Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Building the Chorus of Tragedy

Building the Chorus of Tragedy

Pelion Greece, 25-31/8/2019, Workshop for adults, Konstantinos Ntellas

Event date: 8/25/2019 5:00 PM - 8/31/2019 3:00 PM Export event

  • Attending: 22
  • Seats: 23
  • Remaining: 1
  • Price: 50,00 € - 225,00 €
50,00 € - 225,00 €
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Theatre Summer Camp “Pelion Greece 2019”

Agios Ioannis Pelion Greece, 25-31 August 2019


Main Workshop

Building the Chorus of Tragedy

Konstantinos Ntellas, actor, director
Language Greek


 This workshop aims to ask questions and suggest routes on the approach of the existence of the Chorus of Greek Tragedy and its interaction with the Hero.

How can different personalities, paces, codes and references create a common language?

How can a silent network of communication among different realities be developed, so powerful to create an autonomous and self-sufficient space-time, such as  the Chorus of a Tragedy?

The use of ways of walking, various patterns based on forms of traditional dances and songs, the enunciation and comprehension of speech through its fragmentation and rebuilding, are some of the tools that will be used as signposts on the way to the creation of a constant flow; thus, all represented by the Chorus.


Konstantinos Ntellas was born in Piraeus in 1976. He attended classes at the Theatrical Workshop "Black Sphere" by Tota Sakellariou, while attending the Ecclesiastical School of Athens and V. Diamantopoulos’ Drama School at the same time. He has studied the piano, the oud, folk song, folk percussion and Byzantine music. He has taught Greek folk dances since 1998 and is a member of the dancing group of “Lykeio Ellinidon” with which he has participated in performances in Odeon of Herodes Atticus Theatre (Athens), Paris, Cairo, Beijing, Shanghai and Morocco. He has served as a director of the theatre company "Tetarto Koudouni" of the Municipality of Spata and the director of the “Lykeio Ellinidon” theatre group for three and one years respectively. He has acted in various performances and theatrical plays: P. Apostolopoulos’ “Smiling Shoes” (Victoria Theatre), G. Katinas and P.pantazis’ “Hamlet in the Dark” (Tehnopolis), D. Kouroumpalis and F. Korrou’s “Beauty lies exhausted in the road” (Entropia Theatre), J. Kalavrianos’ “Sons and Daughters” (Athens Festival, Bios). He has been a lecturer and facilitator at the Epidaurus Lyceum in 2017, leading the workshop “The circle and the dot” while he has also lead workshops for students of dramatic schools and professional actors. He has participated in the educational programmes of Onassis Cultural Centre of Athens, teaching at highschool students at the Youth Festival in 2019. He has directed the plays "Crime in Nichar" (Paramythia Theater 2011), "Bloody Wedding" (Rages multi- venue, 2012), "The Dissipated Dervish" (Vrissaki multi- venue, 2013), "I Have A Dream" (performance, Ianos 2014), “Greek Vampire” (Benaki Museum, Piraeus Municipal Theater, Santorini, Sifnos 2013-14-15), “Electra, the last blood” (Athens Festival 2015), "INSOMNIA GRECA" (set of facilities / performance, Piraeus Municipal Theater 2016), "Greek Vrykolax [reloaded]" in collaboration with the Cultural Foundation of Piraeus Bank (in the museums of Ioannina, Dimitsana, Tinos, Athens,), Sophocles’ “Antigone” (Little Epidaurus, Athens and Epidaurus’ Festival 2018).


Action Category
  • Seminars - Workshops
  • 2019 γ' τρίμηνο
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Αγ. Γιάννης Πηλίου
  • Ντέλλας Κωνσταντίνος

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