Stathis Markopoulos studied at the State Academy of Puppetry and Alternative Theatre of Prague. He served his apprenticeship at the workshop and street performances of the Spanish puppet company “Marionetas del Matadero” and attended several trainings with Faulty Optic, Improbable Theatre, Mikhaill Khussid, Michael Meschke, Bonyo Loungov and other puppeteers. Since 1992, he works professionally on the field of puppet theatre in Greece and abroad, in productions of “Ayusaya! Puppet Theatre” as well as in collaboration with other theatre and puppet companies in more than 30 productions, designing, making, directing and performing with all kinds of puppets. He has participated in many International Festivals, congresses and training programs on various aspects of puppetry, in collaboration with independent organizations. In the laboratory of “Ayusaya! Puppet Theatre”, he runs an annual adult training course on marionettes, mechanics and animation from which have emerged many of today’s young professionals