Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

Hara Tsoukala

Hara Tsoukala

President of the Board of Hellenic Theatre/Drma & Education Network (TENet-Gr), Greece

Hara Tsoukala is a graduate of Athens University of Economics and Business, department of Economics. She has also a BA in Economics ( Deree College, Athens) and a Master of Arts in Economics( University of KENT,UK). Until June 2014 she served in Secondary Education, teaching Economics, Sociology and Politics in Public Lyseums. She is a founding member of the Hellenic Theatre/Drama and Education Network (1998) and has taken part in numerous theatrical workshops, International Conferences and Summer Camps, organized by TENet. She participated in the Program<< Theatre Skills and the Multicultural School Environment>>, Athens-London 1999, attending workshops of drama education and theatre training at the Central School of Speech and Drama (London). She facilitated the theatre group at the Lyceum of Vouliagmeni (1997-2014): direction/production of 16 theatre plays, two of which won the 1st prize in the Panhellenic  Art Competition for Students( 2005, 2006), coordination/facilitation of workshops(2003-2014)  and direction of a performance, << The fear of the Other>> with participation of Greek and Swedish students( presentation at the 6th International Conference of TENet, 2008), direction of a short performance, dramatizing  the  <<Gaza Monologues>> (Theatre of NEOS KOSMOS, Athens, 17/10/2010). From 2003 until 2014, she facilitated summer theatre workshops, she directed performances with children aged 5-14  in Korifi village, Western Macedonia. She participated in the theatre workshops of the project << Social  ART preneurship for Innovative Solutions>> (Barcelona, June 2015).  She was the coordinator of the Athens office of TENet (2015-2017). She coordinated as well  the project << Monologues across the Aegean sea>> , part of the program "it could be me - it could be you",  organised by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network  in collaboration with UNHCR Greece and NGO "Praksis"(  April 2016-December2016).
She designed together with others the programme of TENet ‘’Roles in life- roles in theatre’’, implemented in the Second Chance School in Korydallos prison and facilitated the theatre workshops(January 2017-June 2018). Since April 2017, she has been the President of TENet-gr.



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«February 2025»
Παιδαγωγική - συντονιστική συνάντηση

Παιδαγωγική - συντονιστική συνάντηση

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