki Kladi
A Thousand Languages of Dance: Dance as a Tool for Inclusion
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Maria Papadopoulou
Journey to the Water
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Tríona Stokes
We all can…supporting diversity through enhancing the general self-confidence of adolescents in secondary education
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Aikaterini Asimidou, Antonios Lenakakis, Angelos Souliotis
Oficina Manta plus democracy and modern slavery
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Hugo Miguel Coelho
Biography Based Language Teaching Through Creative Drama
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Ferah Burgul Adıgüzel
Devised Theatre - new meanings and new narratives
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Sofia Vgenopoulou
Changing Horizons - How do you relate to your new environment?
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Tom Willems
The acceptance of self through the affirmation of others
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, Lambros Arapakos, Giouli Douvou
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International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education""
Athens Greece, 21,22,23 March 2025
"Me, You, Together!"
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Eirini Zoi, Foteini Papacharalampous, Melina Hadjigeorgiou
Theatre of the Oppressed in Education
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Alessandro Tolomelli
One Well, One World: Activating Water Justice in the Global Textile Industry
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Philip Valle, Phyllis Wong, Amani Arellano, Jenna Brock, Sara Sjoblom
Elements of applied theater and technique by Ivana Chubbuk 12 Tools in drama pedagogy on examples of scenes from plays by A.P. Chekhov
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Arma Tanovic Brankovic
Theater as an Awareness Practice: 1955 - 2024, a Bus Ride
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Maria Olga Athinaiou
"Everyday stories through trace, movement, and sound”
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Vagelis Kolotsios, Elina Vafeiadi
Embodied Storytelling: Exploring Kathabhinaya for Empowering Vulnerable Social Groups
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Janardan Ghosh
Oratio Mix, intercultural dialog at school
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Noémie Besace, Bruno Freyssinet
"The things couldn't fit in my suitcase"
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Ömer Adıgüzel, Zeki Özen
‘Truth or Lie’ - simple responses to a complex world
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Lutz Pickardt
Devising as a Process of Inclusion and Developing Group Harmony
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Sanja Krsmanović Tasić
The Red Lantern Festival, or How the Emperor’s Maidservant changed his Mind and Saved the People
Athens, 21/03/2025, conference workshop, John O’ Toole
Uninstall the installs: deconstructing the roots of fascism
Athens, 22/03/2025, conference workshop, Katerina Alexiadi, Vasilis Klisiaris
The prince and the prince
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference Workshop, George Konstantinidis, Elena Skarpidou
Visible and invisible gender based discrimination in the educational environment: Exploring the gender dimension of inclusion
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Nadia Kati, Hara Tsoukala
Identities, interculturality and theatricality: challenges, contradictions and reflection
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Despina Karakatsani
Issues of theatrical representation of the otherness: Τhe case of Roma
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Eleni Tsetsekou, Christina Zoniou
Dogmatisms, Religious fundamentalism, politics and performing arts
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Angelos Vallianatos
Inclusion of refugees in education
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Alexandra Androussou
Συμπερίληψη προσφύγων στην εκπαίδευση
Αθήνα, 22/03/2025, Ομάδα Εργασίας συνεδρίου, συντονίζει η Αλεξάνδρα Ανδρούσου
Theatre with singing as a vehicle
Athens, 22/03/2025, Conference workshop, Aris Biniaris
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International Conference "Theatre/Drama & Inclusive Education""
Athens Greece, 21,22,23 March 2025
“Codes Under the Shadows”
Athens, 23/03/2025, conference workshop, Aglaia Naka, Christos Rachiotis
Play Jam
Athens, 23/03/2025, conference workshop, Eleni Papaioannou
"Me and the Other…"
Athens, 23/03/2025, conference workshop, Giorgos Bekiaris
"My name is... mine!"
Athens, 23/03/2025, conference workshop, Antigoni Tsarbopoulou
Talking About the Ideas of Hate in the Classroom
Athens, 23/03/2025, conference workshop, Kostis Papaioannou, Aspasia Kalisora
‘Where’s mum?’ Applying Drama for Gender Equality Education
Athens, 23/03/2025, conference workshop, Martha Katsaridou, Koldo Vío
Towards an arts-based school: Challenges and experiences for the inclusion of Roma children
Athens, 23/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Katerina Kosti
Theatre-Performing arts and prison education: limits, challenges, perspectives
Athens, 23/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Giorgos Moschos
Performing Arts, Education and Disability Challenges for artists, facilitators, teachers
Athens, 23/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Maria Koltsida
Shaping Public Attitudes Towards Refugees - The Role of the Media and the Arts
Athens, 23/03/2025, Conference Working Group, coordinated by Stella Nanou
Getting into improv theatre
Athens, 23/03/2025, Conference Workshop, Frank Hohl
Μαθητικό Καλλιτεχνικό Φεστιβάλ - Ημέρα Δράσης 2025 - Αττική
Αθήνα 23/3/2025 Μαθητικό Καλλιτεχνικό Φεστιβάλ - Ημέρα Δράσης 2025 σχολείων Αττικής (Δημοτικά σχολεία)